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  1. I

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    She is a pretty little puss Carol. Has she brought any mice in lately? I still laugh about the one your daughter found in her boot!
  2. I

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    My pleasure! You can't beat a bit of Midsommer!
  3. I

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    We have not had any snow over here, although some bright spark at the weather office said that we might get some tomorrow, which is a pain as we have to drive to Dublin, 2 and a half hours in the car! It is very cold though. Got an open fire down, so I don't need my slanket, and just...
  4. I

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Thats a lovely thing to say Frazzled, thank you. I never wanted children, but OH is from a big family and wore me down. During both pregnancies, I was terrified it would be a girl (history repeating itself?), which is ridiculous looking at it now. Thank god I had what my own mum did not have...
  5. I

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Your girls are really lovely Minim. So are mine (boys, I mean). They look nothing like me. A girl I know slightly, collared me at a football match recently and asked whether 23 was a model in Australia!! I said I doubted it and she told me to get on facebook and see a particular photo of...
  6. I

    How many of us are wearing our Slankets tonight?

    I think she is fitting extra bolts to the door and will leave us standing there at the front door in our slankets. I have just bought a crusty bloomer in Tesco.
  7. I

    How many of us are wearing our Slankets tonight?

    I will be round in half an hour with my pink polka dot slanket. If BusyMum nicks all the soup - its war!
  8. I

    How many of us are wearing our Slankets tonight?

    Pink one with white polka dots here too. I had bought one from Primark and a JML one a couple of years ago. There is no comparison at all with the Slanket. I love it and the two men of the house are barred from it. I have told them if they get cold, the cheaper ones are in the airing cupboard!
  9. I

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    He he. I'm 50 now and I don't know any different. It was difficult when I was small, but I don't have too many chips on my shoulders!
  10. I

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Hey! I have just remembered there is a mother who doesn't worry about her kids:- Mine!!
  11. I

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Worry??? Whats that? My 23 (to borrow Minim's expression) has been in Burma for the past week and has hardly contacted us as their phone system is in the last century. He was due back into Thailand today and then going back to Oz. The knot in my stomach gets bigger every day. He is so cool...
  12. I

    Careful, now, you'll have her eye out....

    Oh god! Its my age, I don't know what is trendy any more. Seriously though, I remember old Leighton Denny saying once that nails filed into a point were not good and more likely to split than those which were gently curved or square. His 'woman' Nina has the nicest nails I have ever seen.
  13. I

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    WG, your little boy is lovely and looks as though he is enjoying himself.
  14. I

    Careful, now, you'll have her eye out....

    I was really surprised when I saw the Nails Inc Techi's nails. I think they looked dreadful and not in fashion, surely? My nails grow like mad and I too have to file them down. When I was young, they were really long which made my job as a Secretary difficult when typing, but that was the...
  15. I

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Oh Minim. Meg looks so gorgeous sitting looking out at the snow. I take it she doesn't want to go out and roll around in it!
  16. I

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Ha ha. That flippin sheep has been in and out of the garden like a yo yo all week. The farmer did a job on the wall (not good enough obviously). Then when it has had enough of our grass, it goes for a stroll down the road, comes back into our garden again and through the wall. I am just...
  17. I

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    No snow here in the West of Ireland thank goodness and I don't want any either! When it snows or freezes, we lose our water in the house as the pipes freeze from the road to the house. Its very chilly though. Sue, good luck with the hospital tomorrow. Let us know how you get on. x
  18. I

    Pet Insurance ... yes or no?

    Good Man Louis! Its lovely that you are pottering about. Very handsome boy.
  19. I

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Well, I think it is good to have an enquiring mind! Obviously, Meg agrees.
  20. I

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Our Meg is sooo cute. You would just love to cuddle her! I don't think she would be too pleased though. I love the photos of her surfing the web! Intelligent and beautiful.