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As I had a craving for fish and chips, and as it was dry weather, and as Boris would cough up to pay half the cost, I decided to go into town and get one.

The journey by bus usually takes 3/4 hour each way, but 3 buses didn't turn up (1 going, 2 coming back).

So for a 20 minute F & C, it took me 3 1/2 hours.
And to cap it all, when I came out of the café, it was heavy rain and I got soaked.

And there were no Covid precautions, in fact, quite the opposite.

The waitress seemed to know most of her customers, so gave them a hug as they arrived, at least 8 people.

Then she discovered that an elderly couple (who she didn't know) had just got engaged, so she leant over their table to give them a kiss, and also hugs when they left.

When she was bringing my meal, she gave 2 other people hugs while carrying my plate!

And there was only 1 bottle of ketchup, so she was passing this around from one table to another.

I hope I survive!
She's extremely selfish & could be the cause of that cafe closing down. I've had my fill of these draconian rules but I'm not doing anything that could put anyone or their business at risk, however small that risk may be. I hope you don't get the Chinese horror or any other nasty either.

Mazza - Just had a look at my reply & very sorry that I wrote boil instead of blood, with everything else you've had to deal with you don't want a boil to suddenly appear 😟
We went out for lunch today tables were two metres apart everything spotless. We both had Ribeye steak with hand cut chunky chips side salad field mushroom and for dessert I had sticky toffee pudding with local ice cream and O.H. Had cheesecake with summer fruit. Half a pint of cider and a pot of tea for me. The bill was £27. With the half price offer. Did we enjoy it? We sure did.
As I mentioned before, the loops were so long (they must have been catering for people with enormous heads) that I’d have needed to knot each loop numerous times. The nose fitting isn’t an issue because there is wire inside the mask which means it can be bent into a safe, secure position. The only option was to replace the loops with new ones which I dud yesterday and the masks are fine now. I still prefer the disposable masks though although they’re hardly the height of fashion.
I should have said that you knot them or loop them near the actual mask. It makes them fit better round the cheeks too I saw a video on it from a doctor

We went out for lunch today tables were two metres apart everything spotless. We both had Ribeye steak with hand cut chunky chips side salad field mushroom and for dessert I had sticky toffee pudding with local ice cream and O.H. Had cheesecake with summer fruit. Half a pint of cider and a pot of tea for me. The bill was £27. With the half price offer. Did we enjoy it? We sure did.
My favourite steak. I could have eaten all your meal. Lovely
I got my antibiotics last night, yay. The chemist rang to says the courier couldn't find me. Well he found me last week no problem. Anyhoo all is now well on that front but by 19.00 I was absolutely bone weary. I couldn't go to bed or I would be awake at ridiculous oclock so I watched an Aurora Teagarden Mystery. Just about my intellectual level at the moment and thoroughly enjoyable, lol. I just washed my hair so am pretty tired again now! But its done so hurrah. Then I have my telephone consult this afternoon which is a bit daunting if it is The Bastard Consultant. I am hoping he palms me off onto a Registrar. Still yesterday the nurse said she could see granulation in the wound which I gather is a good thing and I took some pics to send in case they suddenly realise they cannot see the wound!
I got my antibiotics last night, yay. The chemist rang to says the courier couldn't find me. Well he found me last week no problem. Anyhoo all is now well on that front but by 19.00 I was absolutely bone weary. I couldn't go to bed or I would be awake at ridiculous oclock so I watched an Aurora Teagarden Mystery. Just about my intellectual level at the moment and thoroughly enjoyable, lol. I just washed my hair so am pretty tired again now! But its done so hurrah. Then I have my telephone consult this afternoon which is a bit daunting if it is The Bastard Consultant. I am hoping he palms me off onto a Registrar. Still yesterday the nurse said she could see granulation in the wound which I gather is a good thing and I took some pics to send in case they suddenly realise they cannot see the wound!

Aw fingers crossed all goes well for you. ❤ xx

shhhh......I love those glossy Channel 5 afternoon films too 🥱
I got my antibiotics last night, yay. The chemist rang to says the courier couldn't find me. Well he found me last week no problem. Anyhoo all is now well on that front but by 19.00 I was absolutely bone weary. I couldn't go to bed or I would be awake at ridiculous oclock so I watched an Aurora Teagarden Mystery. Just about my intellectual level at the moment and thoroughly enjoyable, lol. I just washed my hair so am pretty tired again now! But its done so hurrah. Then I have my telephone consult this afternoon which is a bit daunting if it is The Bastard Consultant. I am hoping he palms me off onto a Registrar. Still yesterday the nurse said she could see granulation in the wound which I gather is a good thing and I took some pics to send in case they suddenly realise they cannot see the wound!
Well done Mazza, at last things are on the up & granulation is good. Try not to let that inadequate human being get to you, easier said than done, but you're the one who pays the wages. I love those films too. 'The Bastard Consultant' is a great name for a book & could be a companion novel to 'The Vegan Years'.
I should have said that you knot them or loop them near the actual mask. It makes them fit better round the cheeks too I saw a video on it from a doctor

I do that with the disposable masks and I tuck the triangular shape that’s formed, inside the mask. They fit a treat and give you more room to breathe because it’s not directly over your mouth.

But, with the Etsy masks, the loops were far too long, even with several knots. They’re fine now that I have replaced the loops with a more sensible length.
There was a hairdresser on the radio explaining about her method of protection and she said a male customer said he was in for a trim not day surgery!

ATM I’m watching Golden Girls. There are 7 seasons but each episode is only 20 minutes so ido 3 before bed! Actually Dorothy (Bea Authur) reminds me of Marla W both in looks and inher clothes, if it wasn’t for the shoulder pads they would pass today.
Disaster strikes yet again! Sorry to vent but I am falling apart here.

Mr Bastard Consultant rang to see why I wasnt there so when I said because I got a text telling me not to come he said oh everyone gets those and I told you to ignore it. Well I had no recollection of that but times have been a tad fraught. I told what the District Nurses had said and offered to send him my photos; dont bother. I asked when I could start to use the foot more; well thats why I need to see you so no change u til I have. I told him about the infection and antibiotics; the swabs are meaningless at two weeks old so stop taking them! I said but they were rushed through to take asap.... I think I shoukd take them; your decision.

Honestly I have been in floods most of the afternoon because I just didnt know what to do for the best but my neighbour rushed round and told me to ring the GP. I had to speak to a pharmacist who said he didnt think it would do any harm but when he looked at the phone notes he said it definitely seemed the best idea to continue them because if all the infection hadnt gone it could cause a problem. So I shall, but no doubt Mr Bastard Consultant will then have a go at me in the clinic. I am so tired and have such a headache! 😢
Disaster strikes yet again! Sorry to vent but I am falling apart here.

Mr Bastard Consultant rang to see why I wasnt there so when I said because I got a text telling me not to come he said oh everyone gets those and I told you to ignore it. Well I had no recollection of that but times have been a tad fraught. I told what the District Nurses had said and offered to send him my photos; dont bother. I asked when I could start to use the foot more; well thats why I need to see you so no change u til I have. I told him about the infection and antibiotics; the swabs are meaningless at two weeks old so stop taking them! I said but they were rushed through to take asap.... I think I shoukd take them; your decision.

Honestly I have been in floods most of the afternoon because I just didnt know what to do for the best but my neighbour rushed round and told me to ring the GP. I had to speak to a pharmacist who said he didnt think it would do any harm but when he looked at the phone notes he said it definitely seemed the best idea to continue them because if all the infection hadnt gone it could cause a problem. So I shall, but no doubt Mr Bastard Consultant will then have a go at me in the clinic. I am so tired and have such a headache! 😢
Have you had a cup of tea? If not make yourself one & have a breather. The disaster is of his making, NOT yours. The pharmacist obviously knows what he's talking about so continuing to take the medication is the right thing to do. In addition the district nurse, who has probably seen more wounds in a month than Dr Death's seen in the past year, said that the healing process had begun. This jumped up little man has upset you for the last time & I don't think you should have to see him again - defo time for another doctor to take over your case 💐
Disaster strikes yet again! Sorry to vent but I am falling apart here.

Mr Bastard Consultant rang to see why I wasnt there so when I said because I got a text telling me not to come he said oh everyone gets those and I told you to ignore it. Well I had no recollection of that but times have been a tad fraught. I told what the District Nurses had said and offered to send him my photos; dont bother. I asked when I could start to use the foot more; well thats why I need to see you so no change u til I have. I told him about the infection and antibiotics; the swabs are meaningless at two weeks old so stop taking them! I said but they were rushed through to take asap.... I think I shoukd take them; your decision.

Honestly I have been in floods most of the afternoon because I just didnt know what to do for the best but my neighbour rushed round and told me to ring the GP. I had to speak to a pharmacist who said he didnt think it would do any harm but when he looked at the phone notes he said it definitely seemed the best idea to continue them because if all the infection hadnt gone it could cause a problem. So I shall, but no doubt Mr Bastard Consultant will then have a go at me in the clinic. I am so tired and have such a headache! 😢

Oh no Mazza I’m so sorry, you need to report this, I know there’s lots going on in the world at the moment, but this affects your health, both mental and physical and needs sorting. As T says, have a cuppa, deep breath and hope you can try and relax ❤️ xxx

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