1 hour 40 mins a day!!!


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Maybe she doesn't do it all in one stint. I used to do 2 hours broken up into 2 x hour slots. Not of pilates though, harder stuff, lol! Ah those were the days...

Tiddly - ignore, it was obviously posted for such a response :D

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You have got to hand it to the people using it in the background! Poor souls have been on for an hour, it's wore me out looking at them! :mysmilie_496:
You have got to hand it to the people using it in the background! Poor souls have been on for an hour, it's wore me out looking at them! :mysmilie_496:

I know what you mean I feel the same when Zumba is on. I'm sure I lose half a stone just watching them lol
Well I can fit in a 1 hour Zumba twice a week, if needed I could do it everyday(some have the dvds at home). So you could split the 1 hour 40 mins into two sessions.

I mean Madonna etc do 3 or 4 hours a day, gets up at 5 am. So JF could get up early come to work do it and then in the evening.

Julia does it but cannot remember how long per day?
jill is doing a good job presenting the pilates. i have never seen her on a pilates tsv usually its julia or the other presenters.
Isnt this how Jill started on QVC? Not my favourite presenter but she suits this type of presentation and knows what she is talking about. Much more watchable than Julia doing pilates in my opinion.
Isnt this how Jill started on QVC? Not my favourite presenter but she suits this type of presentation and knows what she is talking about. Much more watchable than Julia doing pilates in my opinion.

yes that was how she started. she was the fitness 'expert' for a long time. i can remember being really surprised when she turned up on a jewellery or beauty show because she seemed so out of place and assumed she was a last minute stand in. took a while to realise for some reason, she'd become a full presenter.
Could she have said "One hour forty minutes, " but meant "One hour/40 minutes"? IYKWIM
I suppose like anyone with a real passion for something, she makes time for it. Also I don't think she has children so that probably frees up quite a bit of time (it does for me anyway).

Linda xx
margarine just said 20 mins, 3 times a week.

before the mammoth, full medical history T caller. good grief......
JF said that she does 1 hr 40 mins a day of pilates a day. Would you have that much time to spare every day?

I don't think that much is recommended. The benefit comes from shorter sessions and quite regularly. Even 1 hour and 40 minutes a day if split up is overkill and would, I believe, put too much pressure on the joints. Too much of a good thing.......
"This message has been deleted by Sazza.
Offensive and Rude"

Not having a go at the mods because it's a job I wouldn't want to be doing, but isn't it up to us, as readers, to decide if we find something offensive and rude? The definition of a forum is "a public meeting place for open discussion", if mods are going to come and delete posts that they don't like then it's no longer a forum and more the sort of thing you'd find in North Korea or China. If people's true opinions are going to be censored then it'll completely spoil the whole experience here.
I understand your point Moth but in my opinion Sazza did absolutely the right thing. The moderators job is not one to be envied but as a moderator it gives you a badge to wear that says 'it may not be my personal opinion but it's my job as moderator to make the call as to what is best for the forum'. For other forum members to speak out it starts to become personal for some. And it's what's best for the forum that counts and Graham's livelihood goes with that.

Sazza - not trying to say you did or didn't agree on a personal level, just quoting an example.
"This message has been deleted by Sazza.
Offensive and Rude"

Not having a go at the mods because it's a job I wouldn't want to be doing, but isn't it up to us, as readers, to decide if we find something offensive and rude? The definition of a forum is "a public meeting place for open discussion", if mods are going to come and delete posts that they don't like then it's no longer a forum and more the sort of thing you'd find in North Korea or China. If people's true opinions are going to be censored then it'll completely spoil the whole experience here.

Well in this instance the posts were reported so it did cause offence and it was being rude to a fellow forum member.

I can assure you I do not just delete posts because I don't like them and I find it offensive that you are suggesting I do this!!

I understand your point Moth but in my opinion Sazza did absolutely the right thing. The moderators job is not one to be envied but as a moderator it gives you a badge to wear that says 'it may not be my personal opinion but it's my job as moderator to make the call as to what is best for the forum'. For other forum members to speak out it starts to become personal for some. And it's what's best for the forum that counts and Graham's livelihood goes with that.

Sazza - not trying to say you did or didn't agree on a personal level, just quoting an example.

Thanks you Debra!
I actually reported the post in question because I found it really offensive - and I would do it again with a similar post. The content, in my opinion, was spiteful and when I challenged it with the poster, she was rude towards me too.

As to comparing moderating a forum with being in a communist state...well, I disagree. Should someone really be able to call a stranger they have never met a 'sad, disgusting, scrawny cow' as a starter with more added for extra 'bite' without any comeback?

Where does free speech end and bullying begin?
Fair enough :) Sazza, apologies, I had no intention to cause offence to you. I certainly wouldn't want to be doing your job here! I never saw the original post, only that it had been removed. Now that I know what and why, I agree with your actions. Personal insults between members is going too far, but I couldn't tell that from the message left in place of the deleted post. I guess part of it is old fashioned noseyness too - it's frustrating to see that something has happened but not knowing what :D

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