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I am 72 live alone & unless I get the virus and am infectious then I will continue to do my food shopping in local shops.Of course I am not going to be irresponsible but I cannot se how we can be forced to stay in our homes for 4 months! Luckily I also live a a not very densely populated area with plenty of fresh air.I have signed up for supermarket internet shopping but cannot see how they will cope with the demand.
I've just read a piece about why people are buying so much toilet paper & apparently it's because we go into panic mode & buy more than we need to regain control. It has a long shelf life & is in big packaging so when we're in a tizzy we're drawn to it because the bigger an item is the more important we believe it to be. This man said that if there was an international sign for panic it would traffic warning sign with a toilet roll in the middle. Having written all that I agree with you Shopps, most people are very selfish. My Mr T is normally the most positive person but he really despondent, thinks there will be a massive recession after this & his football club will go to the wall 😟
Panic buying loo rolls isn’t a new thing.

i remember at least 2 other occasions- one when we had the oil crisis in the early 1970‘s and when we had strikes in NI, I bought the crappiest (👅) ones imaginable whenever I found them. For years they languished in the hall cupboard being bypassed for the softer ones eventually being chucked when we moved house.

My mother arrived at my house one day with a mini gas stove to keep me going and I remember petrol coupons were issued but never used.
Name the film - - - - >

Cartoon toilet rolls 89924299_102193557937.jpg
With regards to 'stockpiling', I am annoyed as on the 'digital river' I have on auto-subscription hand sanitiser and my hand wash, now of course you can't get for 'love nor money'. If Q were to source some hand sanitiser from somewhere at a reasonable price, then this would be one of the biggest sellers for years.

Also, here is a dilemma that I may soon be facing, I live at home with my parents (both over 70), if they have to self-isolate, does that mean I do too?

Hmm that’s a hard one...
Not sure what the official line would on this, but I would have thought that you too wouldn’t need also to self isolate, unless you have symptoms yourself?
Plus, presumably, you’d be the one needing to do shopping and errands for them I found they can’t?
It’s a tough one, though, because you could argue that if you’re going out and being exposed to the virus, it slightly defeats the object of them isolating?!

I reckon just use common sense and see how things develop!
Good luck!
Getting healthy 70+ year olds on self-isolate does seem young... I know lots of people in their early seventies who seem at least 10 years younger than their age in attitude, behaviour ans health!

But if they really insist of keeping older people out of action, surely 75/80+ makes more sense, unless you have other conditions...?!
I’m *very* concerned avout how NHS, services, supplies ans economy will survive, especially with the population self isolating for several months, BUT I do hope it will at least give people an insight into the reality of living with a chronic illness or disability...

I realise 4 months sounds and IS a long time to be confined, but I’ve now been completely housebound for 12 years (and largely so for 4 before that)!

Yes it’s long, boring, beyond frustrating and can be extremely lonely at times, but it’s not the end of the world (although it can feel like it after years and feels like hell at times!), but I’m too ill to read books anymore or do much any nice or leisure activities... ;(

Not that I want anyone to feel bad for having an a good moan or rant about it all!
I've just tried to put in an online order for home delivery with Sainsbury's which I do every 2 weeks. Nothing available for 3 weeks. Mind you I bet that most of the order wouldn't have been delivered anyway. Ah well, back to shopping in a shop. Yikes!
A friend of mine supports her 90 year old mum with a weekly online shop so that she can go to visit and help with personal care etc. She herself has medical conditions so I don’t know how she is going to get her mums food.She will have to brave the shops.
From what I see the people panic buying seem to be younger and fitter . They probably will have the mild version.
Mass hysteria seems to be a human condition. Or the Lemming effect, one goes quick run this way never mind the cliff just jump it will be okay.

Well, Ireland not Northern Ireland has ordered all the pubs shut for 2 weeks. This is the Irish government closing the pubs the day before saint paddy's day! 🙀 🙀 That is it total armageddon the world is ending
Going shopping this morning for my usual
Shop so will I get toilet rolls as we’ve only got four in bathroom so just in case I’ve taken newspapers out of recycling bin. As we are going to be in isolation for several weeks I think I’ll just go to bed and stay there.
It`s like the old testament coupled with The Walking Dead coming to life. Floods across the World, plagues of locusts in Africa and incurable disease like Moses wished upon the Egyptians, not to mention people scavenging for food, running over others with their shopping trolleys, killing off the weak and the vulnerable first. Robert Kirkman and whoever wrote the bible couldn`t have written it better !
It`s like the old testament coupled with The Walking Dead coming to life. Floods across the World, plagues of locusts in Africa and incurable disease like Moses wished upon the Egyptians, not to mention people scavenging for food, running over others with their shopping trolleys, killing off the weak and the vulnerable first. Robert Kirkman and whoever wrote the bible couldn`t have written it better !
We abuse Nature at our peril & sooner, or later, she fights back.
It's got so bad in Italy, that they are talking about not being able to provide intensive care beds to the over 80s, and having to make hard decisions regarding who will benefit (ie survive) most, from the available medical care. So, basically having to decide, who lives, and who dies.

I think this is what's behind the self-isolation of the elderly population. I hope they are going to do it properly, with care packages set up for shopping, medication, etc, not to mention dealing with the mental health issues that isolation can cause.

I'm sure (most) people mean well, with their offers to help, but I imagine that the over 70s, especially those living alone in the sticks, would prefer to have their welfare properly organised, and not just left to the kindness of neighbours, on an ad-hoc basis, neighbours who may be called away at any time, to deal with family emergencies, leaving the isolated neighbour, high & dry. (Apologies for the very long sentence. And over-use of, 'neighbour'.)

We can only hope that the govt. is already planning something of this ilk.

My mum is 77, and housebound, but if she wasn't, she'd be under orders from me, to stay put! We live in different countries, and I, also, am housebound. She has a regular care package in place, so she does have some help.

There certainly are worrying times ahead.
The ethics of who lives or dies happens every day. My oldest friend has just retired after a career as a transplant nurse, there are always more people who need than will receive & there is a criteria that is followed every time. My Mr T & I are both 61, lucky to be in robust health & have enjoyed our lives so far, living in the 21st century we're not classed as old, however, if it was choice between me or my daughters, son in laws & grandchildren being treated they would receive the care.
We abuse Nature at our peril & sooner, or later, she fights back.
Both of us are OAPS and have lived through Miners strikes, 3 day weeks, electricity being cut due to the strikes, cooking by candlelight, rubbish collectors strikes and enough versions of the flu from swine flu to bird flu, mad cow disease and so on. We`ll soldier on as per usual, eat what we can find, make do and mend, help others if we can do and I`ll only worry when the Govt ask us to paint a red cross outside our front door and send us body bags though the mail which we will be expected to fill and leave outside to be collected with the bin every Friday. Until then life goes on.
I have been saying for weeks (I know I’m not unique in this) that the Government or an authorised body should step in and take over production of hand sanitizer, so that factories that can make it do so, even if it means ceasing production of something else. They should mass produce it and oversee distribution so that all can access it, or at least make sure all public places have a very plentiful supply for people to help themselves to a squirt as they come and go, including at shop doors. I know it’s not as good as soap and water but when you have to go out, it’s all you have.

Anyway, I see Louis Vuitton (LVMH) are doing it themselves. They are using their perfume and cosmetic production lines to make gel which will be given free to the hospitals, etc. 👏
Are you listening, QVC? Bring some pressure to bear on all the cosmetics firms you make fortunes from and who in turn make fortunes from us. Let’s get some vats of the stuff into the NHS, either very cheap or free. You could also buy up some little bottles of it and pop one in every order you send out, especially to your older customers who have probably been loyal to QVC for years.
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No matter how fit and active we are at the moment, as we age your immune system isn't as strong as it was with each decade and that's why we're more vulnerable after 70. They keep saying this is far more serious than any previous viruses or flu and can develop into a very nasty condition. None of want to stay home for a long time but if it keeps us alive then it's got to be better than the alternative.
I'm just so glad that we can come on here and support each other.
My husband is almost 70 and works part time as a taxi driver and has regular "older" people he runs to hospital appointments or visiting spouses or relatives who may be in homes or hospital. He knows a lot of these appointments and visits will be cancelled but has said from today if any of his regulars still have such appointments or visits , he will run them for free, same goes for any who need to get out to buy food.

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