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  1. S

    Quartzite Jade REALLY!

    If you dislike us so much - why do you keep coming here? Troll? Much?
  2. S

    Another change - not for the better!

    Good, I am glad you are happy. My personal opinion is that you are somewhat deluded - unless you are mistaking insurance value for worth - but you are entitled to voice your opinion, as we are.
  3. S

    Another change - not for the better!

    And who made you chief milk monitor? Sorry, but you don't get to tell me, or others, what we can or cannot say. I could just as easily say to you, "If you don't like what others are writing, stop reading".
  4. S

    Gemporia Presenters and Guests as Fictional Characters

    Toby - definitely Shaggy from Scooby-doo. Enthusiastic and a bit of a hippy on the quiet.
  5. S

    "House of Kimbie" - Ellis, really?

    Nah, it's up for sale at much more than those figures...
  6. S

    "House of Kimbie" - Ellis, really?

    Mind you, I can't blame her for being a bit irritable. Selling a house is always stressful. Especially it it takes a while. *Waves at Ellis* Perhaps you could offer a "Game of Trust" on it? :)
  7. S

    Cringefest on at the moment

    Oh deary, deary me. Another Troll. Well, little, haggard Troll, I know you are looking for responses please enjoy the only one you will get from me. Please enjoy spewing your bile and remember to monitor your blood pressure. I, personally, will not be indulging in this trivial yawnfest.
  8. S

    Angola Pink Diamonds

    Sorry, but the words "Lindsey Carr" and "interesting" should not be written in the same post.
  9. S

    Gemporia's Sneaky sales tactics

    It's those weasel words "up to". Well, "up to" 65 per cent can be 0.00000000000000000000000001 per cent to 65 percent. You might have just won a penny off - and only that because you can't get half-pennies any more. To get out of this they can give you anything from as close to nothing as they...
  10. S

    Gemporia Online

    I don't watch much these days. I flick in and I flick out. But I would do this even less if they were just online.
  11. S

    All staff meeting

    There was a wheel on this morning. Not so long back someone said they had put an embargo on pearls and would not be selling any for a while. Next day? Baroque pearl earrings for sale. They are beginning to look increasingly desperate.
  12. S

    Jade Troth is back

    I tuned in today. Very briefly. I caught myself thinking, as I typed "665" into my remote: "Please don't let it be Dave Troth!". I think that speaks volumes - because I won't be the only one. It wasn't Troth - but it wasn't interesting or a good price either.
  13. S

    I think the feedback is getting through

    Got to be honest. I prefer silver. Always have, always will. I hate platinum, to me it's grey and not very reflective. I don't like white gold (rather have silver). I can accept yellow and rose gold - NOT plated though. But I like silver best. So, for me at least, it's not a matter of affording...
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    "Affordable Jewellery"

    No worries both. I know they are not to everybody's taste. I do like them though, so I am secure about it and far from offended. :)
  15. S

    "Affordable Jewellery"

    Just to add I also have bleached baroques. But I paid - if memory serves either £19.99 for a pair of huge white baroque silver earrings a year or so ago. I don't mind the bleaching if the pearl is okay and the price is good. as it does seem to give a rainbow type effect which I like. But, I will...
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    "Affordable Jewellery"

    LOL. I have a necklace very similar to this "hideous" one. No worries I have said before I like big, lumpy, gnarly baroques. Mine is not gold flash though, just silver, hate plating. and I paid £149 about eight months ago.
  17. S

    Jade - Opinion.

    I like the really bright green, top-quality Jade. It's a lovely colour. But the mouldy spinach, mottled or grey stuff Gemporia sells leaves me cold. Also, knowing what I know about the sales techniques on Gemporia - it would make me extremely nervous about buying Jade anywhere. I would rather...
  18. S

    Lyndsay ...

    Yianni used to condemn Montepuez rubies. Yet, Gemporia sold them contemporaneously. I will just leave this link here.
  19. S

    I think the feedback is getting through

    Wow. They have been told about this. They have been warned about this. Yet, they are still doing it. Their hubris is overwhelming. Either they think they are legally covered and untouchable, or the writing is already on the wall and they don't care. Un-friggin'-believable.
  20. S

    Ludicrous Prices

    I have actually watched a few shows today. Haven't done that for months and months. All I can say is: "Strewth, it's got expensive!" Is it me or are prices much, much higher than they were before Christmas?