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  1. PJ.

    email addy for Mike Hancox please

    Not used it myself but on Facebook someone used it and said it was [email protected] PJ
  2. PJ.

    Phone number

    Totally agree, should be either an 01,02,03 number or 0800 all the way. PJ
  3. PJ.

    Refunds not being processed

    Just out of interest Graham (and I am not asking for their email) did this person sign into this site with an official company email or could it be a fake person? In a way I hope they are fake else it doesn't bode well if they are R&C's customer "service" PJ
  4. PJ.

    Peter Simon

    I feel bad for Peter if he was sacked, they must have known what he was like, you can't expect a middle aged man to change styles overnight. PJ
  5. PJ.

    Refunds not being processed

    It is nice of you to come and post, but as you can see from the OP post, they already called and didn't get anywhere, or is that a special number that has someone who can help? PJ
  6. PJ.

    Peter Simon

    So they are trying to make out it was always going to be on a short term basis? Hmm
  7. PJ.

    Genuinely disgusted!!!!

    The dongle being Mike Mason right? ;-)
  8. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    About average thanks, what about yourself?
  9. PJ.

    Peter Simon

    Have asked on Twitter when his next shift is, be interesting if they reply, will report back if they say anything. PJ
  10. PJ.

    Hi Tech Toys and Electronics TSV 28/06/14

    That does seem odd. Maybe it is left off the spec sheet but is on the laptop?
  11. PJ.

    Hi Tech Toys and Electronics TSV 28/06/14

    4gb ram isn't much for a 2014 laptop IMHO. PJ
  12. PJ.

    Peter Simon

    I can't imagine The Bennett's of a few years ago would have looked at Peter twice for presenting but they are no stupid they must know what he was like on Bid so unless he promised to tone it down and didn't I can't see sadly him already gone. PJ
  13. PJ.

    Falling price comes to Ideal World!

    So they are taking the worst element of Bid, and giving him falling prices? :-p
  14. PJ.

    Peter Simon

    I am sure I have seen presenter's talk about how much they can't believe is falling in price, so if the start price is random and not a worth, why say you can't believe it? I don't understand why the ASA and OFCOM are not stopping this. A shop can't claim something was 50% off if it was never at...
  15. PJ.

    Lessons from Bid

    Always remember that some pro bid (and indeed some neutrals) said ah but they have families to support so if they don't say what they are told to or speak out they will loose their jobs. Given how easily most have gained employment in other channels, I would say to any presenter never go...
  16. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Hi Peter, appreciate you taking time to come into what must be like a live firing range for presenters. Now Bid is over do you now agree that (not necessarily you) that some of the practices (whether it was presenter lead, management led or producers) were shoddy at best and at worst ripping...
  17. PJ.

    Peter Simon

    I never know how that can say it's not implying a value or worth, well why have it then? What possible other reason is there. I personally prefer a £99 reduced to £79 than starting at £1,000 PJ
  18. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Watched a bit of Mike and was impressed he didn't say "now what do I mean by..." Once. Thumbs up :)
  19. PJ.

    So where will the presenters reappear?

    So is James Russell the highest profile <s>con man</s> Bid sales person not to join another channel? I guess burnt his bridges somewhat at Gems! PJ
  20. PJ.

    Peter Simon

    Like Krusty the Klown ...