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  1. barbedwire


    Wanted to make an order earlier on as I had an easy pay code. Tried five times without success. On the sixth attempt order went through but they haven't taken the easy-pay code off. Rang up to cancel but was told it was too late already. Poo with knobs on.
  2. barbedwire

    please take their I pads away.

    I can't claim credit for finding this clip as it was down to fellow forumite Vivalas. But, one time soon, with all the iPad flashing and bluster this will probably happen...:happy: (NSFW btw if anyone is easily offended!)
  3. barbedwire

    Elemis rip-off

    I haven't tried the Aldi ones but I've tried the equivalent range from Lidl which has similar products. The moisturiser in particular was superb, coming in at only £1.98. Excellent quality, no unpleasant fragrance and kept my skin well hydrated and soft. I've heard people raving about the Aldi...
  4. barbedwire

    Please tell me Cashmasoft is rubbish...

    AD, don't go there. It's rubbish! I fell for it and ordered a dip-dye sweater I liked the look of. It bobbled beyond belief and the material smelled vile, like rotting fish. Sent it straight back...I didn't need the extra omega 3 hit... :wink:
  5. barbedwire

    Do you remember your "first time"?

    My first post was years ago, might have been 2007ish. I'd been searching for complaints about Ideal World and it brought this forum up. I think I'd placed an order with them that hadn't shown up and needed a refund. I got lots of help from some lovely folks and then just sort of stuck around...
  6. barbedwire

    More Beauty Lies!

    Art thou sitting comfortably? Then let us begin. :bow: I settled down with a cup of tea and a book last night with QVC on in the background. It was the 9pm SBC hour. I heard Alison raving about one of the face cleansers from the range and she said "this is a cleanser that is so different to...
  7. barbedwire

    Getting Daniel Green for a few months to cover meternity leave

    I shall never ever forget him closing out a Northern Nights show with two amazing clangers. He was forced to kill some airtime as he'd finished the show too early, turned to Suzy and said "that's a nice necklace you're wearing, it's got to be a QVC one?", "No" replieth she. *tumbleweed rolls...
  8. barbedwire

    In The Salon With SBC TSV 8/1/13

    I've just thrown out a three quarters full litre bottle of Arnica that was on my shelf for about three years and staring at me malevolently every time I entered the room. I bought it to see if it would help both my Mum and Dad after they'd both had hand surgery within a year of each other, as...
  9. barbedwire

    Elemis rip-off

    I have done the same the last 12 months. I bought the Elemis TSV to split with me and my Mum last year and although I like the bath products very much, the skincare (I felt) wasn't anything special. The PCMC really didn't do anything spectacular and it smelt too strong for my liking. I'm using...
  10. barbedwire

    The Mystery of Charlie and...

    The eye make up remover... Did anyone see this the other day? I meant to post about it, but forgot until now:blush: Ali Y was on with her beauty fix hour on Thursday and said that she'd been talking to Charlie in his dressing room and found a bottle of eye make up remover. She then added...
  11. barbedwire

    please take their I pads away.

    Indeed. We've seen it before where the presenter has asked a minstrel in the gallery to go online and order, and you think "yeah right" it's all for show etc, but to actually do it while they should be presenting is just not on. I normally don't mind Craig at all, think he's a good chap, but...
  12. barbedwire

    please take their I pads away.

    I thought it was just me who was ready to hurl something at the screen! :grin: But yes, I agree with you totally. It just looks very unprofessional. Also, flashing the iPad about afterwards to prove it too. Bad show, chaps. Bad show. :wonder:
  13. barbedwire

    please take their I pads away.

    OK, another reason to take away their iPads. During the Yankee launch last night an iPad wearing a presenter came on (think it might have been Craig, but these gadgets all look the same...) and made a big fuss of wanting a kit that was on, it was going limited stock, and the usual spiel of not...
  14. barbedwire

    Trespass TSV 05/01/13

    Thanks for your sleuthing SCW, much appreciated :) I missed the original thread! D'oh! This is what I was after, but the XS size will be too big for me.
  15. barbedwire

    please take their I pads away.

    The iPad thing is really quite annoying, more so when there's a guest on with them - a couple of times the presenter's been caught off guard on camera flicking through their iPad whilst the guest is talking and that just looks really rude and unprofessional. No matter how many times the...
  16. barbedwire

    Trespass TSV 05/01/13

    Trespass TSV I see there's a Trespass TSV coming up. I wondered if our forum sleuths knew what it might be? Thank you in advance :))
  17. barbedwire

    Julian's Guest

    It was lovely to see Anthony again, just lovely. He was always my favourite presenter back in the day. A smashing chap and very easy on the eye. I really like the fact he pops back every so often and comes on air - not many presenters (as I can remember at least) have done that. I reckon he must...
  18. barbedwire

    Adrienne Cleasby

    Indeed. The sort of woman who would provide you with a bowl of stew and a brew before you'd got your coat off. Superb.
  19. barbedwire

    The dreaded high street

    Pipa's just said she loves the high street and goes there to shop regularly, that of course she doesn't buy everything from QVC and that there are some great things out there on the high street. A nice refreshingly honest change to hear a presenter say that...
  20. barbedwire

    Jemma kidd artist pro pallette.

    They were giving Jemma Kidd mascaras away with one of the glossy monthlies last month, I got one to try and was hugely disappointed in it - bad quality and flaked and smudged badly within an hour. I'd tried her lipglosses and been very impressed with those though - nice coverage and staying power.