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  1. E

    Does Ruth..

    It's definitely a wig - you can tell by the parting. Plus the fact she goes from bob length to shoulder length and back again in a matter of days - I'm talking about Dewberry!
  2. E

    Does Ruth..

    I'm 100% sure Dewsbury wears a wig - I mentioned this on the fawning GB News FB group and was shot down!
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    Does Ruth..

  4. E

    New Presenters

    Even if they are on trial, I doubt that they will be got rid of unfortunately, despite how useless they are - for reasons that we can probably guess.
  5. E

    Debbie Flint on the news.

    The wording of many of their comments were strong, they really didn't like that she was at a Tory conference - fair enough, they have a right to their opinion - so I made the point that people seemed annoyed that it was a Tory conference in particular - I didn't think that people who used strong...
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    Debbie Flint on the news.

    No, good try, but it is lay into (someone or something) - treat yourself to a dictionary. Perhaps they sell them on QVC? :D
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    Debbie Flint on the news.

    Fine, but once again you are completely ignoring her rude replies that accused me of being a friend of hers, just because I took an opposite point of view. It all seems very childish to me.
  8. E

    Debbie Flint on the news.

    Replying to inaccuracies is not "insulting. A PM is a private message, this is a public forum. The person who replied to me accused me of all sorts - so why aren't you calling her out for being "rude"? It seems like it's ok for some people to say what they like on here, but not others...
  9. E

    Debbie Flint on the news.

    No, I think you will find she jumped in & accused me of being a friend of Debbie & of just joining to stick up for - both of which are both childish & untrue. Perhaps you should have a word with her too...
  10. E

    Debbie Flint on the news.

    No, I haven't seen her blog, personally I don't care what she writes, I believe in freedom of speech - it's up to QVC what they allow their employees to say in their work blogs. The person I was replying to laid into me first, if you go back & actually read her replies. But, we've both said our...
  11. E

    Debbie Flint on the news.

    Crystal, if you check, it was actually she who started the tit for tat - accusing me of joining to defend my "heroine", childishly pointing out (non-existent) typos, telling me to "calm down", when it was she who rushed in - check her replies. And if you actually read my replies, I was actually...
  12. E

    Debbie Flint on the news.

    It was you who tried to have a go at me, my whole point was that
  13. E

    Debbie Flint on the news.

    Hello there, Donna - "Liebour" is often used as a put-down to emphasise the lies that Labour spins - you probably have difficulty with plays on words as you are clearly so basic with your use of language. Thanks for your interest, but I didn't join in the early hours - but then again when I...
  14. E

    Debbie Flint on the news.

    We get well known leftie luvvies & champagne socialist celebrities fawning over the Labour party every day, but because Debbie happens to support the Tory party people on here are ranting away. What double standards - I suppose they'd be fine with it if she'd turned up at the Liebour Party...
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    New Presenters

    Personally I'd like to see a young enthusiastic talented person do well - unfortunately she's clearly been given the job to tick a box & that box clearly wasn't talented...
  16. E

    New Presenters

    Good point - I always usually find the male presenters on there much better & more professional.
  17. E

    Moira C?

    Well, I suppose business has been hard for everyone in recent years. Thanks for the info about her daughter, I will check it out online.
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    Moira C?

    Yes, she was very enthusiastic & bubbly - I always used to enjoy watching her do her presentations on the shopping channels.
  19. E

    Moira C?

    I was shopping for scarves yesterday and I suddenly remembered Moira C! But after a search online I could find no recent trace of her - her last FB post appears to be 2018. I hope she's ok - I used to love her shopping channel appearances! Does anybody know?