Random musings and general banter.


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If only he’s the type who would insist on Triple Pay for working Boxing Day

I am sure he said more than once in the last week or so about the clocks going back and then we hibernate for the winter. Usually when selling blankets, throws, etc etc.

Edit - He also said some people go to bed earlier in the winter. I can almost imagine him going to bed just after sunset to save electric.

Yes, I know some pensioners do just that. My late uncle was one that did just that.
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Channel flicking. Thought I’d got The Horror Channel. Then realised it was Torchy and the Fish Lipped Gargoyle on IW. Feel sorry for parents of any young children if they’re watching as the poor little mites will be having nightmares tonight🤣

Is it my magnation or has FLG had something done to her teeth? She must go to the same dentist as Patio Pete.
I am sure he said more than once in the last week or so about the clocks going back and then we hibernate for the winter. Usually when selling blankets, throws, etc etc.

Edit - He also said some people go to bed earlier in the winter. I can almost imagine him going to bed just after sunset to save electric.

Yes, I know some pensioners do just that. My late uncle was one that did just that.
Wait until it gets really cold and he starts mentioning going to bed in his woolly bobble hat with his hot water bottle and long combinations. Paints a pretty picture, and makes a total mockery of people who are genuinely struggling to keep warm.
Oooh look...I've found it. I'm now going to try and glue it back on - along with his wig... I could stick it elsewhere from its original position..

I caught a few moments of Natalia this morning, and she was wittering on about her IW Beauty Family, and how she would never leave as she would miss them. Obviously she didn’t feel the same way about her TJC Beauty Family!!! She also said she wouldn’t know what to do if the channel closed. Methinks she may just find out……..
Channel flicking. Thought I’d got The Horror Channel. Then realised it was Torchy and the Fish Lipped Gargoyle on IW. Feel sorry for parents of any young children if they’re watching as the poor little mites will be having nightmares tonight🤣

Is it my magnation or has FLG had something done to her teeth? She must go to the same dentist as Patio Pete.
I don't understand why she has done this to herself. She used to be an attractive young lady, now she's looking stranger by the day.
I'm sure he mentioned during one of the £9.99 fragrance shows he had an expensive fragrance at home, something like £260 it cost, but the of course the £9.99 one was every bit as good.
I heard Yiannis say one day (while he was flogging some cheap 10 quid piece of exercise equipment) that he had a £170 per month gym membership but that this flimsy piece of exercise equipment would do the same job as all of the machines and facilities in the gym. 😄

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