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  1. M

    More Crafting Rubbish as Pick of the Day

    I see they've got more useless crafting rubbish as PotD at 9.00pm. 'Can't wait..... I think not!!
  2. M


    I couldn't agree more. However, unfortunately these sell tactics work otherwise the clothes industry would collapse. Clothes have to be sold to their best advantage and that means putting them on models who, as they say, would look good even in a bin bag. There is a saying that a person should...
  3. M


    Older is cheaper. As they say, 'you pay peanuts, you get monkeys'.
  4. M

    Lusardi My Miracle Pick of the Day

    Well there you are, can't get any better than that!! lol
  5. M

    Lusardi My Miracle Pick of the Day

    With all the products and falling stars flogging their miracle cures they all can't be right. I'm sure if they were analysed they probably all have more or less the same ingredients so it doesn't matter what you buy. It's probably all in genes anyway.
  6. M

    andy love

    I don't think he had a choice. IW wanted to change its style and that meant bringing in people like the 'crafty cockney', Peter Simon and PB. It was either move to CC or leave. I may be wrong but I don't think I'm a million miles away from the truth!
  7. M

    andy love

    I think he's wasted on this channel. He should be back on IW and they should send Howard instead.
  8. M

    Another 'celebrity' beauty range

    Yes you're right. It's a similar process when they 'invent' a new fragrance for someone - they just add a little bit of this or a little bit of that and there you have it!
  9. M

    misleading sales pitches ...

    Unfortunately they will continuously push out the boundaries of misinterpretation selling until someone has the power and inclination to stop them.
  10. M

    misleading sales pitches ...

    Hi Muttley, thanks for this. I just might do this as it's totally misleading and should be outlawed.
  11. M

    misleading sales pitches ...

    I still can't understand on how IW gets away with saying things are in a sale when clearly they're not. Cockney Mike is ranting on about something that's only on sell for a marked down price for one hour only when in fact the item sell price hasn't changed at all. Aren't they governing bodies...
  12. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    I know what you mean about her eyes. She has the sort of eyes you need to take a double look at to make sure you're seeing right. Something isn't quite right there. Either it's her eye makeup that's wrong or maybe it's just her eye colour - it's very strange.
  13. M

    Ring Up tv is coming!

    God I hope not. She would be ok selling from a barrow at the very best , along with the Gobby woman that used to be on Bid - she who used to sing at one time - forgotten her name already.
  14. M

    The last time i looked, i was not a guy !

    I think people ought to lighten up, it's only a terminology. It's not meant to be disrespectful, it's meant to be friendly without being too familiar.
  15. M


    Does Loen smoke then or is it just a guess? Any other presenters known to smoke?
  16. M

    Presenters telling fibs ??????

    I'm sure when they say 'Hurry, limited stock' I'm sure they really mean 'Hurry up limited time left for you to make a purchase on my shift!' - can't believe a word they say really so don't bother trying.
  17. M

    QVC - Change of Format

    Yes I agree with your point but what I'm saying is that overall, they tend to spend more time selling items with a more traditional female appeal than anything else. One only has to look at the weekly program guides to see that.
  18. M

    QVC - Change of Format

    Would anyone agree that QVC is gradually transforming into a women's channel or is it just my imagination? It now appears to me that every time I tune in it's showing more and more beauty products, women's jewellery and every conceivable type women's fashion than ever before. Gone are the days...
  19. M

    Crafting PTD on Ideal World

    Still can't understand on why IW still have a crafting item as pick of the day on the mainstream IW channel when they have the linked Craft channel to air such items? I am right in assuming it might be because there's limited viewing on their craft channel and they need to shift these products...
  20. M

    QVC welcoming new customers on screen

    Totally agree with Max. You'd have to be standing right in front of the screen ready to point and shout out to all those present, as your name quickly scrolled along the screen, " That's me, that is!"