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  1. G

    Peter Simon Contradictions

    Each and every time that Peter Simon brings electric heaters to air on Ideal World he says that he wishes that he'd had one the previous night as the central heating wasn't working in his hotel room and he was absolutely freezing. But why does he keep going back to this hotel in which the...
  2. G

    Peter Simon Contradictions

    "Well. Get ready. This is a hero product of mine. This is the best thing I've brought to air in over 30 years....." However, an hour later when introducing an entirely different product: "Well. Get ready. This is a hero product of mine. This is the best thing I've brought to air in over 30...
  3. G

    Peter Simon Contradictions

    "I don't know about you but if there's one thing I hate then it's the cold. So this fantastic ceramic heater....." However, 6 months earlier.... "I don't know about you but if there's one thing I hate then it's the heat. So this fantastic electric fan....."
  4. G

    Ideal World Product of the Year Award

    Great call. The collapsible washing machine actually won the award in the Most Ridiculous Product category.
  5. G

    Ideal World Product of the Year Award

    Another year gone and Ideal World certainly hasn't disappointed. As usual they have insulted the Great British Public with their characteristic dismal offerings of cheap useless tat, damaged goods, fake perfume and aftershave, medical products with no medical basis, snake oil supplements, dodgy...
  6. G

    Peter Simon Stock Phrases - please feel free to add

    "Collagen is the glue that holds us together....get ready....3,2,1......put the glue back.....I swear by it.....I'm living proof that this stuff really works......I give it to Bet and our Josh ( a Labrador) and they love it too...."
  7. G

    Mike Mason Stock Phrases - please feel free to add

    "Kev, I'm really tempted to add this magnificent timepiece to my collection....I've got 18 in mine....but please don't tell the blokes can never have enough watches....women have shoes, men have watches."
  8. G

    Peter Simon Stock Phrases - please feel free to add

    "Every man should have a gold (plated) watch....this with your Chinos and your polo shirt....."
  9. G

    Peter Simon Stock Phrases - please feel free to add

    "Ok...right...Ok....right....get ready....3-2-1.....only a grand on 5 flexis....these are flying don't even think about it....just get it while we've still got it."
  10. G

    Peter Simon Stock Phrases - please feel free to add

    "I don't know about you but if there's one thing I hate then it's the cold. So this fantastic ceramic heater....." However, 6 months earlier.... "I don't know about you but if there's one thing I hate then it's the heat. So this fantastic electric fan....."
  11. G

    Mike Mason Stock Phrases - please feel free to add

    I believe it's Mike Mason's favourite song. He loves, loves, loves to sing it to the Goddess with the aid of his magnificent Daewoo Karaoke machine (still available on the Ideal World website).
  12. G

    Mike Mason Stock Phrases - please feel free to add

    "Oh, my old man's a dustman He wears a dustman's hat. He wears cor blimey trousers And he lives in a council flat. He looks a proper narner In his great big hob-nailed boots. He makes such a fuss when he pulls 'em up That he calls ‘em daisy roots. "
  13. G

    Peter Simon Stock Phrases - please feel free to add

    "You know me, I tell it like it is.......(followed by a humongous, great lie)....."
  14. G

    Mike Mason Stock Phrases - please feel free to add

    "Trust me on this one......(followed by an enormous lie)..." "To be quite frank with you.......(followed by an enormous lie)....." "I really value my integrity......(followed by an enormous lie)....." "I'm going to be really straight with you here.....(followed by an enormous lie)...." "I...
  15. G

    Peter Simon Stock Phrases - please feel free to add

    "These are absolutely flying many left Charley?....25 goes to 24 goes to 23....this is an heirloom piece... you'll hand this....foldable survival shovel.... down to your kids and grandkids."