Another change - not for the better!


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They moved the goal posts so many times with the price pledge rules that it was partly the reason I stopped buying.

They wouldn't honour it across channels, which was annoying especially if you bought from the supposedly cheaper clearance (Lifestyle) channel, and they then had it on cheaper on the normal channel. That became more and more frequent.

They said at one point (or I was told when ringing) that you had to ring the same day...then it was within 2 hours...then within an hour...but if it was a wheel you can't ring until 20 minutes or so after that hour so that the prices have reset...and on and on!

It went from fast paced fun sales to long droning lectures with no actual items being sold. I'm glad I've broken free now...but, looking back, I was addicted and guilty of spending far too much, and I regret it now.
They moved the goal posts so many times with the price pledge rules that it was partly the reason I stopped buying.

They wouldn't honour it across channels, which was annoying especially if you bought from the supposedly cheaper clearance (Lifestyle) channel, and they then had it on cheaper on the normal channel. That became more and more frequent.

They said at one point (or I was told when ringing) that you had to ring the same day...then it was within 2 hours...then within an hour...but if it was a wheel you can't ring until 20 minutes or so after that hour so that the prices have reset...and on and on!

It went from fast paced fun sales to long droning lectures with no actual items being sold. I'm glad I've broken free now...but, looking back, I was addicted and guilty of spending far too much, and I regret it now.

They'll never admit it, but we can all see that the price promise policy was something they brought in years ago when everything was great. As the greed kicked in, and they failed in their attempt at expanding into other countries, followed by their financial issues, it's clear that this policy was a burden to them and they didn't want it - but withdrawing it would have caused uproar - so, basically, they kept moving the goalposts and 'watered it down' to the point that getting a price pledge was almost impossible.
They moved the goal posts so many times with the price pledge rules that it was partly the reason I stopped buying.

They wouldn't honour it across channels, which was annoying especially if you bought from the supposedly cheaper clearance (Lifestyle) channel, and they then had it on cheaper on the normal channel. That became more and more frequent.

They said at one point (or I was told when ringing) that you had to ring the same day...then it was within 2 hours...then within an hour...but if it was a wheel you can't ring until 20 minutes or so after that hour so that the prices have reset...and on and on!

It went from fast paced fun sales to long droning lectures with no actual items being sold. I'm glad I've broken free now...but, looking back, I was addicted and guilty of spending far too much, and I regret it now.
The thing is, though, that years ago they did sell some nice pieces with good metal weights, interesting gemstones and unusual designs. And for reasonable prices. A lot of us (maybe yourself included) probably started with those pieces, and wanted to know more about the gemstones, so it was a good introduction. I've got pieces I bought in 2008 - still wear them today and they are still in excellent condition, I've had them checked over by a local jeweller. You got wearable jewellery - jewellery you'd be happy to give as presents or to collect yourself. No doubt some of your own pieces were well worth the money you paid, and console yourself with the fact that you've learnt a lot since then and at least aren't wasting money on their current 'offerings'.
All those with your comments about the presenters all I can say is If you can't say kind words about them say nothing at all.. They do excellent presentations and appreciate them
You are entitled to your opinion but here on ST we allow members to discuss all things shopping telly, positive or negative, that includes presenters.
All those with your comments about the presenters all I can say is If you can't say kind words about them say nothing at all.. They do excellent presentations and appreciate them
And who made you chief milk monitor? Sorry, but you don't get to tell me, or others, what we can or cannot say. I could just as easily say to you, "If you don't like what others are writing, stop reading".
Every piece I've ever bought from Gemporia was genuine and worth more than I paid.
How do you assess worth? Resale value? Insurance valuation? Because they are entirely different. I have lost money on every single piece I’ve tried to sell and it’s been very hard selling these pieces so I feel totally duped.
But I don't want to sell my jewellery I do my research before buying sorry for those who don't.
You said your pieces were “worth more than I paid” but clearly that’s not the case if you haven’t actually attempted to sell them. How do you know this? Research as much as you want. If nobody else is prepared to buy your pieces at the price that you paid then I would be questioning your research.

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