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  1. G

    Sally Jack's Voice

    Well, I found him entertaining, and yes, I also enjoy watching Peter Simon too, and I'm female btw. I don't take the jokes as insults, I take them as jokes. Perhaps, 'weird' would be watching hours and hours of the same item, WITHOUT finding the presenter entertaining, is that perhaps not...
  2. G

    Sally Jack's Voice

    Again, call me weird, but I like her, at least she is car-crashy, very likely to say something completely off piste and drop the whole channel in court any minute, spouting massive tosh with every breath, it's magical. Now Joanne, I can't even bear one second of her droning nasally voice...
  3. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    De Knees is ill, apparently 'bad tummy' so says Joanne today, and Loen is also ill, but didn't mention what. Surely a selling opportunity missed there? Nutribullet to help them back on their feet? Relaxo-rubbish-chair to massage and warm them while they are ill? Mattress or topper, or BOTH...
  4. G

    Dave Bradford

    Started out at QVC pretty much from their beginning if I remember correctly, glad he's doing ok, likeable chap, and before the massive browning and weight gain, I used to think him quite attractive!!! Gosh did I just admit that?!?! Haylp!! :)
  5. G

    Chef william

    To his credit, 'Chef' William, for many many of his first appearances on Ideal, used to point out he wasn't a trained Chef, but seemingly ignored by everyone, so now he either let's it ride, or has been told to let it ride :) Not that I'm being cynical that Ideal would keep calling him 'Chef'...
  6. G

    Indeed Howard, now I DON'T believe a word you say :)

    I've been watching Mike Mason since he was on Bid all those years ago when Sofia Raffat was still there, and he had hair!!!! Sadly, due to personal reasons, I can't watch any channel with adverts on, so am stuck with shopping telly. I have no interest in purchasing anything, never have in 20+...
  7. G

    Indeed Howard, now I DON'T believe a word you say :)

    Why do you all think its 'sad' that I prefer to watch 2 presenters that you dislike? For a start off, have none of you considered these 'personas' are just acts? Secondly, you think it would be less sad to watch some boring monotonal idiot like Joanne say the same things, about the same...
  8. G

    Indeed Howard, now I DON'T believe a word you say :)

    OMG, as an aside, just spotted Rob Locke of shopping telly fame as the headmaster at Kitten college in the Whiskas advert!!!!
  9. G

    Indeed Howard, now I DON'T believe a word you say :)

    Always hear Poward chugging on about how "I hate liars, if you found out I was lying you'd never trust a word I said again" which is kind of a new schpeel, but yes indeed, after the oven show the other day I now won't believe a word he says :) It was the daewoo micro/oven thing, or possibly the...
  10. G

    Could it be him.....?

    Just browsing through my TV guide as I do weekly and noticed tomorrow, Channel 4 at 5pm there is a Come Dine With Me with 'shopping television presenter Howard' as one of the guests. Obviously I can't be sure it's our wee bowel lad, but thought you all may like a heads up to stick it on...
  11. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    Shopperholic, I am so very sorry, I have done the very thing I hate when people do to me, so I unreservedly apologise to you. Happy New Year and an e-hug :)
  12. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    I don't mean to sound rude Shopperholic, but 'the Bid losers' as you are calling them are being allowed to get away with the mis-selling and awful tactics, IW easily have the power to stop a presenter saying anything they want, by simply stopping them going on air. I do hate this approach that...
  13. G

    Ideal World - making your xmas ideal?

    You think there are leftovers when he's finished a show? ........... :P
  14. G

    Ideal World - making your xmas ideal?

    Well of course, Paul Brodel just screams healthy at me when I see him on screen :P
  15. G

    Ideal World - making your xmas ideal?

    .......if you don't want any of the following (obviously ridiculously outlandish xmas gift ideas :P) Styling tongs, straighteners, hairdryers, mens clippers, beard trimmers, electric toothbrushes, nail kits, make-up, mens toiletries, mens clothes, underwear, slippers, indulgent food treats...
  16. G

    Random musings and general banter.

    'Apparently' with regards to PS not mentioning it's 3 flexipayments and just shouting the cost of one of them, I may have the answer. I wrote to IW over the issue of not mentioning once in a sales hour for the Weight To Go rubbish that ALL weight loss schemes need GP consultation before...
  17. G

    The 'little' things :(

    I also HATE the way she points out: "this is my daughter Primrose, my other daughter Florentina, and my step-daughter Nina", she often says "I've got 7 children, 3 of my own and 4 step" just feels wrong pointing it out, but maybe that's just me?!?! I also do frequently shout at the TV, but...
  18. G

    The 'little' things :(

    I love how she brags that she used to be on sale in department stores etc etc, yeah Moira, USED to, did you stop selling to them? Oh, no? I reckon they decided to stop stocking your stuff. Personally, if I was a sales person, I would much prefer my stuff on sale in multiple high street shops...
  19. G

    The 'little' things :(

    Hmm, since I posted this, in the 10am hour it's now just "the same as all those other brands of faux fur", is it NOT the best quality faux fur you can get Moira? OOh, I feel naughty :)
  20. G

    The 'little' things :(

    As much as we all do bork at the antics of PS and Barra Boi, one of the aspects of IW which drives me mad, and is almost as bad, is the little things said without anyone noticing. Moira C is the POTD today, and she has 3 times now, casually thrown out there "these are made of the best quality...