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  1. S

    Jill Franks dress held on with Bulldog clips!

    all back to Carol's for a lovely bit of winter warming grub then, no bull dog clips for us!!! Really fancy some stew and dumplings after reading this , think will make some this weekend in the slow cooker......
  2. S Birchwood.

    they are in my local T K max too, down to £50, was quite tempted but still have to budget for festive food and drink so it was a "no" from me. Made me think about the profit that must be made on them as there will still be money to be made for T K M even at this price so Q mist coin...
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    John Barrowman

    I find him as wearing as a toddler on a sugar rush. And why does he seem to be on Q all the time?
  4. S

    What would you buy the presentetrs for Christmss.

    can we give gifts to the guests too? I am suggesting the following: Simon Wilson: a scarf from Primark featuring a fetching skull print Lulu: a very large gob stopper to prevent her from lying through her teeth The Bibi Bijoux woman: £10 gift voucher for Clare's Accessories...
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    "Mummy what does getting a period mean?"

    it would be great to put T and S on with those Camouflage women. "fight, fight fight" to see who could be the loudest poshest and most loose cannon!
  6. S

    "Mummy what does getting a period mean?"

    I'm guessing we are talking Trinny and Susannah? Been out shopping, yes OUT IN TOWN and not seen Q at all today. am I right in assuming it was those two referring to female bodily functions and using vulgar language for body parts?
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    Recover Room

    excellent idea and I also think in the interests of staff welfare at Q that they should be allowed to order on air as they are always going on about "save one for me" and "oh if only I'd ordered this before I came on air". Well let them literally put their money where their wide open...
  8. S

    QVC "Christams Gifts?" You certainly wouldn't want to receive.

    Snarly that cream sounds fab, I am half Welsh and am off to hunt it down, may give some to my sis as I like to give her something Welsh themed/ I too love make up bags, just bought a few from Amazon for the nieces, there is a range on there that have a bit of embroidered silk on...
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    a warm welcome on this very cold morning.
  10. S


    good for her, I have really warmed to her on the Kipling shows, in fact I think she is what makes them watchable. She is enthusiastic without being over the top and seems to have done her homework rather than relying on the "amazing, wonderful,can't live without" spiel that passes...
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    Cleanse and Polish Alternative

    I too am always on the look out for an affordable alternative to C and P. Like others I have tried the No 7 one, Soap and Glory, Nspa, and am currently using the M and S one which I got as part of a three for two but at £9 a pop do not think I will be able to afford under usual...
  12. S

    Why do you watch Q?

    i too used to love the jewellery it was really different and affordable, I got rather addicted and bought rather a lot!! Then I was ill and couldn't work and it was company during sleep deprived nights and long days of depression. then I went back to work on much reduced hours and...
  13. S

    Lulu - now she's doing jewellery.

    the prices!!! I have just been paid and out went all my direct debits for the things like council tax, gas, elec, water, t V licence etc etc and I have as usual just enough to get by this month and to finish my Christmas shopping which I am doing locally or via Amazon. I don't think I...
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    OMG! Caramel went into labour on air!!!

    worked til 37 weeks gone and had baby at 38 weeks on New year's day, went into labour after eating a curry and dancing the conga!!
  15. S

    So which skincare "expert"is giving their mum L'occitaine divine cream for Christmas

    I agree that the L'ocitaine range on Q is very dull, limited and repetitive. They have such gorgeous stuff in the shops. I get the impression that they use Q to off load things that they have an abundance of as we get the same old shea butter products and boring packs of soap over and...
  16. S

    This lovely forum

    One thing I have learned is not to come on here with a mug of tea\glass of wine in hand as I have nearly choked with laughter and\or damaged my keyboard laughing at some of the posts on here, Burly Bear in particular, you are are very very witty.
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    I HATE those self service tills, they always go wrong when I use them and you spend as much time waiting for an assistant to sort it as you do standing in a regular que (sp) and I HATE being asked "did you find everything you wanted", they once asked me that in dunelm and I...
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    This lovely forum

    thanks for starting this thread Chinagirl, I too love this forum and check it out most days. I found it when I was on long term sick with crippling depression and it really helped me by giving me a giggle and realising I was not the only one put there who was watching Q in the...
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    American Newbie

    hi Shopper and a warm welcome from me, I know we slag off the American fashions they keep bringing us here but I am sure you will not take it personally, hope you enjoy your time on this funny and friendly forum.
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    Good Grief Alexis!

    watched the repeat and just knew that you lot would have something to say about the purple sparkliness of Julia and Alexis. Oh and all this talk of chips and gravy is making me hungry/ I never had this divine combo until I moved to Nottingham, it was unheard of in my home town and at...