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  1. Lottie

    Really Miss Ant On Qvc

    I miss him. I think it might be the reason I don't bother watching anymore.
  2. Lottie

    Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me

    Your brother sounds remarkably like mine! I bought his wife a lovely necklace for her 40th a couple of years back. They are loaded, I'm not. Last year it was my 50th. He told me to come round for drinkies & BBQ as he'd forgotten to post my card. I went round, he was the only one in, he sat...
  3. Lottie

    Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me

    My dad's told me to do as much too Carol. I nearly did it last year, but gave him the benefit of the doubt! I'm a big softie really. I think i'll get my own back when I'm older. If he takes me out, I'll feign dementia, I'll throw stones at cars, I'll go out with no coat on and get sopping...
  4. Lottie

    Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me

    Thing is Carol, he can be a lovely lad and the rest of the time he does do things, like clean up the kitchen when he's trashed it etc..... But it's those special days, like mother's/birthday/christmas when he lets me down.....and I always make his special. He's juist worked hard at his music...
  5. Lottie

    Peachy Bums and Basques

    Use it as an excuse to make him buy you some :grin:
  6. Lottie

    Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me

    Awwww Rosey!! (((((((Rosey))))))) Aren't they so and sos? I think I'd have cancelled the ruddy phone contract! Thank you for all the birthday wishes everyone, I knew I could count on you lot to make me feel better! <img src="">...
  7. Lottie

    Any Hermes delivery people out there?

    Deffo means item has been signed for (by someone) - doesn't mean it's awaiting sig.
  8. Lottie

    Ideal World uk phone number ?

    That number was disconnected months ago.
  9. Lottie


    Don't believe anything you read in that rag though. They can't get anything right. Back in 1912 they reported that the Titanic had hit an iceberg, was being towed back to Liverpool and everyone had been rescued! (I was there) :blush:
  10. Lottie

    Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me

    Just having a not-so-mild rant because it's my birthday today and yet again my son has not got me a card, or a pressie and thinks I'm being fussy..... :devil: He's going on a trip to London tomorrow and has to be in school for 8am. Guess who's told him to walk the 2.6 miles as i'll be in bed...
  11. Lottie

    Just For Fun - QVC Trivia

    dunno, but it does sound like Dick Dastardly's been very very busy :nod:
  12. Lottie

    No More Dicky!

    And there was me thinking our most fave gardener since Percy Thrower had been given the heave ho! I am finding it quite amusing listening to his careful pronunciation of Alan TITchmarsh....he's so desperately trying not to get it wrong :grin:
  13. Lottie

    Jessica Rabbit TSV sometime soon....

    I was being naughty....nothing to do with the Cartoon character :tongue: A different sort of rabbit..... :giggle:
  14. Lottie

    QVC's "dream" new product ranges

    I'm wondering if Strato even realised his other half hacked his account to post earlier! :giggle: Re the ipad - mine's only got 16GB but as the apps take up so little memory, it's not like you need an Archos 160GB as there's no bloatware. I've got zillions of apps and it's only used up about...
  15. Lottie

    Jessica Rabbit TSV sometime soon....

    Well you never know :angel: As all the current products are deadly dull and boring, I suppose we can dream. I haven't got one, I'm wondering if I should keep my eyes out for QVC selling them. I can't wait to see who has to demo it... :clapping: Who would you prefer and what adjectives can...
  16. Lottie


    Perhaps we need to do Fantasy QVC then and just make up products to talk about :giggle:
  17. Lottie

    QVC selling hoses

  18. Lottie

    Titanic Coin

    LOL!! As the government bought them from Lord Elgin, does that mean they can be done for receiving stolen goods?
  19. Lottie

    Titanic Coin

    Yup, but I suppose the intentions were to preserve the ancient egyptian artefacts as previous tombs were robbed when they were discovered. However, now Egypt is more dedicated to preserving its history I can understand Zahi Hawass's desire to repatriate the Egyptian relics :wave:
  20. Lottie

    Titanic Coin

    Kat, I would click thanks under your post, but for some reason, there's no thanks/like etc buttons under your post! There is under the other posts :thinking: Hmmmm I backed out and came back in then refreshed and they've appeared now!