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  1. Waterlily

    Hunting Act - Please Help!!

    Done here too.
  2. Waterlily

    My new kitchen - Birds of a Feather grey, or The Good Life brown?!

    Thank you everyone. Funnily enough my hubby is a carpenter too (cabinet maker). There is no way he could build a kitchen for the price of the DIY ones. If he did make one it wouldn't be made like the DIY ones either lol. He fitted out our first kitchen from scratch, made everything himself...
  3. Waterlily

    My new kitchen - Birds of a Feather grey, or The Good Life brown?!

    I had a new kitchen fitted about two years ago, didn't want white or wood. We actually bought the kitchen quite a long time ago (it was stored while we had an extension built). I went for a stainless steel and black one in the end and I love it but it needs a lot of polishing lol. I...
  4. Waterlily

    Ricky Tomlinson Petition

  5. Waterlily

    my obsession photography

    Wonderful pics, I love the starling one and the squirrel one.
  6. Waterlily

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Hope everyone stays safe. We've had quite a bit of snow over the last 24 hours but it's not snowing at the moment. We are in a rural area and live in a road that's over a mile long with just 6 or 7 houses along it. The road outside our house is a bit iffy and I think only one vehicle has been...
  7. Waterlily

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Been snowing most of the afternoon and still snowing now here.
  8. Waterlily

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    Hi Diamond Diva Our garden ends just behind the greenhouse, the two rows of small trees are in our garden but the falling down shed at the back isn't lol. Hope everything goes well with your appointment Sue.
  9. Waterlily

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    This is a pic from an upstairs window just before it got dark
  10. Waterlily

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    It was just about covering the ground when I got up this morning, then melted a bit. It's snowing hard now though.
  11. Waterlily

    My Best (I mean Worst) Christmas Present, thank you QVC

    Wonderful news Graham. Well done.
  12. Waterlily

    R.i.p ruby

    I'm so sorry madmax.
  13. Waterlily

    Printing Problem- I wonder if anyone can help please

    Hi sublime, thanks for the reply. I've got it sorted now. It was somehow set at 30% instead of 100% lol. Must have touched something I shouldn't have.
  14. Waterlily

    Printing Problem- I wonder if anyone can help please

    My computer is quite old - a Windows XP one, we recently bought a new printer Canon MP 499 it works well except that it suddenly started printing emails in print that was far too small to read. I'm not computer literate at all and I've looked to see if I can change it but can't find a way to do...
  15. Waterlily

    The Down Memory Lane thread...

    I remember Trolls. I had one but they were ugly weren't they? lol
  16. Waterlily

    The Down Memory Lane thread...

    Lyons Corner House cafes, the one in our town was huge.
  17. Waterlily

    The Down Memory Lane thread...

    I remember the twin tub washing machine my Mum's wasn't a Rolls I think there was a cheaper one which she had. Can't remember the make for the moment. My first wage was £3.10s. 0d and that was outer London rates. I had a pair of shiny stretch red boots and absolutely loved them lol. I also...
  18. Waterlily

    The Down Memory Lane thread...

    When I was in my teens, it wasn't right to wear heels with trousers (I think because it was thought as being tarty lol). I've never been able to wear heels with trousers because of this lol.
  19. Waterlily

    The Down Memory Lane thread...

    Crumbs, I remember all those lol. My friend used to wear Blue Grass and I loved L'aiment. Saturday morning pictures was 6d and I remember the Smith's Crisps with the twisted salt thingy were 3d. I used to buy a pack on the way to school with the 3d my mum used to give me, I was most annoyed...
  20. Waterlily

    Que Sera Sera

    Very sad new RIP Cindy. Thank you for letting us know Marie.