Random musings and banter on TV


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Here's a hotch potch for ya.

Were they two separate visits? Coz my mother in the way back whens, had someone who worked for, or knew someone in, the BBC who got a couple of tickets for Juke Box Jury, or one of those type shows. She was shown chewing gum in the audience. Then she said they moved the audience around and taped another episode, or whatever they did in those days :p

And talking celebs. I saw on TV some time back a show where celebs were driving cars. Buggered if I knew any of them. Although I did find out later that one was Joe Pasquale: unrecognisable from when I remembered him.
Both shows were filmed on the same evening, we weren't moved around or anything. It seemed to be fairly well organised with one lot of celebs and contestants being replaced by another for the next show.

I particularly remember Lily entertaining us between episodes and staying in character. Paul O'Grady was a talented man.

I really enjoyed it, I've never done anything like that since, I may look in to it as a cheap night out.

And I think I would only have recognised him if he spoke as he had a distinctive voice! I don't know any of the so called celebs these days.
I've been in an audience for a few shows 2 were radio broadcasts so they never panned across the audience and the other was an out-takes show hosted by Terry Wogan, it was for tv, and I'm bleeeped if I remember what the show was called but again the audience wasn't filmed. The radio shows were dead ringers, and twice I went to see the short lived radio show "Buy me up TV" a spoof about shopping channels, absolutely brilliant. Great thing to do and I'd highly recommend getting tickets to see a radio or tv show being recorded. The biggest memory was the clips show when we kept having to stop and start 'cause the laughter wasn't strong enough and re-record it! Just checked and the show was called Aunties Bloomers!
I've been in an audience for a few shows 2 were radio broadcasts so they never panned across the audience and the other was an out-takes show hosted by Terry Wogan, it was for tv, and I'm bleeeped if I remember what the show was called but again the audience wasn't filmed. The radio shows were dead ringers, and twice I went to see the short lived radio show "Buy me up TV" a spoof about shopping channels, absolutely brilliant. Great thing to do and I'd highly recommend getting tickets to see a radio or tv show being recorded. The biggest memory was the clips show when we kept having to stop and start 'cause the laughter wasn't strong enough and re-record it! Just checked and the show was called Aunties Bloomers!
I managed to listen to Buy me up TV on BBC Sounds, somebody on these forums mentioned it. Very funny!

I'll definitely look into being an audience member again.
Filler. And what would you do with the money? :p
Spend, spend, spend.

So, so true! Drives me nuts! Bradley Walsh: So, Ethelred, what do you do for a living? Ethelred: I'm a plumber. Walsh: Really? So what does that involve? Ethelred: Plumbing. There was actually one occasion when this happened (different occupation) and it was that thrilling, I kid you not. Walsh just stood there, looking gormless.

And I love the people on 'Pointless', who win all of a grand and are going to use it to go on a world cruise, install a new kitchen, buy a vintage Daimler car and give a house deposit to their Auntie Mavis. How? Just how?

Agreed. But he's not gormless, he's doing a comedy face to the straight answer to his question!

Pointless refers to the pointless amount of money! 😜

To be fair, he asks the question, so they have to say something to spend it on.

I suspect most people on game/quiz shows, except Millionaire/Limitless Win, perhaps, are just on it for a day out and to be on TV!
clips show when we kept having to stop and start 'cause the laughter wasn't strong enough and re-record it! Just checked and the show was called Aunties Bloomers!
I remember that show. Might have seen ya and not known :p But, a thought. If the laughter wasn't as it should be they could have used canned laughter. I remember seeing a Scooby Doo ep with canned laughter. Random, or what? :p
Anyone here a Corrie watcher - I'm just about to be an ex corrie watcher as it's been going down the pan for years but I really think it's hit rock bottom. There are too many unlikeable/criminal characters too much crime and violence, illness and distress. The storylines go on far too long that you end up losing interest and they're so far fetched. It used to be so good but now it's changed beyond recognition. There used to be a lot of humour it in - not any more. It's dark, depressing and sick at times such a shame!
Anyone here a Corrie watcher - I'm just about to be an ex corrie watcher as it's been going down the pan for years but I really think it's hit rock bottom. There are too many unlikeable/criminal characters too much crime and violence, illness and distress. The storylines go on far too long that you end up losing interest and they're so far fetched. It used to be so good but now it's changed beyond recognition. There used to be a lot of humour it in - not any more. It's dark, depressing and sick at times such a shame!
Used to watch Corrie many moons ago. But when I started shift work (before the days of streaming services/on demand etc) I couldn’t be ar**d to record it, so got out of the habit and became a “soap free” zone. Didn’t miss them at all.
Only time I see soaps now is when visiting my mum and invariably drive her nuts with constant questions…”who’s him/her/them, what’s he/her/them to so and so etc. None the wiser when it’s finished normally.
Anyone here a Corrie watcher - I'm just about to be an ex corrie watcher as it's been going down the pan for years but I really think it's hit rock bottom. There are too many unlikeable/criminal characters too much crime and violence, illness and distress. The storylines go on far too long that you end up losing interest and they're so far fetched. It used to be so good but now it's changed beyond recognition. There used to be a lot of humour it in - not any more. It's dark, depressing and sick at times such a shame!
I've watched soaps at various points, but they aren't my 'thing'. My mother has been watching the stock standard soaps from when they started. Does nothing but complain about all the soaps having the same storylines. I've told her to not bother watching them if she doesn't like the stories. Says she: no, I've been watching them forever and it's 'habit' (I paraphrase).
I've watched soaps at various points, but they aren't my 'thing'. My mother has been watching the stock standard soaps from when they started. Does nothing but complain about all the soaps having the same storylines. I've told her to not bother watching them if she doesn't like the stories. Says she: no, I've been watching them forever and it's 'habit' (I paraphrase).
My mum would moan constantly about Eastenders and how depressing the story lines were.
“Well, don’t watch it” said I.
“Oh, I don’t know” she said, “ it’s nice to know someone’s having a worse day than me”.
My mum would moan constantly about Eastenders and how depressing the story lines were.
“Well, don’t watch it” said I.
“Oh, I don’t know” she said, “ it’s nice to know someone’s having a worse day than me”.
I tell ya. If these squares, streets and villages were real life. If they gave a house away with a 'your body weight' in pure gold and/or platinum, I don't think I'd even entertain living there. Unless, they let you keep 'your body weight' and sell the property as soon as you get the keys. :p
Blankety blank's just a bit of fun and sometimes the answer is obvious but what pi$$es me off the most is when a member of the celebrity panel deliberately puts an "out there" answer on their card just to get laughs for themselves - Selfish beggars! I mean you don't need any intellect to be a contestant on that show so it doesn't matter to me if the contestants seem a bit thick as there's no right or wrong answer as such and they've only got a minute or two to think of something and I wish they wouldn't make the top prizes so undesirable (The tv/games package was ok this week for a change) but musical instruments for a band and surfing equipment?
The show that annoys me the most is Bridge of Lies....Contestants are nearly all as thick as mince, they waste time talking even when they know what answer is correct, they don't bother hoovering up answers they know are right 'cause they just want to move forward and for Ross Kemp, he's more wooden than a lump of wood and comes out with the most annoying phrases "Go with your gut" "You don't want to half your money now" "Remember we're looking for breeds of dog" and yes I've given up watching it now!
It always staggers me when people go on quiz shows when they frankly have zero in the way of general knowledge and then you've got the phrases they come out with "Ready as I'll ever be" "No pressure then" "My boyfriend will kill me if I don't get this right" and this sort of thing does my head in too - "On which of the week does Prime Minister's question time take place?" = Pass! FFS- Guess!!!!
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest!
I really wish I'd stuck to my word 'cause I slipped and I watched it today, only because "headhunters" a quiz I enjoy for some reason wasn't on today and Bridge of lies had taken its place. I don't think I've ever seen "intelligent play" on the game ever ie even if the contestant has got a question wrong realising what questions have got to be right in order to cross. Ross Kemp is constantly repeating "There's always a path to safety" anyway, today's contestants were the thickest I've ever seen. The first contestant got "ologies" and their subject and actually thought that audiology related to speech, meteorology was the study of meteors, he stepped on three lies in succession so was out and the team didn't save him. Another one got "green things" which was the easiest round I've ever seen but managed to fail. Then a lady made a pretty good job of beatrix potter characters, and was clearly gonna get across with all her money but her knuckle headed son pressed the panic button so as not to waste it and lost the team a couple of hundred quid and the other woman got through by the skin of her teeth due to some lucky guesses. Of course they bought back a team member at the end and of course they failed miserably. Non of them knew that the Bond film Goldfinger was older than Goldeneye. Of course the show was replete with all the cliches...bit before my time, no pressure then, ready as I'll ever be and by the end I literally was that close to smashing the telly! There's enough shows on tv that celebrate mediocrity/thickness already. I can only guess that the thicker the contestants the cheaper it is for the production companies! Rant over (for now)
I really wish I'd stuck to my word 'cause I slipped and I watched it today, only because "headhunters" a quiz I enjoy for some reason wasn't on today and Bridge of lies had taken its place. I don't think I've ever seen "intelligent play" on the game ever ie even if the contestant has got a question wrong realising what questions have got to be right in order to cross. Ross Kemp is constantly repeating "There's always a path to safety" anyway, today's contestants were the thickest I've ever seen. The first contestant got "ologies" and their subject and actually thought that audiology related to speech, meteorology was the study of meteors, he stepped on three lies in succession so was out and the team didn't save him. Another one got "green things" which was the easiest round I've ever seen but managed to fail. Then a lady made a pretty good job of beatrix potter characters, and was clearly gonna get across with all her money but her knuckle headed son pressed the panic button so as not to waste it and lost the team a couple of hundred quid and the other woman got through by the skin of her teeth due to some lucky guesses. Of course they bought back a team member at the end and of course they failed miserably. Non of them knew that the Bond film Goldfinger was older than Goldeneye. Of course the show was replete with all the cliches...bit before my time, no pressure then, ready as I'll ever be and by the end I literally was that close to smashing the telly! There's enough shows on tv that celebrate mediocrity/thickness already. I can only guess that the thicker the contestants the cheaper it is for the production companies! Rant over (for now)
Yeah, put thickos on, give everyone a good laugh and you don't have to pay any prize money out! 😆
Sad to hear the news of Maggie Smith's passing today.

How many knew Toby Stephens (Gustav Graves in Die Another Day, a Brosnan Bond movie, and lots of other TV/film, etc.) was one of her sons?
Sad to hear the news of Maggie Smith's passing today.

How many knew Toby Stephens (Gustav Graves in Die Another Day, a Brosnan Bond movie, and lots of other TV/film, etc.) was one of her sons?
Yes, he was her son from when she was married to Robert Stephens, who played opposite her in 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie'. I love that film, still watch it. Some great actors in it.

Brilliant actress, thanks for the memories, Maggie.

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