Recent content by Rocks & Co. COO


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  1. R

    WARNING charging your stored credit card without authorisation

    Hi Meeshoo, First please accept my apologies. I have looked into the issue you have stated and there was a glitch in relation to a previously checked out item. Due to that order never being charged and despatched (e.g. the item was removed from your basket after check out, but before it...
  2. R

    Urgent message for Rocks & Co CCO (Andrew)

    Hi MissMagpie, PM box is now cleared. Regards, Andrew
  3. R

    New IT System - Its in!!

    Hi All, Just a quick one. I would just like to inform you that the new IT system is now installed. After first putting it in on Tuesday and a day of issues it seems to be funtioning well. We are continually monitoring and will be correcting any issues if they arise - please let us know via...
  4. R

    FURIOUS! Coincidence? I think not.

    Hi Meeshoo, I am sorry you feel that way and again I apologise. If you have any questions or queries in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me or anyone else at Rocks & Co. Kind Regards, Andrew
  5. R

    FURIOUS! Coincidence? I think not.

    Hi Mrs James, As currently we are not within our own facility we have to send items up from London to Newcastle and unfortunately items can get damaged, even though we pack items carefully, the handling of these packages is out of our control. We are in the process of changing things to reduce...
  6. R

    FURIOUS! Coincidence? I think not.

    Hi Meeshoo and all First I would like to apologise for the problem that has occurred. I want to get this sorted and put it right. I have sent a PM to you. With regards the new IT system its is still not in (in IT, there is always something that can cause a delay and unfortunately with custom...
  7. R

    OK, 'fess up...

    Hi Miss M, I am pleased you are happy with your purchase. You should get the booklet with your order, and I do remember seeing your name on one. Anyway, I will get one posted out to you today. :D PS - I have sent you a PM too. Kind Regards, Andrew Rocks & Co. COO
  8. R

    Rocks & Co Delivery

    Hi rubytuesday, I am sorry for your problem and delayed shipment, however I would like to just confirm that we only charge the cards when orders are ready to ship. If you would like to PM me your details, I would be more than happy to look into the problem you had, and I am sure we can sort...
  9. R

    Can't See Rocks & Co. on FreeView channel 49?

    Hi All, Just to point out that to receive Rocks & Co. on Freeview channel 49, you may need to Retune/Rescan/ your FreeView box. It may also be listed as add new channels or if you are unsure then just do a full installation and that should be within the menu section of you FreeView box (check...
  10. R


    Hi rosylee If you PM me your name, address and postcode, I will look into your order for you. Regards, Andrew Rocks & Co. COO
  11. R

    Has anyone...

    Hi Hollybee, Firstly, I apologise for issues you have had. If you would PM me your name, address and postcode, then I can look into your account and address the problem with you. Again, just PM me and I will get your issues sorted! :D Ohh - Happy New Year to all. :D Regards, Andrew...
  12. R

    Outstanding issues PLEASE READ!! (I WANT TO HELP YOU)

    Hi Pinkpussycat, I ensure you we do not ignore your messages, In this instance, I have been out of the office for the last couple of days and haven't been able to log into to shopping telly, and unfortunately Rocks and Co Helper has been off sick (I now have a another person on the case to...
  13. R

    Tanzanite hours

    Hi, Just to confirm, we do not end the game in our quantity auctions unless we get a caller in! Our Tanzanite hours are very popular due to the quality and prices we are offering this jewellery to you, the customer, and as such our current systems struggle to cope with a rush of high volume...
  14. R

    Blue fire opal?

    Hi gemslover. Thanks for sending me a PM (as you know we are now in communication) I assure you we only sell items that we have in stock. What they meant is that they are waiting upon the stock coming up from our London studios as it would have been the last ones in stock that were allocated...
  15. R

    Outstanding issues PLEASE READ!! (I WANT TO HELP YOU)

    Hi gemslover. Thanks for sending me a PM (as you know we are now in communication) I assure you we only sell items that we have in stock. What they meant is that they are waiting upon the stock coming up from our London studios as it would have been the last ones in stock that were allocated...