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  1. Bettyboo

    Scruffy presenters

    It might be trendy but it’s not a trend I will be following. You rarely see people in smart formal clothes these days and there is only one shop in our town where a man can buy a suit and there isn’t a single shop selling ladies wear suitable for a wedding or any formal occasion. Presenters...
  2. Bettyboo

    Camping - Yes or No?!

    We took our children camping many times as it was th3 only way we could afford a holiday. Two of our daughters took their children and now they are taking their kids. Sometimes they travel less than 20 miles from home but the kids love it. Our next door neighbours are away camping this week...
  3. Bettyboo

    Feeling good with

    I sailed through the menopause and barely broke sweat. Now my three daughters who are all in their mid to lates fifties are having full on sweats etc. I sympathise with anyone who has to go through this. My Grandaughter has an appointment for her second jab this Friday and her husband has had...
  4. Bettyboo

    Alexis L'Occitane

    I was a grandma at the age of 42 she’s now nearly 37 with two children of her own. I also have 9 other grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren and I stopped knitting a long time ago as I couldn’t knit fast enough..
  5. Bettyboo

    Amanda Wakeley TSV 06/09/21

    I also could afford to buy any of these bags and cosmetics but don’t want to line the pockets of so called celebrities just to have a product with their name on. I’m at an age where I c@n spend what I like and not feel guilty about it so most of our money goes on enjoying life. We have a decent...
  6. Bettyboo

    Amanda Wakeley TSV 06/09/21

    They were selling a purse of hers the other day it was nearly £150. How ridiculous. Some families are struggling to feed their families for a month with that amount of money.
  7. Bettyboo

    Simon the Impossible

    I think the Dinosaur necklace is hideous and don’t know anyone who would wear such a thing.
  8. Bettyboo

    Gender fluid

    I’m sick of hearing that word ‘gender’. Imo it’s Male or Female. People can call themselves what they like but I wish they would stop pushing it in my face I’m sick of hearing it. Just get on with life in whichever way floats your boat.
  9. Bettyboo

    Gok's Jumper

    This should come under the freedom of information act. They should be accountable for their actions as after all it’s us the general public who are paying their wages.
  10. Bettyboo

    The Huntley - where has she gone ?

    I am not sure these presenters are actually buying the products when presenting. I think it is just a sales gimmick to get people to order especially those in the presenters ‘fan club’.
  11. Bettyboo

    Alison Young

    Having now read the article I think it is all self publicity and over the top description of her so called ailments. I also think that the number of riding accidents she has had is bordering on carelessness and it’s time she gave it up. I liked AY in the early years but now she is too full of...
  12. Bettyboo

    Murrahs are back!!!!

    What are they?
  13. Bettyboo

    Lab grown diamonds

    Yes I did know that and I do have a couple of silver pieces and I must say they have kept their sparkle. I have stopped buying jewellery as I have more than enough at least that’s my resolution for this week!!!
  14. Bettyboo


    I love the colour of Tanzanite but would not pay the prices they charge for it. I have noticed that most jewellery shops still have a range of it on sale so no shortage yet. It’s a big con imo.
  15. Bettyboo

    Lab grown diamonds

    I remember when Q boasted about Diamonique being made in a laboratory or something similar so now I wonder are lab grown diamonds any different. I wont be buying real or lab grown diamonds as I am happy with the ones I’ve got.
  16. Bettyboo

    Just saying

    I fancied the tie die dress until I saw the price. I found a cheap copy version in a cotton material at a small family run boutique for £20 or same dress in a plain colour £18. They have washed fine and are so cool and comfortable. Pretty Little Things on FB.
  17. Bettyboo

    The most dapper man on television...really?

    He looks like Wee Jimmy in those shorts. Sorry but men with pale bare legs are a No No for me.
  18. Bettyboo

    Now we know.....

    I’m fed up of it all. Live and let live without shoving it in peoples faces all the time. If people want to change gender etc we’ll get on with it and don’t keep harping on about it. I don’t care what anyone thinks about this post as I’m only speaking for myself and I’m a firm believer in free...
  19. Bettyboo


    I haven’t seen him recently but it sounds like he’s joined the other zelebs who feel the need to alter their looks. Botox lips, piano key teeth, caterpillar eyebrows and a button nose, imo they look ridiculous. The trouble is I see young women trying to emulate these people when actually they...
  20. Bettyboo

    Pass the smelling salts!!!!

    We changed the doors and worktops in our kitchen about four years ago. We did it ourselves for less than £500. We only have a small kitchen.I don’t think we would have tackled a bigger one as it was hard work and we were in our 70’s.