Guest Shopper
I haven't been a buyer from Gems for ages but occasionally stumble around their new website :YIKES: and last month I saw this Zultanite ring that really ticked my fancy and I succumbed to temptation
and ordered it. When it arrived I fell in love with it immediately but really couldn't justify paying the £1404 that it cost, so with a heavy heart I returned it. :SOB: I've always been intrigued by this gem so last weekend I mooched back to look for a smaller and more affordable piece and I saw MY ring back on there for £638!!! :YAY: I nearly fell down the stairs in the rush to get me plastic and my gorgeous bling-baby came home to Mama today!! :SUE: I don't know if the price was wrong the first time or this time but I don't care.....it's MINE and it ain't going back!!!!!