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Just Googled and this appears to be a reference to Sunil Agrawal, chairman and CEO at TJC who acquired Ideal World.

From reading Professor Bs post again, to me it implies that Saintslad is a presenter, they alluded to Peter (something some of us suspected). I'm sure it would not be a good career move to have your boss find out that you're a troll on a forum that discusses your company's dodgy practices.

If Saintslad/Peter chooses to respond to this I won't see it because as you know I've blocked you.
Yes. Thanks (as always, Muttley).

To explain, given that my hands are working ok today, it was a while ago that I wondered if Saintslad was actually Peter S, given that Peter and Simon are both saints and disciples.
SaintsLad was (it seemed to me, anyway) engaging in some especially nasty trolling, and calling some forum regulars quite openly. I just wondered at that time, given that we know IW do read the forums, whether Sunil (Aggarwal) - the owner, and a generally decent person by all accounts - would be pleased to read his employees using such language and having such aggressive (IMO) attitudes to customers.
And just like that, SaintsLad was gone for a month or more….

Doesn’t make it so, but it was interesting.
And, as I’ve said before, I just don’t understand why - whoever they are - they don’t just post normally and nicely - after all, we can disagree without contantly trolling.
Yes. Thanks (as always, Muttley).

To explain, given that my hands are working ok today, it was a while ago that I wondered if Saintslad was actually Peter S, given that Peter and Simon are both saints and disciples.
SaintsLad was (it seemed to me, anyway) engaging in some especially nasty trolling, and calling some forum regulars quite openly. I just wondered at that time, given that we know IW do read the forums, whether Sunil (Aggarwal) - the owner, and a generally decent person by all accounts - would be pleased to read his employees using such language and having such aggressive (IMO) attitudes to customers.
And just like that, SaintsLad was gone for a month or more….

Doesn’t make it so, but it was interesting.
And, as I’ve said before, I just don’t understand why - whoever they are - they don’t just post normally and nicely - after all, we can disagree without contantly trolling.
As far as I could see they only posted one line sarcastic comments aimed at forum members. We asked them to elaborate, why they think IW is so good, why they like it etc but nothing was ever said. Didn't want to get involved in a polite debate. That tells me they are a troll. Not a regular contributor, just came in, made a few comments, then left again.

The person seemed bitter and angry. And I can imagine that underneath the smiley persona Peter could be the same. We've caught the occasional hint of that when things have gone wrong. Hence why I thought it could be him too.

I always liked the comment "why do you watch it?" To which we replied "why do you read this forum?"

Maybe the owner should look at how crew members use names from this forum claiming we've bought items. Particularly Hammy from Aberdeen, maybe there's another Hammy and it's all a co-incidence. That is clearly misrepresentation and should be investigated.

And glad your hands are working OK today😊
As far as I could see they only posted one line sarcastic comments aimed at forum members. We asked them to elaborate, why they think IW is so good, why they like it etc but nothing was ever said. Didn't want to get involved in a polite debate. That tells me they are a troll. Not a regular contributor, just came in, made a few comments, then left again.

The person seemed bitter and angry. And I can imagine that underneath the smiley persona Peter could be the same. We've caught the occasional hint of that when things have gone wrong. Hence why I thought it could be him too.

I always liked the comment "why do you watch it?" To which we replied "why do you read this forum?"

Maybe the owner should look at how crew members use names from this forum claiming we've bought items. Particularly Hammy from Aberdeen, maybe there's another Hammy and it's all a co-incidence. That is clearly misrepresentation and should be investigated.

And glad your hands are working OK today😊
There is a way to rectify it. What Hobbymaker sometimes do is show the screen with all the names on it
Just Googled and this appears to be a reference to Sunil Agrawal, chairman and CEO at TJC who acquired Ideal World.

From reading Professor Bs post again, to me it implies that Saintslad is a presenter, they alluded to Peter (something some of us suspected). I'm sure it would not be a good career move to have your boss find out that you're a troll on a forum that discusses your company's dodgy practices.

If Saintslad/Peter chooses to respond to this I won't see it because as you know I've blocked you.
Interesting. I never saw him or her as Peter Simon. Perhaps I was wrong.
It’s interesting because at their confrontational interventions height, I looked back at their posting history. It’s a very long-term membership, going back to the later 2000s. Unusual for trolling types. It also seems this forum was ‘reborn’ at some point then, and went back to Year Zero. Why, I don’t know. Nobody seems to have a membership before late June 2008. Strange - because I was a active member in the early to mid-2000s. So their membership could be even more long-term. Also, many of the posts contradict in style and approach. Some just perfectly rationally discussing products. Others - direct attacks on other members at times. Attacks also on people’s grammar, then making almost forced grammatical errors themselves. My view was it was almost like two or three people (or personalities) were logging in under that username, so diverse were the posting contributions at times. All very intriguing for ten minutes or so, but the block function works better. Out of interest- does anybody know why the forum apparently started afresh in 2008?
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Interesting, I hadn't looked back that far. Definitely looks like either 2 people using the account or a split personality maybe.

I love it when people criticise people's spelling and grammar on a forum. We're not at school and who put them in charge? Are they going to put us in detention? It makes me laugh because they probably feel superior but it just makes them look stupid. I have a family member who is like that. If people get the title of a song or a TV show wrong they go on and on about how thick they must be. It's using other people to make them feel superior, it's pathetic really.

Yes, the block function works well, can't recommend it enough. It's so good not seeing all that rubbish.
It’s usually a tactic employed to humiliate and upset. Odd - because it tends to be used by pedantic types, and usually very grammar savvy. Not by people who make even more ludicrous apparently genuine grammatical errors themselves at times. I do understand the ID is male from what the mods said when I raised the trolling of the IW sub-forum with them a few months back. How they can be certain of that, I remain unsure. I could call myself Gloria on here when I am really Bert from Pinner. I could create a Gloria email address to respond with. Maybe it’s a judgement from the ‘Lad’ bit. But that essentially proves nothing. Who knows…
And I come back to the fact that he/she/they didn't stick up for the channel, presenters or products. Just insults towards us and what we had posted when we highlighted outrageous selling tactics. Done on a sneering, superior way. But not trying to defend the channel, if its so wonderful tell us why. That's why I suspected they were just a troll, or an angry/bitter presenter. We know they read the forum and it's not difficult to create an account.
It’s interesting because at their confrontational interventions height, I looked back at their posting history. It’s a very long-term membership, going back to the later 2000s. Unusual for trolling types. It also seems this forum was ‘reborn’ at some point then, and went back to Year Zero. Why, I don’t know. Nobody seems to have a membership before late June 2008. Strange - because I was a active member in the early to mid-2000s. So their membership could be even more long-term. Also, many of the posts contradict in style and approach. Some just perfectly rationally discussing products. Others - direct attacks on other members at times. Attacks also on people’s grammar, then making almost forced grammatical errors themselves. My view was it was almost like two or three people (or personalities) were logging in under that username, so diverse were the posting contributions at times. All very intriguing for ten minutes or so, but the block function works better. Out of interest- does anybody know why the forum apparently started afresh in 2008?
I wasn't posting on here in the early-mid 2000's, but a lot of very regular posters apparently disappeared at some point around 2016 - I remember someone on here saying that some of them had created their own forum (I've no idea if this was the case or not), but I do remember a poster who seemed to buy from Gemporia very often and had been to one or more of the gemstone mines (this wasn't Mirabelle, by the way). I can't remember any posts from this poster for years now.

Perhaps something similar to this happened with some of the earlier posters, in the early to mid 2000's?
It’s interesting because at their confrontational interventions height, I looked back at their posting history. It’s a very long-term membership, going back to the later 2000s. Unusual for trolling types. It also seems this forum was ‘reborn’ at some point then, and went back to Year Zero. Why, I don’t know. Nobody seems to have a membership before late June 2008. Strange - because I was a active member in the early to mid-2000s. So their membership could be even more long-term. Also, many of the posts contradict in style and approach. Some just perfectly rationally discussing products. Others - direct attacks on other members at times. Attacks also on people’s grammar, then making almost forced grammatical errors themselves. My view was it was almost like two or three people (or personalities) were logging in under that username, so diverse were the posting contributions at times. All very intriguing for ten minutes or so, but the block function works better. Out of interest- does anybody know why the forum apparently started afresh in 2008?
That's because there was a major forum crash and everyone had to rejoin.
Interesting. I never saw him or her as Peter Simon. Perhaps I was wrong.
Yeah, I'd be very surprised if PS was saintslad. Or if PS would even have the wherewithal to post on here, tbh, seeing how bad he is with tech, watches, etc.

Suspect saintslad hails from Southampton and is on various football and other forums, if you " 'ave a search!". 😆

I think maybe they are a wannabe, maybe a Southampton supporter but I wouldn't put it past him. The only reason I doubt it is because he can barely work a wrist watch never mind a phone or PC
Just saw you'd already made my points earlier! 👍 @Dr Quincy MkII

Obviously a very common Southampton football fan term, but found saintslad postings on football and gay forums. Who knew. Oh actually, PS... Ha ha. But he's not from Southampton, afaik!

I'm sure they'll be very happy they're being talked about, too! Lol.
Yeah, I'd be very surprised if PS was saintslad. Or if PS would even have the wherewithal to post on here, tbh, seeing how bad he is with tech, watches, etc.

Suspect saintslad hails from Southampton and is on various football and other forums, if you " 'ave a search!". 😆

Just saw you'd already made my points earlier! 👍 @Dr Quincy MkII

Obviously a very common Southampton football fan term, but found saintslad postings on football and gay forums. Who knew. Oh actually, PS... Ha ha. But he's not from Southampton, afaik!

I'm sure they'll be very happy they're being talked about, too! Lol.
As you say it is common for Southampton and therefore many could use username saintslad, doesn't mean saintslad on here is same as one on other forums so please be careful about jumping to conclusions.
As you say it is common for Southampton and therefore many could use username saintslad, doesn't mean saintslad on here is same as one on other forums so please be careful about jumping to conclusions.
Sure, it's a tenuous link. Not jumping to any conclusions, just a suspicion!
My view was it was almost like two or three people (or personalities) were logging in under that username, so diverse were the posting contributions at times.
Yes, I agree with this. There was another poster, briefly, whose name I forget but who I thought could have been Mike of the Masons. He seemed to get very upset at the idea that I knew he lived in Cowlinge, and his neighbours didn't much like him. He and Saintslad acted in concert a bit, though never posting simultaneously, which made me think the accounts were somehow linked.

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