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  1. clevercat

    My make up stockpile

    To my shame I found myself watching on *b** a LG eyeshadow I had got and never used. Thankfully I tend to watch items rather than bid straightaway, gives me time to think whether I need them. On checking my stash I have several LG blushers that it will take a lifetime to use up, without going...
  2. clevercat

    Fashion Day TSV

    I'd love to know what the models are thinking while smiling and doing a twirl to show off the "creations" they are modelling today. Great thread. Still trying to imagine what institution JR attended and later escaped from, no doubt by slipping between the bars as she is a small size.
  3. clevercat

    laura gellerr farts needed...

    Brilliant farting everyone. I resisted and having read some of the newer posts above today I was shocked I hadn't realised the mini sizes are eyeshadow size aren't they? Also these would likely be given away with full size purchases or is that what was being done i.e. given away with the full...
  4. clevercat

    Philosophy - Boring, yawn yawn

    Another favourite brand now being resisted without any real effort. Nothing new on offer and not impressed by the guests. Good result for me though as I still have a small stockpile to get through.
  5. clevercat

    Please Mr director tell Catherine

    I'd have thought the guests would have something to say if they felt the presenter didn't allow them to "sell" their products. The sales would be a measure of how well things went. I didn't see this show and CH would have put me off watching but Joseph Esposito is an interesting guest and I like...
  6. clevercat

    Laura Geller TSV - 13th August

    Does that mean it is super-duper one then, says she hopefully to make up for not getting the full US TSV's in the past. I really hope so.
  7. clevercat

    Elonex TV Photo Frame

    You do have to push some aerial connections in really forcefully. We had one that needed the Incredible Hulk to connect and disconnect it, had to do without telly once when OH was away with work as I couldn't manage it. Hope this helps.
  8. clevercat

    Here we go again !

    He is not on his own most of the presenters have one or more of everything at home. I've heard it said many times that a presenter has been given/sent products to try prior to the show they are presenting. I shouldn't imagine these items are given back unless this is where some of the "used" new...
  9. clevercat

    Laura Geller TSV - 13th August

    Still no news of the TSV. I am just about to return a Balance and Bronze, a replacement for a used one fellow F.A.R.Ts, that is so dark even my husband noticed and asked if I had used fake tan. The original was wonderful and had plenty of cream and pink in but this is just like the dark mixes...
  10. clevercat

    What if...

    Qvc could as a sanction withdraw chequehold from individuals, this would stop the "abuse" of this service. I'm sure there have been posts before where this has been done or threatened. A 2 week wait sounds like a warning shot or the account would surely have been closed by now.
  11. clevercat

    I bought this today

    Use the 30 day MBG to make up your mind but so long as you can still pay the rent keep it, use it and enjoy it. That is a good reduction and you are entitled to enjoy life.
  12. clevercat

    Ooh QVC model in The Mail

    The model in the Vanish ads is the twin of a local dance teacher, it is really uncanny to see the ads. We all shout its Miss Caroline when the ad appears.
  13. clevercat

    is qvc evil.

    I think that the crunch comes when you move from watching to buying. I watched without buying for ages, obviously that cost me nothing as my OH wanted the Sky system. It was company when the kids were younger and easy to watch or get on with other things with tv as background noise. Both of them...
  14. clevercat

    Ooh QVC model in The Mail

    There is something about her that I find creepy the more I look at her although she is very attractive. Sorry I can't explain it or help it, she seems to remind me of something I can't put my finger on.
  15. clevercat

    Suarti Outlet Shows

    I thought the clearance prices were still high. That explains why. Definately need reducing again then.
  16. clevercat


    Without knowing these were Harald's designs I thought the clothes on the models were much better than the usual evening/dressy ones worn. The fit was superb on all of them, their figures looked fantastic, which no doubt they are but aren't shown off to that extent usually. Looking forward to...
  17. clevercat


    Recorded the 10pm hour and only watched a bit of it so far. What was Julia wearing? Well don't wear it again dear cos you looked like a rather large and over ripe plum and what's with the trousers with a cocktail dress? Harald was superb and frankly I couldn't take my eyes off him, loved the...
  18. clevercat


    Julia versus Harald tonight should be a goodie. Who will emerge victorious as Queen of QVC UK? There will be some serious hair flicking going on that's for sure. I really enjoyed this afternoon's show but Sarah had her hands full with the unpredictable Harald. I thought she and the models were...
  19. clevercat

    dawn bibby.....

    I can't stand Dawn blaming anyone for things being the wrong way up, missing or out of order( usually JJ of course ) as most of the time viewers wouldn't notice and it doesn't seem that big a deal when she points it out. She always strikes me as very critical and it isn't an attractive trait. I...
  20. clevercat


    All will be revealed tomorrow afternoon on the Pompoos show premiere. Just when I think QVC can't find any more oddballs, dippy doras and generally weird people they pull another one out of the hat. I for one will be glued to that screen tomorrow.