The Elemis hour


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Jun 26, 2008
It’s on in the background now and I’ve just spotted Keeley and CHuntley. Despite having access to all the lotions and potions available through QVC they both ‘look their age’. Dry lined necks, deep-ish lines around eyes. Nothing wrong, it’s natural and I’m the same. BUT it just highlights that these face creams don’t (can’t) live up to the claims.
Awww Eric's Mum, don't burst the bubble :LOL: You're right though. However, I do find that Elemis night matrix does seem to hydrate my skin overnight, the Gatineau neck products aren't making things worse and my skin loves the Elemis superfood oil. We all age and will continue to do so and the beauty business will continue to make billions off us.

It’s on in the background now and I’ve just spotted Keeley and CHuntley. Despite having access to all the lotions and potions available through QVC they both ‘look their age’. Dry lined necks, deep-ish lines around eyes. Nothing wrong, it’s natural and I’m the same. BUT it just highlights that these face creams don’t (can’t) live up to the claims.
Sometimes the studio lighting smoothes out faces and at other times it's more brutal. There's nothing we can do about getting older looking. It doesn't mean that we look bad, just.... older looking. Face creams are nice to have but they can't work miracles.
It’s good that qvc stick with their ageing presenters and models but if we choose to ignore the evidence before our very eyes that expensive products are no better than cheap ones then more fool us. At least we get the chance to try and return and maybe we imagine improvements or decide that smell or texture is enough to keep a product.

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