I thought I only disliked Ophelia as a presenter......


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I always switch off when Jill Franks is on can tolerate the rest of them though.
Me too, did anyone have the misfortune of watching her last night with the Spring fashion. She never shut her mouth. Whenever the other person was speaking she was talking over her, not even always intelligibly, just kind of muttering and laughing. I would love to be the producer in her ear and just say 'for goodness sake just shut the f*** up and let us hear what's being said. She really is the most annoying person.
Me too, did anyone have the misfortune of watching her last night with the Spring fashion. She never shut her mouth. Whenever the other person was speaking she was talking over her, not even always intelligibly, just kind of muttering and laughing. I would love to be the producer in her ear and just say 'for goodness sake just shut the f*** up and let us hear what's being said. She really is the most annoying person.
3 minutes in, switched off. Even prefer Julia Roberts and Debbie Flint to this woman. Talk about me, me, me. Can you imagine living with her???
Did anyone else see in I think the Finery hour (I recently bought a Finery dress on Q clearance for under £19, including p&p), the guest - can't remember her name - describing how in a previous hour Ophelia had pronounced a ruffle neck as a "russel" neck? I thought that was pretty tactless and unprofessional of her, tbh, rather than showing up Ophelia.
I like watching Diamonique shows. However this week we’ve had various brand ambassadors and presenters. I’ve had to change channels every time. So far they’ve had Chuntley & Limpet, two sizes too small (who I do like) with Smarmy Lee, and tonight, Squeaky Beaky and Smarmy Lee.

I know it’s a matter of personal choice but much prefer, Alison O’Reilly, Hannah Clemmow and Sheila (surname unknown). Well at least with current presenters and BAs my money is staying firmly in my pocket.
Agree with quite a few of you about Rezzi. I have not seen her on lately though.

I am a bit hit and miss with Allison Young as she does give some good tips here and there.

Ophelia I pull the drawbridge up on I just cannot take to her.

Catherine Huntley, Pipa Gordon and also Katy Pullinger I do like as well. Debbie Flint is okay

The headaches are Chloe and of course Anne Dawson’s voice just really grates on me.

As you already know I really like Craig comes across as genuine and interested.
Agree with quite a few of you about Rezzi. I have not seen her on lately though.

I am a bit hit and miss with Allison Young as she does give some good tips here and there.

Ophelia I pull the drawbridge up on I just cannot take to her.

Catherine Huntley, Pipa Gordon and also Katy Pullinger I do like as well. Debbie Flint is okay

The headaches are Chloe and of course Anne Dawson’s voice just really grates on me.

As you already know I really like Craig comes across as genuine and interested.
Should have said Squeaky Beaky is Laura. I can’t remember her surname but she’s just back from maternity leave. I did like the Brummy lady that covered for her but I suspect that she has now gone
But having seen Victoria Fitz-gerald, I've added her to the list. Her voice grates on me, I don't know why because she's well spoken, but no I can't take to her. I'm beginning to think the only presenters I like watching are Jackie (I've changed my mind about her, I think she's very good) Alex (changed my mind about her too) and in little bits, Kathryn because she's a bit excitable. Oh and I like Jilly but more as a person than as a presenter. Fussy aren't I!
I like your list - they are the presenters I can tolerate and do not get me started on Victoria Fitzgerald or Ophelia. V's voice does grate, she looks so false and sinister. She comes across as fake and that smile -YUK!
By the way Rezzi is not listed on the QVC presenters page - she clearly has left 😗
She was pregnant so maybe that’s why she’s not been on air recently. Maybe she’s opted to take maternity leave, if she’s already had the baby, like Chloe has. Who knows?

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