Random musings and general banter.


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Do they neither realise nor care how shabby and downmarket the whole clearance thing looks. Running a clearance sale almost on a permanent basis now. Some sort of tea in plastic sachets he’s selling this morning. Telling us that we could pay £25 elsewhere for these items. There are so desirable a consignment of them have been received by shopping channel to shift at £7:99. I’ll Be Honest With You, he says. Don’t, Peter. Just stay the way you are. It’s more amusing with the hysterical bullshit you spout. His final four hours of clearance….Again…
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Unregulated television leads to this. Like going high street shopping with no protective purchasing legislation in place. Leads to people like him prompted by the spotty oiks off-camera saying essentially what they like. I’ll be honest with you – his finest oxymoron. He is trying to hold on to one of those vile plastic monstrosities like they have some weight to them. And then one of them wobbled next to him - probably because somebody blew on it in the background. back to his bedsit window box arrangements today, with his little area. He wants to keep a record of exactly what he says and when he says it.
Unregulated television leads to this. Like going high street shopping with no protective purchasing legislation in place. Leads to people like him prompted by the spotty oiks off-camera saying essentially what they like. I’ll be honest with you – his finest oxymoron. He is trying to hold on to one of those vile plastic monstrosities like they have some weight to them. And then one of them wobbled next to him - probably because somebody blew on it in the background. back to his bedsit window box arrangements today, with his little area. He wants to keep a record of exactly what he says and when he says it.
He only has a small area he says, then in the next breath he's going to buy the massive parasol. I'm sure someone found his address on the list of IW creditorse, and his house is worth quite a lot. Not the hovel he would have you believe.
Probably somebody who has been handsomely remunerated over decades for basically saying whatever comes out of his mouth without any thought beforehand. You suspect that far from being stuck in some bedsit with a grimy area, not very big in size, he actually lives in a very nice house with a very good quality furniture and a very pleasant set of gardens.
Is Pete the Cheat under a threat of death or torture if he doesn’t ’sell all!’ this morning?! He sounds completely deranged and urging all to buy everything as though his life depends on it.

As you said above, Duke, the sheer volume of shotgun-speed lies he comes out with is utterly vile and that this is allowed to happen day after day is beyond belief. (Indirect) comparisons to products that are far superior to those being sold, fictitious ‘bargain’ prices - we all know the daily routine.

The products are largely tacky crap and the presenters should hang their collective heads in shame. If they sold things for what they are (cheap copies), I’d have a shred of respect for them but their duplicitous descriptions are beyond reproach. If people are happy to make a living from publicly lying on a daily basis - and they are, no matter how they want to dress it up - then shame on them.
Probably somebody who has been handsomely remunerated over decades for basically saying whatever comes out of his mouth without any thought beforehand. You suspect that far from being stuck in some bedsit with a grimy area, not very big in size, he actually lives in a very nice house with a very good quality furniture and a very pleasant set of gardens.
Mike of the Masons house is in a very nice village, but the house itself is brash and a bit 'Essex' - lots of shiny things, hot-tubs, everything very 'new'. Think League 2 footballer nearing the end of his career, and you've got it.
Well, we all have to meet our makers in the end, and he is no different. If you have any sense of spirituality about you, then there is a belief that at the end of your life you will at least, even if that’s all there is, look back at the good and the bad you did and ponder. If you go beyond that, and believe how you live your life alters your ultimate destiny beyond this one, then you should have a moral code along the way over how you treat people – least, you should have. Perhaps if you treat people with respect, don’t lie to them, and don’t bully them, then if there is something else after this, it might make the difference between coming back as a bluebottle, or somebody with a life to enjoy. George Harrison had a very interesting philosophy about life, and he very much espoused that his current life was a skin that he wore and that beyond that there was a new set of skin to put on. He believed in good and bad karma and lived his life to that effect. Incidentally, he was far and away my favourite Beatle – both as a person and as a musician. For me, he spoke a lot of sense about this area of thinking.

A lot of us remember that very telling of studio microphone left on moment some months back now, when he was caught when ads were meant to be playing, sounding deflated, and asking about the sales of a certain item. It appeared to be that the item hadn’t sold at all well, or in fact it sold anything at all. It was during this illuminating moment when he said words to the effect of: “I’ll go to Hell, Me.” Of course, we can’t be sure of the exact context he was speaking in; but if it was about his selling techniques perhaps not being as transparent as they should be, then maybe he’s right - he will go to Hell.
Well, we all have to meet our makers in the end, and he is no different. If you have any sense of spirituality about you, then there is a belief that at the end of your life you will at least, even if that’s all there is, look back at the good and the bad you did and ponder. If you go beyond that, and believe how you live your life alters your ultimate destiny beyond this one, then you should have a moral code along the way over how you treat people – least, you should have. Perhaps if you treat people with respect, don’t lie to them, and don’t bully them, then if there is something else after this, it might make the difference between coming back as a bluebottle, or somebody with a life to enjoy. George Harrison had a very interesting philosophy about life, and he very much espoused that his current life was a skin that he wore and that beyond that there was a new set of skin to put on. He believed in good and bad karma and lived his life to that effect. Incidentally, he was far and away my favourite Beatle – both as a person and as a musician. For me, he spoke a lot of sense about this area of thinking.

A lot of us remember that very telling of microphone moment some months back now where he was caught when ads were meant to be playing, sounding deflated, and asking about the sales of a certain item. It appeared to be that the item hadn’t sold at all well, or in fact it sold anything at all. It was during this illuminating moment when he said words to the effect of “I’ll go to Hell, Me.” Of course, we can’t be sure of the exact context he was speaking in; but if it was about his selling techniques perhaps not being as transparent as they should be, then maybe he’s right - he will go to Hell.
Better book a minibus for Jezza, Torchy and the rest.
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This image of a transgender Bet is truly frightening.

There is a touch of Psycho here and one could imagine Peter going home to his dark turret and changing into Bet and wearing female fashions bought on IW.

One day he will forget to wash off the mascara and eyeliner and his secret will be out.
Don't forget he's Muriel as well, possibly with a grey wig and sensible shoes.
Well, we all have to meet our makers in the end, and he is no different. If you have any sense of spirituality about you, then there is a belief that at the end of your life you will at least, even if that’s all there is, look back at the good and the bad you did and ponder. If you go beyond that, and believe how you live your life alters your ultimate destiny beyond this one, then you should have a moral code along the way over how you treat people – least, you should have. Perhaps if you treat people with respect, don’t lie to them, and don’t bully them, then if there is something else after this, it might make the difference between coming back as a bluebottle, or somebody with a life to enjoy. George Harrison had a very interesting philosophy about life, and he very much espoused that his current life was a skin that he wore and that beyond that there was a new set of skin to put on. He believed in good and bad karma and lived his life to that effect. Incidentally, he was far and away my favourite Beatle – both as a person and as a musician. For me, he spoke a lot of sense about this area of thinking.

A lot of us remember that very telling of studio microphone left on moment some months back now, when he was caught when ads were meant to be playing, sounding deflated, and asking about the sales of a certain item. It appeared to be that the item hadn’t sold at all well, or in fact it sold anything at all. It was during this illuminating moment when he said words to the effect of: “I’ll go to Hell, Me.” Of course, we can’t be sure of the exact context he was speaking in; but if it was about his selling techniques perhaps not being as transparent as they should be, then maybe he’s right - he will go to Hell.
I'm not sure I believe in an afterlife, but I'm always concerned about karma whilst I'm still alive. People do get their comeuppance, sometimes it takes a long time but it usually catches up with them.

A simple guide is to treat people how you'd like to be treated. And don't lie outright when selling cheap and nasty goods comparing them to quality items.

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