is qvc evil.


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I have a different perspective on the worth of QVC and have sympathy with the "vulnerable" and isolated customers.

I've been unable to work for a while due to severe depression, and throughout I found QVC very therapeutic. It is easy listening, no need to concentrate unless I want to buy something specific.

It might seem odd but it also gave me a "reason" to get up in the morning - I planned my day around their schedule and I could watch the repeats at 3am if I could not sleep.

Now I'm on the mend I am a bit more sceptical about them and join in with a lot of the banter on here. In fact this forum itself is also very therapeutic, for which I thank you all.

Linda :wave2:

I too found it very therapeutic when I was going through a bad patch several years ago. As you say, no real concentration required and the presenters didn't make me feel bad about myself and I even liked their silly banter. I wasn't isolated but I can appreciate that for some, they offer a kind of spurious friendship and continuity in their life - far healthier than watching Jeremy Kyle and his ilk!
Qvc friend or foe??Mmmmm
I would have to say more foe preying on the lonely and vunerable. How many times have we heard a t caller saying they cant get out , they have disability problems or that they are old. I personally think that it it is wrong to prey on such people, they are no better than say a person who knocks on your door saying they will do odd jobs for you and then robbing the poor person blind. They dress it up with flowery words and promises, that that your life will be better if you buy their products. At the end of the day they are a business and they are in the market to make money pure and simple. They dont care about the consumer, if they did then it woulnt matter to them that people send there stuff back if they no longer need or want the items. No that's not good enough they then send a snotty letter out saying they are "watching" your account and if you send there stuff back again they will cancel your account, yet they preach about their 30 day money back guarantee every show. Its addictive tv if you let yourself be drawn into it but I have started to see through all the schmaltz and if I see something now I always see if I can finder it cheaper elsewhere and I ask myself would I really benefit from having X in my life or is it something that I need or want?
Dont get me started on the presenters with their fake smiles, at the end of the day its their job to sell and they get paid for it. They are not our friends!
Ok rant over, hope it makes sense as I just wrote what I thought, and as you can prob tell I get more and more disallusioned by QVC everytime I switch on. The only good thing however, that has come out of this is that my purse is much better off and Harald! God I love him, he was so funny.
I think QVC beauty is excellent. I would never come across the range of prducts they sell in "real life", and if you can cut through the hype, QVC is an excellent place to shop.

I don't think much of their supposed Sales, terrible fashion etc, and why shop for plants on a shopping channel?

BUT, they are good at what they do. I would never have come across Smashbox, Elemis, even Decleor stuff if it weren't for QVC.

Take it all with a pinch of salt, think before you buy, steer away from the TSV's, and lay off too much jewellery, and QVC is OK - even very good in parts.

Probably not my friend, but not all bad.
Of course not - not evil in the real sense. It's your choice to watch QVC and buy from them. What's evil about that??? I'm sorry, but if people are silly enough to fall for their sales patter and buy beyond their budget, then they're being irresponsible. No one forces you to buy anything.
calico i roared with laughter ...wearing pompoose when you sign on....classic!:cheeky:
I think QVC beauty is excellent. I would never come across the range of prducts they sell in "real life", and if you can cut through the hype, QVC is an excellent place to shop.

I don't think much of their supposed Sales, terrible fashion etc, and why shop for plants on a shopping channel?

BUT, they are good at what they do. I would never have come across Smashbox, Elemis, even Decleor stuff if it weren't for QVC.

Take it all with a pinch of salt, think before you buy, steer away from the TSV's, and lay off too much jewellery, and QVC is OK - even very good in parts.

Probably not my friend, but not all bad.

I'd agree with this re: beauty. QVC has helped me to find products that I am happy with and I'm pretty disloyal to them as I tend to buy them elsewhere ie LE website unless there is a TSV that is good re: value (this tends to be the Elemis ones when they have a full pot of PCMC in them). It has made me save money as I don't tend to wander around Boots buying anything any more and have got into the mind set now (after stockpiling way too much) of using up what I have now and only rebuying products I love.

Not so sure that it's a friend though. I've noticed recently their new tactic of asking the guest to justify the spend. Saying "so tell me why should I spend £x on your moisturiser" although I've only noticed this on the Gatineau shows when they have the buy more save more deal.
Qvc friend or foe??Mmmmm
I would have to say more foe preying on the lonely and vunerable. How many times have we heard a t caller saying they cant get out , they have disability problems or that they are old. I personally think that it it is wrong to prey on such people, they are no better than say a person who knocks on your door saying they will do odd jobs for you and then robbing the poor person blind. They dress it up with flowery words and promises, that that your life will be better if you buy their products. At the end of the day they are a business and they are in the market to make money pure and simple. They dont care about the consumer, if they did then it woulnt matter to them that people send there stuff back if they no longer need or want the items. No that's not good enough they then send a snotty letter out saying they are "watching" your account and if you send there stuff back again they will cancel your account, yet they preach about their 30 day money back guarantee every show. Its addictive tv if you let yourself be drawn into it but I have started to see through all the schmaltz and if I see something now I always see if I can finder it cheaper elsewhere and I ask myself would I really benefit from having X in my life or is it something that I need or want?
Dont get me started on the presenters with their fake smiles, at the end of the day its their job to sell and they get paid for it. They are not our friends!
Ok rant over, hope it makes sense as I just wrote what I thought, and as you can prob tell I get more and more disallusioned by QVC everytime I switch on. The only good thing however, that has come out of this is that my purse is much better off and Harald! God I love him, he was so funny.

I understand what you are saying but I still feel that the points I made in my earlier post are valid for a good percentage of QVC viewers/listeners and customers.

Linda :wave2:
I think that the crunch comes when you move from watching to buying. I watched without buying for ages, obviously that cost me nothing as my OH wanted the Sky system. It was company when the kids were younger and easy to watch or get on with other things with tv as background noise. Both of them slept better with some low sound on during daytime naps. I was very isolated having moved to a new area, not working and no friends/relatives and having post-natal depression twice. But once I made the leap to actually purchasing it was so easy to buy and look forward to the post arriving. I know we are responsible for our own behaviour but it is easy to get carried away and much harder to stop than start if it goes too far. I can't say my habit did but I suddenly realised it was a slippery slope.
This forum has been a good friend to me, far better than QVC. Watcher beware should be our motto or F.A.R.T. for ever.
i do enjoy my experiences on the whole with qvc. meaning that i only buy branded stuff from them ( but i do like the techniques stuff)
i dont stockpile my bath stuff as much and use it up before buying more....
my rule of thunb is only buy what i really need...
i know that i will never ever get invited to a customer event as my spends will never ever be high enough...:heartbroke:
oh yes QVC is evil, but evil in the style of a seductive vampire who seduces you and then drains your blood or in their case bank balance. Iike a vampire once you have let them into your home it is very hard to get rid of them. Maybe I should try a cross, in Dimonique of course!
oh yes QVC is evil, but evil in the style of a seductive vampire who seduces you and then drains your blood or in their case bank balance. Iike a vampire once you have let them into your home it is very hard to get rid of them. Maybe I should try a cross, in Dimonique of course!

I have one !:giggle::giggle:
It was one of the first diamonique products I bought, years ago...and it's still sparkly!
I don’t watch much QVC these days, as it's not as good as it used to be, but I do occasionally tune in.

I think Julia and Alison Y’s new spiel, of ‘don’t buy this if you’re a wall flower/shrinking violet’ is evil.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
Wallflower/Shrinking Violet WTF!!!

Are they trying to tell people what they can or cannot buy, depending on their temperament?

Are they trying to seduce the insecure, by making them feel they can be the life and soul of the party if they buy their tat.

Are they implying, if you’re not interested in buying their garish tat, that you’re shy, boring and a bit of a loser.

Whatever it is it’s EVIL.:devil:

Whatever happened to buying something because you like it, and not buying if you don’t like it.:thinking2:

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