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  1. C

    My QVC Presenter Shopping List (all from Amazon of course)

    You must have decided Anna doesn't need another Thesaurus. I think the money belt for Debbie Flint maybe, for her stall? And the charisma book for Charlie?
  2. C

    Pack it in with the mini sizes L'occitane

    Alexis has left me bemused in the past by her theories on how long things last - I have really long curly hair ( no, don't visualise Michelle Hope please, :wait:its different, honest, well, it can be..) and a trial size conditioner possibly wouldn't be enough for one wash, I would need to...
  3. C

    % useage of beauty items that can then be returned under the 30day MBG?

    I don't see how they can enforce the % use thing given that they say use for 30 days. I recently had a set with tiny tiny samply 5 ml sizes, if you used them every day for 4 days they'd be gone.
  4. C

    Good Grief Alexis!

    When Julia said the dress was French connection and then 'I'm honest', it did make me realise how much they are not the 'department store' with great fashion they make themselves out to be. How many times have they repeated how some dress they stock (like the recent Tiana B tsv) is perfect for...
  5. C

    £23 for a Xmas pud? GET REAL!

    That sounds sooo nice! I'm on a diet, you had me at 'gooey'.... What was this about? Oh yes, the price of the pudding ...this is classic example of the p and p being so large and the product being so small that the p and p is what you would expect the price of item to be. Sometimes I think...
  6. C

    Sorry, but Jill Franks is totally thick!

    My mum loved the guinea pig i had when I was at school, he got all the most delicate salad fayre from M and S! And the run of the lounge sometimes where he startled guests by suddenly emerging from under long tablecloths. One time my mum gave him some grated beetroot which led to a shock for...
  7. C

    Now why are they thanking Kimmy Co ...

    I know I'm resurrecting an oldish thread for a slightly off topic reason, but I took your recommendation seriously and looked these up on Amazon. The Night Stalker looked a bit too graphic for me - I read a few Tess Gerritson a while back but I started to find them a bit too much. Is 'The...
  8. C

    Good Grief Alexis!

    Julia might be a fair bit older but Alexis is no teenager either - I think if you're really into dressing 'age appropriate' (which I am totally not!) then anyone over 25 is pushing it with that dress. But how boring would that be! Risks of drag queen look aside I think they both look really good!
  9. C

    Good Grief Alexis!

    I wonder if they realised how similar the dresses were.
  10. C

    Did I hear right ??

  11. C

    can you help me??

    I kind of agree that most products will just add moisture, but...having said that, back into denial.... have you thought about trying the Alpha H eye stuff, they always go on about that being good for pigmentation issues because it is like a non abrasive exfoliant. I have tried it and I quite...
  12. C

    Did I hear right ??

    However good something is no one needs more than a few. I do feel sorry for the caller, QVC call ins do get this unfiltered madness coming through sometimes. Not really saying the caller is mad, just has this area of her life out of control and needs help. I don't know what was said on the...
  13. C

    This Forum

    QVC need to accept that they can't censor their online presence. If they want the marketing advantages of being online in various places and allowing participation then they aren't going to like everything written. Totally agree it is illogical to target this forum, maybe they are just taking...
  14. C

    More Used Goods

    I think it is illegal, it is in America I read. So maybe anyone who gets these goods should complain to trading standards or someone aswell as QVC. Personally I have already decided that any gifts I was thinking of getting /items for me will be ordered elsewhere, even though it means I won't...
  15. C

    Stacey's Plea for Amica

    Yes, I didn't see it but I really hope any trial or treatment will work out well for Amica.
  16. C

    30mbg & Xmas

    I don't think of it as abusing the system because if you give a gift on Xmas day and the recipient uses it then it is returned, it can't be resold. Or it can't 'officially' be resold, so it is no worse than something used for longer than can't 'officially' be resold. The end result is the...
  17. C

    30mbg & Xmas

    Just say you can hardly ask the recipient of your gift why it got so dirty in the time they had it!
  18. C

    30mbg & Xmas

    You shouldn't need to tell them, they never mention that on air and don't give you the option on Qcut or online to 'select' present option, also they always say to decide when you see something whether you give it or keep it etc.
  19. C

    Ooops! Roots alert to JR...... B and W show

    Interesting, they're very lucky.
  20. C

    Ooops! Roots alert to JR...... B and W show

    My mum is in her seventies and isn't grey. She has red hair with a really strong pigment and it has hung in there, although got lighter. Ok now there are a few bits to touch up at the front but she only occasionaly has them done and I never notice any grey. Unfortunately it has already become...