Random musings and general banter.


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Oh sh….

Nope. It’s the cruel thing about this government. They deliberately set the cut off just higher than a single person on only a state pension would get. They could’ve set it anywhere - higher rate taxpayers, for example.
But no.
Any single pensioner, living alone on just a state pension is about £100 above the pension credit cutoff, and therefore gets nothing.

I’m ashamed that Labour have done this.
Absolutely right Prof. This vindictive piece of legislation was aimed squarely at standard pensioners because the majority voted against Labour. Quite rightly they didn't trust them. I thought they were pledged to support the poor, sick and elderly? The I.2 billion is a drop in the ocean compared to what the train drivers and doctors got and the whole policy is a disgrace. The 22 billion black hole is mostly due to what the new government splurged on settling pay disputes.

Still, as long as the cabinet get free designer clothes, luxury holidays and show tickets as well as claiming all sorts of expenses including fuel allowance for their London homes that's OK isn't it?

Nope. It’s the cruel thing about this government. They deliberately set the cut off just higher than a single person on only a state pension would get. They could’ve set it anywhere - higher rate taxpayers, for example.
But no.
Any single pensioner, living alone on just a state pension is about £100 above the pension credit cutoff, and therefore gets nothing.

I’m ashamed that Labour have done this.

I would agree with that, if it's to be means tested then do it right and investigate where a decent cut off (not causing hardship) point should be, of course this is to much like hard work for them so took the easy option of using Pension Credit/benefits as the means test,, which will leave as you've said those just outside of qualifying for benefits losing out and some will be finiacially worse off than than those receiving pension credit plus winter fuel allowance.

Although they state 880,000 folks can apply for pension credit, no way they will be able to process that number of pensioners before winter, probably take a year or two to get through those sort of numbers. So this process should have been completed before stopping the WFA.

It's also a strange policy to make savings as if those 880,000 apply and get pension credit it'll cost more than the savings from cutting WFA, £1.4 billion saving as against £3.4 billion to fund 880,000 extra receiving pension credit.

The reason i think this was done in this stupid fashion is, it's a long standing aim/ideology of Reeves (prob labour as well) to hit well off pensioners (non labour voters on the whole), so as soon as they are in power swing the hatchet without thinking through the consequences. Their dislike of well off pensioners blinded them from seeing they were affecting the lower income pensioners as well, or maybe they just don't care as long as they get their free clothing, holidays etc from rich friends/donors/business and thousands in energy allowances/expenses courtesy of tax payers.

" And I'll be honest with you..."
This 100%. He should never have to say this as we ‘trust’ that he is honest all the time!
My opinion is that if when he says this then he obviously isn’t being honest at other times(or this time)…it translates as “I’ll be honest with you on this occasion “ but probably not.

Awful deceitful presenters.

Another problem they have is the gushing praise for every item.They are all ‘Terrific(Peter),brilliant(Mike) best ever(all of them) Fantastic,wonderful blah blah’
This poses a big problem for them in that if ‘ever’ they do have a genuinely decent product we(the gullible public..not us) then whatever praise they dish out will NOT be believed by anyone.
Absolutely right Prof. This vindictive piece of legislation was aimed squarely at standard pensioners because the majority voted against Labour. Quite rightly they didn't trust them. I thought they were pledged to support the poor, sick and elderly? The I.2 billion is a drop in the ocean compared to what the train drivers and doctors got and the whole policy is a disgrace. The 22 billion black hole is mostly due to what the new government splurged on settling pay disputes.

Still, as long as the cabinet get free designer clothes, luxury holidays and show tickets as well as claiming all sorts of expenses including fuel allowance for their London homes that's OK isn't it?

Well said and true
I would agree with that, if it's to be means tested then do it right and investigate where a decent cut off (not causing hardship) point should be, of course this is to much like hard work for them so took the easy option of using Pension Credit/benefits as the means test,, which will leave as you've said those just outside of qualifying for benefits losing out and some will be finiacially worse off than than those receiving pension credit plus winter fuel allowance.

Although they state 880,000 folks can apply for pension credit, no way they will be able to process that number of pensioners before winter, probably take a year or two to get through those sort of numbers. So this process should have been completed before stopping the WFA.

It's also a strange policy to make savings as if those 880,000 apply and get pension credit it'll cost more than the savings from cutting WFA, £1.4 billion saving as against £3.4 billion to fund 880,000 extra receiving pension credit.

The reason i think this was done in this stupid fashion is, it's a long standing aim/ideology of Reeves (prob labour as well) to hit well off pensioners (non labour voters on the whole), so as soon as they are in power swing the hatchet without thinking through the consequences. Their dislike of well off pensioners blinded them from seeing they were affecting the lower income pensioners as well, or maybe they just don't care as long as they get their free clothing, holidays etc from rich friends/donors/business and thousands in energy allowances/expenses courtesy of tax payers.
I wrote to her saying more or less the same thing regarding the fuel allowance, it was not thought through, they thought because they had won we wouldn't fight back, how wrong they are! Same goes for releasing prisoners what a debacle that is ,they of course won't suffer but we the public will as,we don't have found the clock security. Just over worked police!
Nope. It’s the cruel thing about this government. They deliberately set the cut off just higher than a single person on only a state pension would get. They could’ve set it anywhere - higher rate taxpayers, for example.
But no.
Any single pensioner, living alone on just a state pension is about £100 above the pension credit cutoff, and therefore gets nothing.

I’m ashamed that Labour have done this.
I suspect if they don't, in the main, do a pretty good job over the next few years, this could come back to bite them in the bum come next GE.
Had IW on very quietly in the background, then Foghorn cackled and nearly deafened me. Tinnitus is bit bad today so a noise in the background helps. Have to remember to switch channels if she’s on.
I’m currently having some building work done - the angle grinder and electric drill are much quieter than jelly sacks witch cackle 🤣
I forgot to say, I briefly watched Berk-Ah demonstrating the w'air doo dah. And Peter V was with him. He was doing his siren sound effect a few times, once, for a 'stock update' in the middle of Peter V talking- Peter V jumped out of his skin a bit. It literally gives me a headache and the volume was on the lowest setting
He's got happy feet apparently,can't believe she's taking in all his bull:poop:View attachment 29833
If you remember that fold-flat washing machine they had,well this folds flat just like the washing machine. I reckon this item serves a dual purpose and is a washing machine/spa all-in-one.

Wash your feet then turn it inside out and now wash yer socks gang..another ‘ism’ 🙂….”if you will”🤮sick bowlism..

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