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  1. C

    V SLICER....value for money?

    There was a thread about this monstrosity a wee while ago - ruddy dangerous!!!!!
  2. C

    No queues they keep saying....well

    I actually think their answering the phones is set to a timer - I had to phone 3 times in two days recently and each one was exactly 7 minutes before it was answered. I don't understand these things - do they make money from the 0870 numbers? I also reckon they've cottoned on to the saynoto0870...
  3. C

    Conspiracy theory ahoy!!!

    There was a post a wee while ago from a former supplier which suggested that they already keep the suppliers waiting 3 months. Here's the link -
  4. C

    Passing thought...

    If everything on this flipping channel is SO incredible, which I understand to mean 'unbelievable', to the presenters, why in heaven's name should we believe a word they say? Their limited vocabulary drives me nuts but that's the one that stands out Denmice has been on for five minutes now and...
  5. C

    Sssh...Another craft day starting monday!

    Yeah, they're cutting Glenda Waterworth's show on Sunday afternoon by at least half an hour! (That's the one they cancelled at virtually no notice last time it was due!)
  6. C


    Oh please don't say that - if he comes on here he'll believe it!!!!!!!
  7. C

    Prima show

    What really gets me is that everything in the craft shows she's on is done at a shrieking roar, and yet she manages to tone it down in other types of show. What the heck do Dawn and others do to deserve it?
  8. C

    Things You would like to see

    The back of Stephanie Weightman.
  9. C

    Cheaper calls to ideal world, bid tv etc

    HAve they cottoned on to this? I've just tried the numbers and they are now "Not recognised"!!!!!
  10. C

    Things you're sick to the back teeth of seeing..

    Ellis flaming Ward!!
  11. C

    Is anyone else sick of....

    Miss Moneypenny, you beat me to it. She was doing the same during the Diamonique show!
  12. C

    Customer Service in the UK?

    I've got an ongoing gripe going just now - and I'm still waiting for 1 English person to do the call back she promised on Wednesday and 1 Indian gentleman to call me as promised yesterday! Does this sound familiar? I reckon it's now the Credit Card Company threat.
  13. C

    Customer Service in the UK?

    My one experience of the automated service took 8 minutes then it pinged me back to a CS rep anyway!! And they had no idea why either! I've also found out that CS only operates from 8 till 6 - probably the only good thing I could say about the previous CS was that at least you could phone them...
  14. C

    Customer Service in the UK?

    As I said on another thread, I also had to wait, and then got the same stuff spouted at me only with an English accent. I got the impression that they still had to follow the script. They certainly didn't tell me anything of any use.
  15. C

    No offence meant....

    I've a feeling that the real people in that list would cut their throats at the thought - either that or just ask "WHO?"
  16. C

    PocketSurfer lite

    But it's in the sale, with a whole penny off!!! Should we not all be leaping onto the phones?
  17. C

    Julia Roberts

    Sorry, but is Julia Roberts' appearance not just getting a wee bit ridiculous? i was watching the electronics hour, and she was standing most of the time so we could see a dress/top that was neither one nor the other worn with trousers and these hideous flip flops. Add the great mane of poor...
  18. C

    did you see protocol

    IW have had 2 ASA adjudications against them in the past year about the way they market this.
  19. C

    Stephanie Weightman

    Saw that ridiculous performance yesterday where she started the craft show acting like a wee kid all excited and clapping her hands at the idea of doing demos because she was on her own then gabbling on till she said near the end that she didn't have enough time to do them. Honestly, does she...
  20. C

    Well Done IW!

    I've just had my first dealings with the new CS, and I reckon you were lucky, Mia. I just got the same old twaddle but with an English accent and I'm still no further forward!!