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  1. M

    Very happy with Glenn Lehrer ring

    Meeshoo so glad they have sorted something out for you, bet do you cant wait for next week, do let us know what you've got and what you think of it when it arrives.
  2. M

    Very happy with Glenn Lehrer ring

    Meeshoo did you get your Glenn Lehrer ring that you wanted ,from your previous thread I thought they managed to sort you out after all the messing about?
  3. M

    Adina Stubbs

    Its the um um you know um ah um you um I just find her stammering through a presentation unbearable to watch so I um um you know just switch off um you know what I mean ah um ah
  4. M

    My Glenn Lehrer ring

    What a shame, are you going to try and get a replacement ? other than the obvious disappointment having the chip in it what was your opinion of the ring had it been in perfect condition.In other words would you have kept it and what stone did you go for ,I am interested because I have a ring...
  5. M

    Furious, angry and spitting blood.

    Miss Magpie your wish has come true an Amethyst Torus ring surrounded in diamonds was shown tonight(sunday) I do hope you managed to watch the show and get one they also done a matching pendant ,my finger just happened to slip and press the buy button on both pieces how clumsy of me lol cant...
  6. M

    GemsTV Oscars

    Matt for me please
  7. M

    Marks and Spence Outlet Online

    The link did'nt work for me either mrs webber
  8. M

    Asda customer care NOT :angry::angry::angry:

    I do so hope you get this sorted to your satisfaction I too have bought things and not opened it there and then to check the contents especially before christmas I bought on line and collected in store at tesco i.e my kindle and cover and some other items it never occured to me to open it at...
  9. M

    GTECH - any opinions?

    I bought a GTech when my swivel sweeper handle broke and I could'nt find a replacement so I thought I'd try it but compared to the swivel sweeper it was pants I eventually found another swivel sweeper and use it every day the GTech is in the back of the cupboard I'm wondering if there's a...
  10. M

    Problems checking out the basket again (after Glenn Lehrer this time)

    I cant understand why they put a Glen Lehrer hour on at sunday mid-day when so many of us are cooking the family lunch and would have no chance to watch and enjoy seeing these lovely pieces let alone purchase any of them for those of you who where lucky enough to watch and buy I hope you are...
  11. M

    Do Gems give a limit on how many items you can return?

    I wonder if what you have read on here is regarding returns on qvc they have sent out letters to people who they consider have sent back to many items in the past.even though they are always going on about the money back guarantee etc. I have bought many items from gems ,rockstv and coloured...
  12. M

    Do Gems give a limit on how many items you can return?

    I'm sure you can buy as much as you want and return what you dont want to keep At one time they did limit peoples baskets but that was when it was rocks tv on the web but I'm sure now its gems tv there is no limit on what you can buy.
  13. M

    The end is nigh.

    A happy new year from me to
  14. M

    It's arrived !!!

    Hi Meeshoo yes I paid for a plastic one, I was'nt told they had run out I just never had one in my Parcel so assumed it was overlooked in the christmas rush I will contact them thanks
  15. M

    It's arrived !!!

    Wow it looks lovely from the pictures I would phone C.S about the book I'm sure they will sort you out I would think its an oversight because of all the christmas orders etc my ring came without the certificate I paid extra for but I will contact them about it and I'm sure I will get one.
  16. M

    what do you think

    Sorry I cant help with the bi-coloured tansy although I did see one being shown and I do agree they looked nice on screen but I have just taken delivery of a triliant cut AA tansy in yellow gold and I am very pleased with the ring it has a good colour and clarity so I do hope your satisfied with...
  17. M

    £60 stocking filler anyone?

    Minim if you were deprived then so was I ,we had similar to what you said nuts tangerines a bit of cocolate and maybe a pencil and rubber or crayons nothing more than a few coppers worth and we so looked forward to opening the stocking which was actually one of dads long wool socks and the main...
  18. M

    Flexi Pay Query

    I'm pretty sure when you have finished your transaction you will see it comes out right and you will only pay the first instalment and the p&p and it will tell you when they will take your second payment.
  19. M

    What christmas presents have you bought from QVC

    I have 'nt bought any christmas presents either though I did buy myself a slanket a few weeks back but it was'nt really for christmas
  20. M

    Bissell 1967e

    Sorry cant help with the bissell either but Hello and welcome from me to