Recent content by Alz1995


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    Vionic Footwear With FMT Technology TSV 18/02/2014

    I too suffer from plantar facitis, and agree it agony, you would try anything to be pain free. i have to wear dress at wrk soI bought a pair of vionic shoes from QVC at TSV price ( flattish, ballet type pumps) but were still £60, the uppers were so hard, and the bit at the heel/Achilles so high...
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    ASA Complaint - Misleading Advertising

    There is currently a " trailer" advertising the MBG between shows. The terms " no quibble" & " no questions asked". At no time do they mention " terms & conditions apply". Shocking they can advertise this when clearly this is not the case. High returns with low order rate ( fair enough) but...
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    Gems suppliers?

    Steve on at the moment mentioned their " offices" in china. Where some of the jewellery s made/ set. Remembered this thread so thought I would mention. I did have the misfortune to purchase emerald earrings where the stone fell out before I took them out the bag- luckily stone still there as...
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    Jewellery Quality

    I too have bought opal earrings as these were also mismatched - looked like they were from 2 different pairs due to one being translucent with good colour play, the other was also good colour play but was more opaque in nature. Was too lazy to return but couldn't give as gift as initially intended.
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    Pure Pedi Exfoliating Foot Peel

    I soak my feet until the dry ard skin is all soggy ( a bit like the pedikur) then I scrape it with a spatula . Wait til they dry properly then give them a quick buff with a foot file then a layer of cream ( if being decedant use elemis hand cream) followed by flexitol. If I haven't any...
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    Red meat takes 9 weeks to digest!!!

    Was perusing Keeleys Facebook page ( I like to keep abreast of products) and she's posted a bit about toxins in the body. I'm a nurse and unless you were very severely constipated 9 weeks to digest a bit of steak seems slightly excessive. ( Red meat can take up to 9 WEEKS to digest) Of course...
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    Sparkle TV

    I thought it might be for cleaning products lol !,
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    Mismatched tanzanite earrings

    I had a problem with mismatched opal earrings - not rhapsody though- one earring had an opaque look to the opal the the other was fairly clear. I know opals are very different but surely matching them up with similar transparencies is obvious. They were a for a present but felt I couldn't gift...
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    Elemis - 03/03/13

    Note on Keeleys face book page they are presenting their new cleansing balm - I'm thinking this is jumping on the bandwagon - how many different types of cleansers do they do now? Traditional wipe off with toner Foaming Radiance - hot on the heels of liz Earle Prob others now we've got balm - ...
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    Elemis 4 Piece Pro Collagen Discovery Collection Try Me Price

    63% of 33 women is laughable . If it was a medical trial this would be thrown out at the first hurdle. And quoting others research to promote your product. Mmmmmmmm I'll bet the protect & perfect is miles cheaper too. Think I'll be saving my money and not buying. I noted that in the initial...
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    £15800 for jewellery off shopping telly

    I think I did hear them mention that a number of times - and the30 day money back guarantee . As long as we have not had " the letter". Can you imagine how hacked off they'd be if something this expensive was returned - especially as it looks like they are made to order. They missed the...
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    £15800 for jewellery off shopping telly

    If I was spending this kind of money I'd at least expect to be sat down with a nice beveridge- in nice jewellers shop - not have to sign for it from my postie and get my own drink!!! I think they think that they are as presteegusas Harrods now! Or am I being a bit hard after all the cost of...
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    Super Sunday

    I thought that maybe they were re doing some previous TSVs that didnt sell out and like other poster looking at maximising their revenue for though the summer as viewers will prob be watching other things or if they have any sense be "out and about"
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    don kogen masterpieces

    are they really masterpieces? do they really command £xxxxxxxxxx per carat if he were selling them else where? if its a business that wants to make money why sell "so cheap". Idont get it!!! am i a pessimist which is an opitimist with expirience- but it doesnt make good business sense to me...
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    Adina Stubbs

    For fe*ks sake - I can't bear to hear this "presenter" stutter her way through descriptions and tell me I've just got to have everything she is flogging tonight. Why does she spout rubbish - the best, amazing, the finest - and this for under £20- now she's going on about a carat of diamonds -...