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  1. G

    Mike talking porkie pies again

    I've never believed this line of BS from Mason...many of the other presenters see the start of the countdown clock as an excuse to launch into hyperactive selling mode - Sally Jacks is a prime example of this.
  2. G

    "Cheap and cheerful"...we should have more honesty like this...

    Never thought I'd hear a presenter use that particular phrase to describe an item on the Bid channels, but that is exactly what Andy said when selling the own-brand mini coffee-maker for £10.52 all in tonight. OK, not an earth-shattering product, and if you made the journey to your local Asda or...
  3. G

    Guardian Angels look down on us from the "ethos"...

    ...and Elizabeth Taylor won an Oscar for "Butterfly 8", apparently ! :giggle:
  4. G

    Guardian Angels look down on us from the "ethos"...

    ...according to Peter, who is currently in full meltdown mode selling the Worry Angels.
  5. G

    deal of the day

    Good old Andy Hodgson quite correctly described them in his preview tonight as being "ideal for appliances with low-power usage, like clocks, smoke alarms, remote controls and calculators" and he's just made a point of looking for the expiry date on them during his pitch - why can't the...
  6. G

    Scam challenge!

    Get Bid Bingo involved in a cross-promotion. Every customer would receive a "free" individual bingo card by e-mail (with any initial purchase of over £50 *). On "Bingo Bonanza" day every purchase made would result in one bingo number being texted to buyer's phone ** . First customer to complete...
  7. G

    Fair Warning - Mike Mason

    Plumbing the depths tonight while flogging the cheap electric toothbrush - scaring the sh*t out of people by regaling them with internet tales of people extracting their own teeth and using glue as material for fillings because of the high cost of dental treatment. (Which, he delights in telling...
  8. G

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    . Felt sorry for the lass - didn't catch her name but apparently it was her first night back after a while away from the channel...what a pity it had to coincide with Caveman Mason's shift. He also called her "boring" after the calls dried up a little while she was talking ! (said in a jokey...
  9. G

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    Ugghhhh...selling the pack of batteries tonight...Mikeyboy couldn't resist a few leering remarks to an obviously embarrassed assistant about "girls always needing a lot of batteries at home" He just can't help himself, can he?
  10. G

    An Alternative Career for Steve Mcdonald

    Bernard Bresslaw look-a-like...."Sid....Siiiiiddd...Where are all the girls Sid?"
  11. G

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    For someone who is allegedly a "broadcasting legend" he is an extremely poor communicator. Starts off a sentence with absolutely no idea how he's going to finish it !
  12. G

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    Oh come the Worry Angels...and Peter slips effortlessly into "preacher" mode....
  13. G

    Golders of London...more made-up nonsense?

    Peter mentioned this brand name in a preview for the bag he was selling at 11 p.m. However there was no mention of this neither in the on-screen details nor during the pitch. I Googled "Golders handbags" and "Golders of London" and all I get is lots of links to buying cheap handbags in Golders...
  14. G

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    "this handbag...(long pause) at the foremost of a woman's DNA" I think the medication has kicked in early tonight !
  15. G

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    These two are completely shameless - they are both slagging off "celebrity" perfumes while trying to flog the Woods of Windsor - of course Bid have never sold a celeb perfume in their entire history, have they??!!!
  16. G

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    Peter has completely lost it - couldn't even deliver a ancient one-liner during his preview in MM's shift. (The silence in the studio was deafening). Now camping it up with Peter Sherlock...uggghhhhh !
  17. G

    Free postage

    Agree 100 % with this. Maybe Bid have finally realised that we are in the depths of a recession, most people are cutting their budgets accordingly and that it might make sense to cut their margins a little too. It was also good to see relatively little tat during MM's stint last night and they...
  18. G

    Text Mike Mason on 07432535677

    Has the Goddess put an embargo on him mentioning her...not a peep about her during the whole 3 1/2 hours last night !
  19. G

    Did anyone here buy the own-brand soup-maker?

    Not a lot tempts me on this channel, but during the cold weather the soup maker looked not a bad buy when it was introduced at £24.99. When I saw it later on the other channel it had mysteriously risen to an eye-watering £42.99, so I passed. Did anyone here give it a go - did it live up to...
  20. G

    dongle deal of the day

    The most annoying thing about the pitch for this product is the line "Do you recognise any of these channels?" (which a lot of the presenters have used, apart from Andy), as if we are ****** simpletons and can't distinguish the logos of BBC1, 2 ITV 3 etc patronising !