Miceal Taking A Year Off


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Miceal has now gone public on social media that he has been treated for colon cancer. He had surgery in February then he had chemotherapy which he finished recently and a recent scan has shown there is no cancer in his body.
Crikey, poor bloke. Hasn't he had cancer before? I'm sure I read something about his father dying (maybe that was heart failure or something) which sort of spurred him on to try to stay as fit and healthy as he could, and then he got cancer (or again, maybe it was something cardiac). Either way, he seems to suffer from very poor health.
Miceal has now gone public on social media that he has been treated for colon cancer. He had surgery in February then he had chemotherapy which he finished recently and a recent scan has shown there is no cancer in his body.
Good grief, the poor chap has had a lot hasn’t he? The heart issues were bad enough and now this. I sincerely hope he is soon back to full health. If he has been having chemo since, say, March, that is a pretty long time and takes it out of you.
Crikey, poor bloke. Hasn't he had cancer before? I'm sure I read something about his father dying (maybe that was heart failure or something) which sort of spurred him on to try to stay as fit and healthy as he could, and then he got cancer (or again, maybe it was something cardiac). Either way, he seems to suffer from very poor health.
Sorry to hear he's been ill with that evil disease but now, it seems, it's all good for him. I hope so. Will he return to QVC?
Crikey, poor bloke. Hasn't he had cancer before? I'm sure I read something about his father dying (maybe that was heart failure or something) which sort of spurred him on to try to stay as fit and healthy as he could, and then he got cancer (or again, maybe it was something cardiac). Either way, he seems to suffer from very poor health.
It was cardiac issues he had
If anyone is on Instagram you can read a beautiful post by Miceal about how he is recovering from major abdominal surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy ,not unlike the situation the Princess of Wales find’s herself in.❤️ Respect and Kindness.
The best of luck and good wishes to him.
If anyone is on Instagram you can read a beautiful post by Miceal about how he is recovering from major abdominal surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy ,not unlike the situation the Princess of Wales find’s herself in.❤️ Respect and Kindness.
Thanks, Lynn. That brought a tear to my eye but it is lovely, as you say.

I hope it’s ok to post the message here for those not on Instagram :

I have debated long and hard about making this post. It’s not for me to comment on other peoples health or wellbeing and that is not my intention here. What I do want to say is as someone who is recovering from cancer after major abdominal surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy, not unlike the situation @princeandprincessofwales find themselves in I will say that privacy and time to process are a hugely important part of what is a life changing moment especially for them with a young family to think of. I chose not to speak about my cancer until after I had finished my chemotherapy and there were very good reasons for that. Lots of people were asking where I had disappeared to and I chose not to speak until I was ready as I needed to direct my energy, all of my meagre energy, towards healing. I can’t even begin to imagine the stress and pressure felt by Catherine and William over the last few months. I would ask everyone, especially the world press to be mindful of the effect stress can have on the body in these circumstances and give Catherine and her family that space and time they need. Stop with the stories, the enquiries and the intrusion and allow them their private time, I ask this as someone who has recently been through a similar situation and needed to not talk about it publicly but rather deal with it privately. I pray the world listens and gives her some time. Wishing her a full and speedy recovery and the chance to do it in her own time and her own way. All of us, no matter what our position in life, are all just people, human beings, trying to live and survive as best we can. Please let’s respect that, and each other. In a world where we can be anything we choose to be, let’s choose to be kind.​

Thanks, Lynn. That brought a tear to my eye but it is lovely, as you say.

I hope it’s ok to post the message here for those not on Instagram :

I have debated long and hard about making this post. It’s not for me to comment on other peoples health or wellbeing and that is not my intention here. What I do want to say is as someone who is recovering from cancer after major abdominal surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy, not unlike the situation @princeandprincessofwales find themselves in I will say that privacy and time to process are a hugely important part of what is a life changing moment especially for them with a young family to think of. I chose not to speak about my cancer until after I had finished my chemotherapy and there were very good reasons for that. Lots of people were asking where I had disappeared to and I chose not to speak until I was ready as I needed to direct my energy, all of my meagre energy, towards healing. I can’t even begin to imagine the stress and pressure felt by Catherine and William over the last few months. I would ask everyone, especially the world press to be mindful of the effect stress can have on the body in these circumstances and give Catherine and her family that space and time they need. Stop with the stories, the enquiries and the intrusion and allow them their private time, I ask this as someone who has recently been through a similar situation and needed to not talk about it publicly but rather deal with it privately. I pray the world listens and gives her some time. Wishing her a full and speedy recovery and the chance to do it in her own time and her own way. All of us, no matter what our position in life, are all just people, human beings, trying to live and survive as best we can. Please let’s respect that, and each other. In a world where we can be anything we choose to be, let’s choose to be kind.​

Thanks Andie I cried too.
How awful for Miceal. He always comes across as a thoroughly decent, gentle soul. I hope he’s well on the way to a full recovery and will be back at work when it’s right for him. And if anyone from QVC is reading this, I hope they’ll pass on all our good wishes to him.
What a lovely heartfelt post. I agree with everything he has written. It has been totally beyond my comprehension how the media, and some people, think that it is their right to know the private details about the health of the Princess of Wales. It is not our business. I wish her and Micael all the very best in their journey back to health, and I hope that he returns back to QVC when he is ready.
What a generous and thoughtful soul Micèal is!
It can be very lonely and frightening dealing with any and every aspect of a cancer diagnosis and treatment. To think of others rather than yourself is another level of humanity.
I hope that this message gets to William and Catherine, as it is so kind and heartening.
To all who are facing this dreadful disease it cannot help but resonate when public figures are facing similar challenges.
If it lightens the loneliness or brightens the outlook it can really help on a tough day...
Because you do feel you walk the road alone at times.
Lovely post from Miceal. Has he fully recovered or is he still off sick? I know the previous posts said his surgery was in February last year. Poor fellow if he is still having to recover at home, that is a long old slog isn’t it? I do hope he is making good progress, ❤️.
looking at Debbie Flint's latest blog, he'll be back on air very soon, and looks so well!


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