Debbie Flint-Oh dear!


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I've missed the bit about the charity deception. What did she do?

Mind you, nothing would surprise me about Ms Flint. She really has got herself a reputation for being untrustworthy.

If my memory serves me right she bid on the dinner with Joan Collins auction for Breast Cancer Care for her mate (you know SH, the beauty blagger) and Debbie Flint won. QVC are just as bad though because they only withdrew it when there was an uproar on Facebook about it, calling it a fix/fake (back in the days when it let me read posts) Now let’s be honest we all know, if you enter any sort of competition you can’t enter if you’re an employee or a family or friend of an employee of the company doing the competition. Debbie Flint claimed she didn’t know she couldn’t enter but as you say Ellie, her reputation for being untrustworthy is bang on.
but I don't think Jill franks hair looks greasy though! her hair looks very well conditioned and looked after.... she got money to get the best hairdressers and imo it shows

Ok it might not be greasy, but overly conditioned, in the way it keeps 'separating' when she throws her head forward and has to keep shoving it behind her ear ! and if I went to her 'best' hairdresser and thats the best they come up with, I'd want my money back !
There are no standards at Q after all what other company would sign off their arsebook posts with kiss kiss kiss including those with complaints?

A really good salesperson should leave you thinking that was a helpful person but being totally unable to recall any personal family/second job/finger in pies/upcoming wedding details. Unfortunately Q presenters are the exact opposites, you hear nothing about the product but every detail about their home life. Wrong, wrong, just wrong!

When you go into a shop your average interaction with the salesperson is less than 15 mins (unless it is an exceptional item) but with Q you have them hour after bloody hour! This should mean that they pedal back on the “in your face” attitude but oh no not Q, no matter how annoying they are they can always squeeze out an extra bit of teeth clenching crap.

Does she still have that back to you group?
If my memory serves me right she bid on the dinner with Joan Collins auction for Breast Cancer Care for her mate (you know SH, the beauty blagger) and Debbie Flint won. QVC are just as bad though because they only withdrew it when there was an uproar on Facebook about it, calling it a fix/fake (back in the days when it let me read posts) Now let’s be honest we all know, if you enter any sort of competition you can’t enter if you’re an employee or a family or friend of an employee of the company doing the competition. Debbie Flint claimed she didn’t know she couldn’t enter but as you say Ellie, her reputation for being untrustworthy is bang on.

Thanks for that, Shopper. I very, very vaguely remember her doing something shady for her pal; that must have been it.

I generally avoid watching her, now, but the last couple of times I did see her, she was announcing that items fell out of baskets after 15 minutes. Surely she should know that it's after 30 minutes? I imagine they all got the memo. She obviously has no compunction about lying to the customers, but doesn't she realise that people know she's lying? I really don't know how she keeps her job.
Thanks for that, Shopper. I very, very vaguely remember her doing something shady for her pal; that must have been it.

I generally avoid watching her, now, but the last couple of times I did see her, she was announcing that items fell out of baskets after 15 minutes. Surely she should know that it's after 30 minutes? I imagine they all got the memo. She obviously has no compunction about lying to the customers, but doesn't she realise that people know she's lying? I really don't know how she keeps her job.

I presume because she sells well. And beyond that QVC don't care.
Thanks for that, Shopper. I very, very vaguely remember her doing something shady for her pal; that must have been it.

I generally avoid watching her, now, but the last couple of times I did see her, she was announcing that items fell out of baskets after 15 minutes. Surely she should know that it's after 30 minutes? I imagine they all got the memo. She obviously has no compunction about lying to the customers, but doesn't she realise that people know she's lying? I really don't know how she keeps her job.

Aw you’re welcome Ellie xx.

I’ve no idea how she keeps her job either, QVC must be a job for life. It gets on my chesticles when she says in that breathless, sense of urgency voice she does, “get yours now!!” trying to imply that ones already yours, all you need to do is part with the dosh, oh yes, she’s the Queen of hard sell :mysmilie_3:
I watch QVC to shop and the presenter is very much part of that process. That is why they should be completely focused on the products they are presenting. Not becoming our friends or encouraging us to follow them on social media and thereby having the means to promote themselves. I have said this before on here and I feel it should be said again. DF, in my opinion, shows very poor judgement. Why would somebody who appears on television to quite a big audience make her home address available to anyone who wants it, show on blogs where she walks alone with her dogs and even share which shop she works in on a particular afternoon???? It horrifies me! Surely someone should have a word or maybe they have tried and she just doesn’t listen?

Yes it is so very frightening, with just what is put out there and in what extreme detail. All the talk of house moving and myself really liking a regular Rightmove search. A quick variation in location it was unbelievably easily to view the advert for Jackies old house. Now with her new home, she’s due to post her new decorating. It’s all very worrying indeed, but they seem to enjoy revealing all, that’s truly not something I would like as part of the job.

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