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  1. M

    Beauty box coming to Q Friday?

    :mysmilie_504: so much for all the advice re. glitter nail polish removers, you lovely, helpful people, will try all your ideas! So that's where I got that moisturiser from! It's a great base for make up. :) I love Caudalie.
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    YBF Stacey at Trump Inauguration

    The weather definitely has a bearing, as - not only is it better for their muscles to train in warmer weather - but it conditions them to be able to perform in blistering heat, a training you would never get by remaining in the UK. In addition to the great facilities / hitting partners etc...
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    Kathy Taylor

    Kathy Taylor is never normally on in the evenings, so - until very recently - I hadn't clapped eyes on her for ages, not since the days of the short, spiky hair and glasses. Yes, she had always bumbled her way through her presentations, but, like you, I always forgave her that, as I thought she...
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    Own up who was it.

    "Cool undercover item for the younger sleuth or the dirty old man on the beach who doesn't want to be discovered"!!!! :mysmilie_15:
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    Beauty box coming to Q Friday?

    I'm quite enjoying this daily reveal. One of their better uses of social media. Although, sadly, still interspersed with inspirational quotes (sorry, but I hate an inspirational quote!), their Instagram looks good (current, nice photography etc), but they could do with moving whoever writes...
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    Lulu Guiness is sale preview

    Oh I hate it when that happens! :sad: Things often sell out whilst I'm dithering, but I console myself with the fact that I spend enough money without getting everything I take a fancy to! As Ellaaa says, another bag will come along with your name on it! :nod:
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    Expensive hair products.

    My favourites at the mo are Kerastase Nutritive and Nexxus Nutritive (which smells amazing). I, too, can get a sensitive / itchy scalp, so I use the Body Shop Ginger Anti Dandruff shampoo every 2-3 washes, and that seems to keep it at bay. Also quite liked a Christophe Robin (always makes me...
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    Beauty Loves with Becca TSV 10/02/17

    I've had one or two Becca bits in beauty boxes, which I haven't got around to trying yet, so will be sure to give them a whirl before TSV day, so I can see what I think.
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    Beauty box coming to Q Friday?

    Ooh, will look forward to it! I thought they really missed a trick not doing a Christmas box. This shows some of the brands that will be featured, but still links to the previous box...
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    Lock & Lock TSV 24/01/17

    The demonstrations for this were hilarious! Q seem to think that we all lead such primitive lives, and are crying out for their cutting edge, innovative storage solutions to get our homes in order. I loved the example of the bad food shelves vs the organised ones. :giggle: Catherine was...
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    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    I've been caught out with this before, by ordering Lola Rose items ahead of the shows (as I often don't get to watch). Yes, of course it's annoying, but it would never occur to me to ask Q to refund the difference, as I chose to buy the item at the price they were selling it at. I swiftly...
  12. M

    Anyone bought anything yet

    I'm always tempted by lots of things, but - after Thursday's trip to Space NK - I'm sitting firmly on my hands.
  13. M

    Beauty Weekend One Time Only Prices

    This is my favourite mascara ever! Great if you want bold dramatic lashes. Really elongates the lashes, opens up the eye, and makes it look like you're wearing eyeliner. If you want fanned, feathery lashes, this isn't the best mascara for the job. Tarte's mascaras never irritate my eyes, as...
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    Lulu Guiness is sale preview

    I personally prefer the nude rose, as I love pink and I really like the lip charm they have on the solid colours. I'd say the nude rose is more pretty and classic, and the appliqué one is more abstract and modern. Hope things settle down at work soon, there's nothing worse than working long...
  15. M

    Tarte TSV 15/10/16

    That's annoying! I don't think it's in stock for you to exchange, is it? Seem to remember reading on here that someone was offered a partial refund for a damaged / missing item, but it sounds most unlike QVC to offer something as sensible or helpful as that, so I'm thinking I must have dreamt...
  16. M

    Lulu Guiness is sale preview

    Oh that's funny that you went for the same thing, hope you will be equally pleased with it. Good idea to get a tote for your MOL (lol!), as birthdays shortly after Christmas can be a bit tricky. Just looked at your bags, they're gorgeous, the Annie is very elegant. I've got a Radley bag at...
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    Lakeland Dry Soon 3 Tier Airer 15/01/17

    Wishing your husband all the very best for the next phase of his treatment. I hope it will be a success. xx
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    No more Leighton Denny...

    It's been obvious something was afoot for a while, so not altogether surprising. What does surprise me a bit is that he's happy to relinquish control of products with his name on, as he was always so passionate and fastidious on air. He was so talented, dynamic and inspiring, there will never...
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    L'Occitane TSV 26/01/17

    I've got the mask, extract and cream, so am well stocked for Divine at the mo. Using the Shea Cleansing Oil at the moment, one of my favourite cleansers I've ever used.
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    Cozee Homes ??

    Some nice styles there, and they look like they'd be really soft. I don't even like the QVC one!