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  1. icr24350

    Grow your own fruit

    Ridiculous I agree, but then it is Ideal World. i always check online now, but dare I say it, most of the shopping channels are as bad for this :angry:
  2. icr24350

    Nigel, Nigel, nigel.....

    Think there are presenters on every shopping channel that you either love or hate, lol. There are very few presenters that I truly dislike. Im even starting to like Stepanie Weightman, lol. I actually think she is a lovely looking woman, just wish she would do something about her hair ! Mind...
  3. icr24350

    Message for Craig

    Sorry, I just can't watch the guy ! Regarding these coffee machines, there so many different ones on the market, do we really need another type ? as Ms Trouble pointed out, every machine has its' own type of pod - it's up to the individual which one is to their taste.
  4. icr24350

    Craft Day

    Anyone else fed up of Craft ? It seems to be the only thing IW sell at times- boring in my opinion :headbang:[/I] !
  5. icr24350

    ideal world pricing

    give JML a try - they usually have them, and I found they deliver stuff quickly
  6. icr24350

    ideal world pricing

    I think you will find that at least 95% of what is on sale on shopping channels can be bought cheaper elsewhere. I rarely buy now, preferring to shop around. But I do appreciate the demonstrations. I just wish the presenters would be honest and tell us if something is a complete load of tosh...
  7. icr24350

    Alan & Barry

    Just had an e-mail saying that Alan & Barry's Crafts has ceased to trade. Whilst I thought they were 'over the top' a lot of the time, they did make Craft interesting and not just card-making. You could nearly always have a laugh at them, and their enthusiasm for all types of crafting shone...
  8. icr24350


    Whilst I am no fan of Steph, I am glad to hear she is recovering. I am another who does not like her voice and style of presenting. I just wish she would tone down a bit. Also that she wou get something done about her hair - it always looks unruly. Shame as I honestly think she could be a...
  9. icr24350

    Sorry to ask

    If you look at a many photographs, you will find that a lot of people tilt their head when being photographed ! Much the same as people who change their accents while on the phone - it seems to be a reflex action !
  10. icr24350

    Jilly is so boring!

    I am another Jilly fan. Okay she never seems to do anything different with her hair, but I far prefer her to another QVC presenter, who changes her hair colour weekly. Also Jilly comes over as a very pleasant person.
  11. icr24350

    BOGOF - that's how I feel about Ideal World!

    Welcome to Shopping Telly Pandora. What a crying shame your first experience was such a bad one. Got to admit though that (touch wood) my wife and I have always had good experiences off IW & QVC, with orders coming quickly and with no problems - yet.
  12. icr24350

    Too Much Craft

    Anyone else fed up with Craft being rammed down our throats by IW ? It seems to be on every time I switch on. There is a dedicated Craft channel, what more do Crafters need. Plus it has has the most boring and irritating presenters and guests of anything sold. And yes, I do mean Miss Weightman...
  13. icr24350

    What does she look like ?

    Debbie I like, I love her impish sense of humour. Pipa ? Too over the top for me, with her never ending hair colour changes etc. Surely it cant be good for her hair ? I turn off when she is on.
  14. icr24350

    Little Yellow Steam Cleaner A WARNING

    Never mind the steamer, how are your face and eyes ? That sounded and was nasty. I've had hand held steamers in the past and found them useless, the tank is too small, I prefer the full size one that lets you do carpets etc.
  15. icr24350

    I'm Going To Look Sooo Good Brace Yer Selves Girls...

    No way will I be buying, and like most men I'd refuse to wear them. Sounds like the most uncomfortable thing ever invented, lol. I am proud of my gut/beer belly :mysmilie_17:
  16. icr24350

    shame on you, people who hate basso and yet eat meat and wear leather

    Think the original poster was just trying to make a point. I totally abhor any kind of cruelty to any animal, yet I have a few leather and suede jackets, plus I will not wear anything but leather shoes. But really, it is up to the individual. Fur trading went on for centuries, it is warm and...
  17. icr24350

    Jilly Halliday

    We rarely see anything said about Jilly on here, so here I go. She is one of my favourite presenters, as she comes over (to me at least) as such a lovely person, both to look at - I am a bloke :mysmilie_17:, and to listen to. I have a feeling she would be a very pleasant person to meet and talk...
  18. icr24350

    Cold Calling

    and me. I will vote for the party that makes cold calling illegal. I struggle to be civil when I receive a call. Try joining the Telephone Preference site. You register your number with them, (it's free) and it should cut the calls by quite a bit.
  19. icr24350


    What a beautiful dog !
  20. icr24350

    Debbie Flint annoying again!!!

    Debbie must stay, she is a great presenter, far better than most of the others. At least she has some life about her, and does not take things too seriously, unlike some other presenters.