Random musings and general banter.


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When Mason drilled the invisible hole, it just made me think that existing there is a culture that their viewer base are a bunch of old senile cu….Too daft to question anything they are told. Too blind to see what isn’t there to see in the first place. This is their problem- COMPLETE LACK OF RESPECT for the people who they expect to buy from them. Really is sickening.
When Mason drilled the invisible hole, it just made me think that existing there is a culture that their viewer base are a bunch of old senile cu….Too daft to question anything they are told. Too blind to see what isn’t there to see in the first place. This is their problem- COMPLETE LACK OF RESPECT for the people who they expect to buy from them. Really is sickening.
Hang on a cotton pickin minute, less of the ‘old’..the rest,well maybe😊
I have also put Phead on Ignore.

He picked me up once on my grammar, as I don’t string my sentences together properly, As I’ve said a few times on here I had a stroke when I was 14, which has left me with learning difficulties, sometimes I forget.

I got sent a Private Message saying even though you have learning issues, If you want to get anywhere in life, you need to at least try. You don’t come onto a forum to be told off.

Thats why I don’t tend to post on my worst days, when my Brain Isn’t in Gear as I call it, even though coming in here makes me happy.

Sorry about ranting.
I'm sorry you don't post as often as you would like Jazz because of one person. It's totally wrong for someone to be so rude and think they can get away it. Keep posting that's the answer to such bad behaviour.
While we're talking 'home truths', I don't like the personal attacks on the Presenters in this forum.

Play the ball, not the 'man/woman'.

Yes, criticise their selling, what they say, their barefaced lies, distortion, how they do it, their ethics, etc., etc.

But when they are being called morons, idiots, commenting on their personal appearance and similar personality traits or similar, I think that crosses the line.

A fine line maybe, but I find it distasteful. I never Like on those comments, if I can help it.

Right, that should set the rest of the viewership to Ignore me if they haven't already. 😁
I'm sorry you don't post as often as you would like Jazz because of one person. It's totally wrong for someone to be so rude and think they can get away it. Keep posting that's the answer to such bad behaviour.
What a crock.

I never criticised @Jazzydrury on their grammar or sentences, afaik.
I go out of my way to Like many of their posts to encourage them.

Early on, I corrected their use of 'their/there' in public a few times in the forums. It was annoying me.

And when they kept doing it (there/their), despite me having pointed it out, we had a brief private conversation on same.

It was only then Jazzy explained their issues. I said something like it still might be worth trying to learn the difference, think we were talking about CVs or writing letters and the impact it can have. Could be useful in life/at times ,when communicating, or words to that effect.

That's all I said and haven't mentioned it at all since and this was early on when I joined a year ago, when Eric Knowles' cringeworthy performance helped me find this forum, just before IW2 folded.

Again, sorry this had the effect on Jazzy, not mentioned to me either, as they say. But I hadn't noticed them posting less frequently.

My, when people don't like your views and take against you for just that, despite liking your prior posts, they sure let you, and everybody else, know it!
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What a crock.

I never criticised @Jazzydrury on their grammar or sentences, afaik.
I go out of my way to Like many of their posts to encourage them.

Early on, I corrected their use of 'their/there' in public a few times in the forums. It was annoying me.

And when they kept doing it (there/their), despite me having pointed it out, we had a brief private conversation on same.

It was only then Jazzy explained their issues. I said something like it still might be worth trying to learn the difference, think we were talking about CVs or writing letters and the impact it can have. Could be useful in life/at times ,when communicating, or words to that effect.

That's all I said and haven't mentioned it at all since and this was early on when I joined a year ago, when Eric Knowles helped me find this forum, just before IW2 folded.

Again, sorry this had the effect on Jazzy, not mentioned to me either, as they say. But I hadn't noticed them posting less frequently.

My, when people don't like your views and take against you for just that, despite liking your prior posts, they sure let you, and everybody else, know it!
I believe you said the their/there comment to a young lady called Emily. She was on here a few months ago, posted a lot but to my knowledge didn't post again. But don't quote me on that as I may have got it wrong.
I believe you said the their/there comment to a young lady called Emily. She was on here a few months ago, posted a lot but to my knowledge didn't post again. But don't quote me on that as I may have got it wrong.
That is their name, I believe. If you look back @Jazzydrury tells us her name is Emily (or similar, can't recall now, sorry) and we can call her that if we want. We didn't, afaik and kept calling them Jazzy!

Sorry, that later/other Emily may have been one other person, the one who worked on SeenonTV? getting confused. I noticed the similarity in their(there,?!) postings.
Check the log, but my discussions with @Jazzydrury were as I stated. It was only about there/their, from my recollection. We are talking a year ago.
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I like the correct use of grammar, spelling and punctuation, but I would never dream of correcting anyone. I can understand what they are saying, and that is good enough for me.
I wasn't nasty about it either.
I gently pointed it out, calling myself a pedant.
Most of the discussion was in private conversation, where I explained possessive versus location, trying to help.
I was never told it wasn't helpful and I appreciated their issues when explained.

I'm unaware how much a stroke interferes with learning or educational ability, and I was just trying to point out the difference in the spelling's meaning
That is syntax and not grammar (sentences) formation.

I didn't intend for it to affect their confidence or postings. And they're still posting (and only now ignoring me, after a year of not ignoring me) so all is good.
Wonderful to welcome Chef Sp…er Mark…back to the studio…Run…..

That is their name, I believe. If you look back @Jazzydrury tells us her name is Emily (or similar, can't recall now, sorry) and we can call her that if we want. We didn't, afaik and kept calling them Jazzy!

Sorry, that later/other Emily may have been one other person, the one who worked on SeenonTV? getting confused. I noticed the similarity in their(there,?!) postings.
Check the log, but my discussions with @Jazzydrury were as I stated. It was only about there/their, from my recollection. We are talking a year ago.

There entitled to they're opinion. It's up to them if there going to hold a grudge based on they're observations. At the end of the day their on a shopping forum. So their.
I believe you said the their/there comment to a young lady called Emily. She was on here a few months ago, posted a lot but to my knowledge didn't post again. But don't quote me on that as I may have got it wrong.
Sorry, Emma versus Emily.

Exactly the opposite, with @Jazzydrury I found I mentioned their spelling of there/their (and your/you're) in private only so as not to discuss publicly. We had a friendly chat ranging around literacy, medical and educational standards.

The subject of conversation from them is 'no need to be so apologetic'.

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