Recent content by Ms_Sawyer


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  1. Ms_Sawyer

    Cozee Home TSV 29/09/14

    Personally I found it to hot, too sticky & it seemed to cling to me when I moved. It was stretchy & horrible. Each to their own though, I know many like/love this range. I gave mine to my eldest daughter. She is not menopause age, but she liked her free gift, despite her saying she was to warm...
  2. Ms_Sawyer

    I have a dog. My first ever.

    Awr thank you for nice post. I will give Ella a kiss & hug from you. Yep, Ella follows me everywhere, like every.....where lol. She has had a few toes stepped out, which makes me feel guilty I've hurt her. Dam dog has stolen my heart. Sorry to hear you are ill. Xx
  3. Ms_Sawyer

    Flameless Candle TSV 24/09/14

    I disagree. These are safe for children & pets to be around. No disrespect to you.
  4. Ms_Sawyer

    I have a dog. My first ever.

    hoping this works from my ipad Edited to did :mysmilie_59:
  5. Ms_Sawyer

    I have a dog. My first ever.

    Funny enough I said the same words to my son :) maybe she is a Heinz 57 mix.
  6. Ms_Sawyer

    bendy stretchy hosepipe

    Huge price differences. Qvc are hell bent on ripping us off.
  7. Ms_Sawyer

    I have a dog. My first ever.

    Ella is now my avatar pic. I have posted this on qvc Facebook so some Of you may have seen her before. Ps I scoop up poo with scoop. I'm a recovering agoraphobic so walks are very controlled but my sons take her for a walk each evening. I can manage the small field near my home with somebody to...
  8. Ms_Sawyer

    I have a dog. My first ever.

    Sorry never got back here as my bloody bt Internet crashed. Anyway, I tried to change avatar pic but it failed. Tried adding a pic lol that failed. Going to read the blog now- thank you.
  9. Ms_Sawyer

    5 Things You Don't Know About My Shopping TV habits

    I never ever buy Beauty products. I never watch household stuff, cleaning bores me. I hate Charlie's reveal but like gold jewellery shows. I admit to buying 1- Uri Gellar ring a long time ago & I love it. I'm a sucker for high threads counts but rarely buy anymore. I do not own a Kipling nylon...
  10. Ms_Sawyer

    I have a dog. My first ever.

    She is now 15 weeks. A cockapoo ( mix with fancy name ) she is very nearly housetrained. She loves biting, especially my feet & skirts. I never knew she would bring me so much joy..and hard work :mysmilie_17: can't seem to upload the pic her, despite uploading it.
  11. Ms_Sawyer

    I have a dog. My first ever.

    deleted. Mistake made
  12. Ms_Sawyer

    I have a dog. My first ever.

    Her name is Ella. She's cute, crazy & I'm learning each day.
  13. Ms_Sawyer

    The next QVC author

    Yes sorry, my mistake, I meant CAtherine H. How to gush, guff & lose weight.
  14. Ms_Sawyer

    Irritating presenters

    I like Jill Franks :mysmilie_11: I like Chloe. :mysmilie_59: I dislike Charlie, Jilly, Catherine & Ali K..oh & Anne D & Marv. I can cope just about with pippa, but admit to muting Claire. Just meh...on all the others. Julia used to be favourite, but lately has done my head in at times.
  15. Ms_Sawyer

    Charlie Brook - a bit on the snide side ?

    No I dislike Charlie & hate him presenting food shows. He is smarmy- urgh.