Ellis unapologetic about jade


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user 17461

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Jul 20, 2016
So, Ellis is flogging the last of the jadeite bangles, probably returns. She makes a point about saying how unapologetic she is for Gemporia bringing tons of the stuff to screen, because jadeite of this quality has never been seen in the west before. And it's all down to Dave Troth apparently, who has single-handedly raised the profile of Type A jadeite outside of China.

I am betting that Asprey's will be very surprised to hear this. They weren't mentioned once in Ellis' guff.
I literally was scrolling through today for a few minutes and caught Ellis waxing lyrical about some jade thingy or other. It's incredible. Why don't they just call the channel Gemjadeia. I don't even find it that attractive anyway - now if it was wall to wall diamonds maybe....
Well she is out of touch then with us all here. I cannot believe they are still selling it. Surely anyone who wanted jade has now bought it, especially seeing it has been virtually wall to wall coverage.

Maybe Jade Troth will receive a medal from the Palace, for services beyond the call of duty, for bravely providing the public with copious amounts of jade.
So, Ellis is flogging the last of the jadeite bangles, probably returns. She makes a point about saying how unapologetic she is for Gemporia bringing tons of the stuff to screen, because jadeite of this quality has never been seen in the west before. And it's all down to Dave Troth apparently, who has single-handedly raised the profile of Type A jadeite outside of China.

I am betting that Asprey's will be very surprised to hear this. They weren't mentioned once in Ellis' guff.
It’s this sort of patronizing waffle that has made me lose trust in the channel. If a product is good enough it will sell without all this ridiculous hype. In the “olden days” we didn’t have the hard sell. Just good quality products. The fact that she needs to state this proves that the product isn’t as good as they make out.
And it never ends. Ever.
Doesn't type A just mean "undyed" and not treated? So I could find a totally rubbish bit of jadeite and as long as I sold out without treating it then it is type A? Surely there is more to good quality jade than that. Ellis is obviously aware people are hacked off as I have seen her rail at someone who obviously commented about too much jade "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". I was shocked at that time and did think she could have applied to her own reaction. Basically she was saying "if you don't like it, shut up". So this is the second time she's gone on the defensive about jade. I guess she is worried about Gems current situation and her own job but maybe she has her own reservations about the darned stuff too.
Surely there is more to good quality jade than that.

There is - colour and clarity. Of which Jadeporia's barely has either of.

This is a good quality Type A Green Jadeite: It has plenty of colour and it is translucent in clarity.


This is Gemporia's Type A Green Jadeite: 'Barely-there' green and opaque.

Their 'Black' Jadeite is actually a VERY VERY dark green when looked at in good light, the Olmec Blue Jadeite is also a deep shade of Green - and the Dove 'Blue' Jadeite is, at best, off-white to light grey in colour.

Well she is out of touch then with us all here. I cannot believe they are still selling it. Surely anyone who wanted jade has now bought it, especially seeing it has been virtually wall to wall coverage.

Maybe Jade Troth will receive a medal from the Palace, for services beyond the call of duty, for bravely providing the public with copious amounts of jade.

They are VERY aware that people are sick to death of the stuff. People were complaining on the Gemporia Facebook page and the Jewellery Maker Facebook page. On another occasions, a presenter stood up for Dave Troth on Facebook saying that Dave had been targeted in some posts with some getting quite personal and insulting. Also, Dave Troth has personally been tagged in a number of complaints on Facebook too - and he had a kind of dig on-air about people complaining about it. There are also comments about never ending Jade on various Facebook jewellery groups - some of which Gemporia and Jewellery Maker presenters are in, and therefore, they also see the posts.

So, Gemporia are more than aware of it - but rather than doing something about it, they carry on regardless and have digs at the people complaining about it - to the point that they stopped people from commenting on their Facebook pages a few months ago after being bombarded with negative posts about refund times and endless Jadeite shows.

They're always dismissive of complaints and suggestions that they don't like. They have a habit of giving standard responses of "We'll raise it with the team", and blocking comments from being left on their Facebook page, or point blank insinuate that we're wrong - and they're right - such as the times when LOTS of people left comments on their Facebook page saying that they were sick of the long lectures before sales and that they just wanted to see the items and choose whether to buy or not. Gemporia responded to those posts with "Our customers like to be educated on Gemstones and find the information useful".

So the very people that tune in and buy from Gemporia were telling them they didn't want these lectures - but as always, Gemporia have carried on regardless, ignored customer feedback, and continued to do it their way.

Well, doing it their way appears to have lost them business I presume, based on the redundancies they made and based on Steve putting some of his own money into the business again.

Has that made them change the way they broadcast? Not one bit. They're still doing it their way, because they think they know better than the customers that keep them in business.

It is for that reason why I still have serious doubts as to whether they'll still be with us in 12 months time - because they continue to dismiss customers input and instead, they just carry on doing it their way.

People are sick of Gold tone jewellery - but they're still selling it.
People are sick of Jadeite - but they're still selling it.
People are sick of Dave, Jake and Toby giving us 30 minute lectures before they sell an item - but they continue to do it.

But they then blame their 'struggles' on import costs, materials, Brexit, etc. SOME of which will have had an impact on the business for sure - but they're seriously under-estimating just how much they're alienating their viewers / customers with never ending Jade, never ending 'plated / tone' Jewellery, never ending lectures, higher prices for lower quality jewellery, etc.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - they are digging their own grave.

Colin has been gone for two months now - yet barely anything has changed. They can no longer blame things on him. This continuation of how it was under Colin's watch, is now down to Steve, Jake or whoever is responsible for the main business decisions these days.
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There is - colour and clarity. Of which Jadeporia's barely has either of.

This is a good quality Type A Green Jadeite: It has plenty of colour and it is translucent in clarity.


This is Gemporia's Type A Green Jadeite: 'Barely-there' green and opaque.

Their 'Black' Jadeite is actually a VERY VERY dark green when looked at in good light, the Olmec Blue Jadeite is also a deep shade of Green - and the Dove 'Blue' Jadeite is, at best, off-white to light grey in colour.

They are VERY aware that people are sick to death of the stuff. People were complaining on the Gemporia Facebook page and the Jewellery Maker Facebook page. On another occasions, a presenter stood up for Dave Troth on Facebook saying that Dave had been targeted in some posts with some getting quite personal and insulting. Also, Dave Troth has personally been tagged in a number of complaints on Facebook too - and he had a kind of dig on-air about people complaining about it. There are also comments about never ending Jade on various Facebook jewellery groups - some of which Gemporia and Jewellery Maker presenters are in, and therefore, they also see the posts.

So, Gemporia are more than aware of it - but rather than doing something about it, they carry on regardless and have digs at the people complaining about it - to the point that they stopped people from commenting on their Facebook pages a few months ago after being bombarded with negative posts about refund times and endless Jadeite shows.

They're always dismissive of complaints and suggestions that they don't like. They have a habit of giving standard responses of "We'll raise it with the team", and blocking comments from being left on their Facebook page, or point blank insinuate that we're wrong - and they're right - such as the times when LOTS of people left comments on their Facebook page saying that they were sick of the long lectures before sales and that they just wanted to see the items and choose whether to buy or not. Gemporia responded to those posts with "Our customers like to be educated on Gemstones and find the information useful".

So the very people that tune in and buy from Gemporia were telling them they didn't want these lectures - but as always, Gemporia have carried on regardless, ignored customer feedback, and continued to do it their way.

Well, doing it their way appears to have lost them business I presume, based on the redundancies they made and based on Steve putting some of his own money into the business again.

Has that made them change the way they broadcast? Not one bit. They're still doing it their way, because they think they know better than the customers that keep them in business.

It is for that reason why I still have serious doubts as to whether they'll still be with us in 12 months time - because they continue to dismiss customers input and instead, they just carry on doing it their way.

People are sick of Gold tone jewellery - but they're still selling it.
People are sick of Jadeite - but they're still selling it.
People are sick of Dave, Jake and Toby giving us 30 minute lectures before they sell an item - but they continue to do it.

But they then blame their 'struggles' on import costs, materials, Brexit, etc. SOME of which will have had an impact on the business for sure - but they're seriously under-estimating just how much they're alienating their viewers / customers with never ending Jade, never ending 'plated / tone' Jewellery, never ending lectures, higher prices for lower quality jewellery, etc.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - they are digging their own grave.

Colin has been gone for two months now - yet barely anything has changed. They can no longer blame things on him. This continuation of how it was under Colin's watch, is now down to Steve, Jake or whoever is responsible for the main business decisions these days.
Absolutely spot on but as you suggest it isn’t being taken on board at all.
I do wonder about their dubious sales tactics. For example selling quartzite and calling it quartzite jade. People think they’re buying jade but I’ve googled and apparently it’s a quartzite often used in worktops. Does anyone have any information on this so called golden quartzite jade?
Absolutely spot on but as you suggest it isn’t being taken on board at all.
I do wonder about their dubious sales tactics. For example selling quartzite and calling it quartzite jade. People think they’re buying jade but I’ve googled and apparently it’s a quartzite often used in worktops. Does anyone have any information on this so called golden quartzite jade?

Technically, it should be called Jadeite in Quartz - because it's Clear Quartz with Jadeite inclusions.

It's similar to the likes of Tourmalinated Quartz (Quartz with Tourmaline inclusions), Strawberry Quartz (Quartz with Haematite & Mica inclusions), and Astraeolite (Quartz with Pyrite inclusions).

At the very worst, as a marketing name, Jadeite Quartz would have been more reasonable than 'Quartzite Jade'. 'Quartzite Jade' makes it sound like it's predominately Jade (which I suspect is the reason why Gemporia have given it that name) - but it's the other way round - more Quartz than Jade.
Technically, it should be called Jadeite in Quartz - because it's Clear Quartz with Jadeite inclusions.

It's similar to the likes of Tourmalinated Quartz (Quartz with Tourmaline inclusions), Strawberry Quartz (Quartz with Haematite & Mica inclusions), and Astraeolite (Quartz with Pyrite inclusions).

At the very worst, as a marketing name, Jadeite Quartz would have been more reasonable than 'Quartzite Jade'. 'Quartzite Jade' makes it sound like it's predominately Jade (which I suspect is the reason why Gemporia have given it that name) - but it's the other way round - more Quartz than Jade.
Thank you. This is far more informative than the hours of waffle they spew on gems. Succinct and precise and accurate. That’s all that’s needed. And actually makes me doubt their spurious claims.
Although I’m not sure that i trust any of them anymore. I’ve heard that TJC sent out an email apologizing that some of their Amber pieces are not natural and they’ve only just found out! Makes me wonder about the rest of their items!
Just looked to see what is on at the moment .. mutton fat jade...what a surprise. I hardly ever look at Gemporia these days and when I do it is either Jade or those birds 🙄 Good for the bank balance though!
Ps did anyone see the jade 'hand charm' just presented by Jess with usual mouth wide open amazement. Admittedly only 9.99 but still overpriced, it was a shapeless blob with a hole in .. was it supposed to look like a hand?? ... Hilarious 🤣

When Ellis was presenting on Wednesday, there was a fly going around the studio.

It's a shame it didn't stick around for Jess Foley's show. It would have been brilliant viewing had the fly flew into Jess Foley's gob.

The fly would have thought it had entered the Blackwall Tunnel.
I think the chances of their giving up presenting jade are zero to nil. That jade bracelet which I saw for £4.48 on Temu has just sold out for £150. and i would bet my last cent that it’s exactly the same. Nice little profit.


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I think the chances of their giving up presenting jade are zero to nil. That jade bracelet which I saw for £4.48 on Temu has just sold out for £150. and i would bet my last cent that it’s exactly the same. Nice little profit.
I've never heard of TEMU, so googled it and found the bracelet you are talking about. It looks the same to me too! 😒
I'm very sick of the jade.

It never looks anything like the colour they claim it is.

I bought myself a purple jade ring on etsy and it's far more saturated in colour than their "purple" jade they were flogging for ridiculous amounts, it cost a lot less too & was set in silver not the awful yellow tone gold everything seems to be in
I don’t understand why people pay these ridiculous prices apparently without checking other sites. While they do I’m afraid we are stuck with endless jade. They won’t give up these profits. They’ll take a chance on losing customers who know they are being ripped off.
I don’t understand why people pay these ridiculous prices apparently without checking other sites. While they do I’m afraid we are stuck with endless jade. They won’t give up these profits. They’ll take a chance on losing customers who know they are being ripped off.
And when customers buy, receive their items, see the realty and send back .. so the never to be seen again shows continue in a dreary loop .. I haven't seen anything worth watching let alone buying in many months....Everything is either Jade, unexciting gemstone stretchie bracelets, flimsy gold tone or scary looking glass critters some with bits you really don't want to see..what next ..
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