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  1. petpixie

    Nicola George tops it off! A new 2013 technique!

    I always found her vaguely unsavoury and since seeing her alter ego Lola, I know why. She comes across as hard as nails and 'it's all about me' and the meaning of the word truth seems to be completely alien to her. I feel she would sell her soul to further her career or make a quick buck.
  2. petpixie

    Slim-Be 30 Strawberry Flavoured Weight Management Try Me Price

    I don't think it's like Slimfast as it doesn't seem to be a meal replacement plan. There's only 40 calories in each drink and the fibre in it apparently swells in your stomach supposedly to keep you feeling full so you eat less. I suppose it may work, but I'd rather try a sample sachet before...
  3. petpixie

    Tongue tied St Peter Simon

    I'm seriously beginning to wonder if there's something wrong with him ~ early onset alzheimers or something. He, or the people around him, should do something because it's not right that he's behaving in such a bizarre fashion.
  4. petpixie

    2013 Support thread

    I hope you have a wonderful day Karen! xx
  5. petpixie

    Gatineau TSV 01/01/2013

    Such a disappointing TSV! I'm totally off Gatineau anyway, but a repeat? So boring and unimaginative.
  6. petpixie

    2013 Support thread

    I'm with you Calvin! Today is the day it all starts! Yesterday was supposed to be the day but mince pies and chocolate took over and the evening passed in a haze of food! I've put on weight ~ I don't want to know how much. My jeans feel tight and I feel bloated and yukky. I'm going to eat...
  7. petpixie

    So what's the plan for New Year's Eve?

    My dog is going crazy ~ shivering and shaking and panting like mad! I hate fireworks!!!
  8. petpixie

    So what's the plan for New Year's Eve?

    My kids are all out, hubby's fast asleep and I'm seeing New Year in with ice-cream and QVC! Sad or what!!!
  9. petpixie

    New Year Greetings

    I'd love to tell you I'm exceptionally gifted, but it's a simple copy and paste Mary :blush:
  10. petpixie

    New Year Greetings

    A very Happy, healthy New Year to all my forum friends! xx
  11. petpixie

    sick of £5.95 P&P on every item!!

    The p&p totally puts me off. I put some items in my basket today and when I totted up the p&p I emptied it again! Absolutely ridiculous paying over £20 on postage for 4 items! Either they're mad thinking people will pay it or the customers are for doing so.
  12. petpixie

    What are you looking for from QVC in 2013 ?

    Combined p&p New product ranges ~ so sick of the same old same old Clothing that I would buy that doesn't involve stretch and lycra and isn't aimed at fuddy duddies TSV's that really do offer value ~ the kind that you'll eagerly look forward to Less talk from certain presenters extolling the...
  13. petpixie

    Hey all

    I don't think we've 'met', but welcome back Ms Sawyer :sun:
  14. petpixie

    QVC Female Presenter Of The Year 2012

    I'm not! Lovely person though she is, Ali K's presenting style makes my head spin and my ears bleed!
  15. petpixie

    Jemma kidd artist pro pallette.

    I've repeat purchased the Jemma Kidd Prep and brightener pen. It's brilliant for hiding blemishes and brightening eyes. It's a little gem and I'm sorry she's gone.
  16. petpixie

    I must be losing it, I bought from bid today!!!!

    Let us know how you get on with them and how many days it is before they disintegrate in a puddle. (Hope they're great!)
  17. petpixie

    Margarine Burgervan...

    I guess everybody has to prioritize what's important to them. I can imagine that it is difficult to fit one and half hours of exercise into a day if you're working full time, but you don't have to do it for that length of time. As I said, I use it for 15 minutes a day (sometimes more) and feel...
  18. petpixie

    Margarine Burgervan...

    My all time favourite show! I can't wait till it starts up again in February. My sons and I are mega fans and can spend ages discussing it LOL.
  19. petpixie

    1 hour 40 mins a day!!!

    Did she just say she was 6 foot 2?
  20. petpixie

    Margarine Burgervan...

    She seems to have food issues from what I've read. She's very very strict with what she eats and imo it looks like she starves herself.