Jemma Forte - Brand Ambassador, Political Editor or ????


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Apr 30, 2015
Just turned on QVC and the annoying JF has appeared with Molton Brown. Had to switch over immediately, pity as I like MB but just can't listen to her!
The other week she was on The Jeremy Vine show and was on her high horse about some Brexit and spouting Political stuff!
Again, I switched her off!

How on earth do these people get these jobs? Any fans of her out there? Maybe I've just had a bad day at the office, LMAO!!! :rolleyes:
Well, her 'cv' is listed thus.... camera & business presentation coach / writer / broadcaster and communications skills coach.

Well, its clear she can't be making ends meet with her impressive list of skills, and taking her own teaching advice, or she wouldn't be slumming it doing product endorsement like someone handing out freebies at trade exhibitions !!! 😂

and just take a look at all the photo poses like some 15 year old.
To me she’s a bit like Marmite, and I can leave Marmite. Also stopped listening to radio 2 because of Jeremy Vine, he’s just a product of a middle class education, sometimes he struck me as being so stupid, I couldn’t help wondering how the hell he was in his job. Ken Bruce was always explaining stuff to the dunderhead. I met him in Chiswick As he opened a local fete, selling his book, and my sister in law bought it for me ! I couldn’t quite believe it a la Victor Meldrew ! Now I’m stuck with the flipping thing ! I do miss Ken though, he’s clever, witty, and so knowledgeable, played great music too.
I think she sells Molton Brown very well & her product knowledge is second to none. Whether it's an 'age thing,' or because more words have been barked at us in 2020 than ever before, but I get overwhelmed by people just talking at me & she can be quite strident. I can understand why Eliza Doolittle shouted out:
"Words! Words! Words! I'm so sick of words!"
I think Jemma is great. I know nothing about her politics, but for my money she’s one of the best Brand Ambassadors on QVC. She’s smart, funny, knows the products inside out, and is always happy to laugh at herself.
I 100% agree with your summary of Jemma. I love watching her on qvc - she’s a breath of fresh air and sounds fun. I’d love a girls’ night out with her (post Covid) since I reckon she’d be a hoot and would have lots of good stories to tell....getting more interesting as the wine 🍷 flowed!
Well, her 'cv' is listed thus.... camera & business presentation coach / writer / broadcaster and communications skills coach.

Well, its clear she can't be making ends meet with her impressive list of skills, and taking her own teaching advice, or she wouldn't be slumming it doing product endorsement like someone handing out freebies at trade exhibitions !!! 😂

and just take a look at all the photo poses like some 15 year old.
I know, it's all rather embarrassing really! She into everything these days, suppose you can't like everyone!!!

To me she’s a bit like Marmite, and I can leave Marmite. Also stopped listening to radio 2 because of Jeremy Vine, he’s just a product of a middle class education, sometimes he struck me as being so stupid, I couldn’t help wondering how the hell he was in his job. Ken Bruce was always explaining stuff to the dunderhead. I met him in Chiswick As he opened a local fete, selling his book, and my sister in law bought it for me ! I couldn’t quite believe it a la Victor Meldrew ! Now I’m stuck with the flipping thing ! I do miss Ken though, he’s clever, witty, and so knowledgeable, played great music too.
Marmite is a good description of her!!! I will leave her, thanks!!!

I 100% agree with your summary of Jemma. I love watching her on qvc - she’s a breath of fresh air and sounds fun. I’d love a girls’ night out with her (post Covid) since I reckon she’d be a hoot and would have lots of good stories to tell....getting more interesting as the wine 🍷 flowed!
Nah, prefer a night out with my own lovely friends, when we are allowed of course!! :p
Well I too think she is a great BA. When she first started I thought she was a bit Mrs Windmill with her arms but she has calmed that down and I too think she does a very good job for MB. I know she is on other channels but I have never seen her anywhere else. But you know, we don’t all like the same people do we? And there are many others who make me switch off or FF through a recording when I spot them, like the simpering alternative to Rosa on YC.
I can’t listen to her either, and reading (a few bits) of the link Sazza provided my suspicions are correct, she’s up herself too. Fits in well at QVC.

Jemma Forte

I can't listen to her, it is a voice thing for me, she has got the twee voice that has me rushing for my off button. I like MB but no way can I listen to her.

Jemma Forte

I can't listen to her, it is a voice thing for me, she has got the twee voice that has me rushing for my off button. I like MB but no way can I listen to her.

Me too, although I agree she is very knowledgeable about the MB brand.As I said in another post listening to her is like having words fired at you from a gun.
I rather liked Jemma at first and still think she does a good job for Molton Brown on Q. As others say above, she knows her stuff and I find I get a good idea of the various fragrances, well as good as you can get from a tv presentation (I still like to try in a shop). She chooses some very unflattering outfits but don’t they all! I probably do myself! Anyway, I heard her as a guest on a radio show once (last year?) and that was when I began to go off her. She was very strident and sounded like a spoilt brat because I think she felt she wasn’t getting enough of a say. I wondered if she was just out of her depth but her cv suggests she should be very experienced. I feel like saying to her, “Stick to the smellies on selly telly, you’re not bad at that.”
Does she still say that “London via Barbados” “London via Caribbean” “London via Waste Disposal Plant, Chiswick” because I’ve got to say, that was some annoying bollocks right there.
Well to be fair to her, this is on the Molton Brown bottles. So it’s not her annoying bollocks, it’s Molton Brown’s annoying bollocks. 😂😂😂😂😂
Thats the big 'pitch' with MB the ability to conjure up exotic islands just by a smell, - so in essence (get the pun !) thats what you're paying for, clever marketing for scented soap. I also bought into it years ago - the colours, the fancy bottles, the prestige of the name, then much cheaper copycats appeared like Bayliss & Harding. I wonder if B & H spent the same on marketing whether they too would have the same cache as Molton B.

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