6 Easy Pays on Dyson Hairdryer might be coming soon


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Jun 24, 2008
6 Easy Pays on Dyson Hairdryer might be coming soon

i know we have to have a credit check after 4 easy pays but apparently according to anne dawson on twitter

"Making QVC history!! What’s your lucky number? Well it could be the number 6 shortly!! From midnight tonight the fabulous Dyson hairdryer will be on 6 .....yes six easy payments!!"
Well that's a development! I'm happy with my cheap ionic hairdryer from Lidl and my Babylis Big Hair but this is maybe a reaction to buyers' request or QVC is hoping they'll sell more units that they have on fewer easy pays.
Who's going to take a hit on credit score to buy a poxy overpriced hairdryer? This Easy Pay extension smacks of desperation. Clearly QVC are not selling enough units. For all A. Horne's pouting, shouting and touting it's just not enough! I've half a mind to buy one just so I can return it to them under the 30d MBG!
Whatever next? Remortgage your house to buy the latest vacuum cleaner or sideways-ejecting toaster ('cos that sideways ejection really makes all the difference.)
Who cares, if when, what


As I said what it’s now showing for me
Not telling fibs so if anyone’s interested in the hairdryer it’s now showing on no credit check of four simple easy pays

Not tempted one little bit. I am in love with my Babyliss Big Hair, and we have been in a very happy long term relationship for many years.
If people really wanted to spread the cost, I think Dyson do interest free over 24 months.....just sayin’ :mysmilie_17:
If you need that many payments which will warrant a credit check perhaps you should rethink how necessary the debt is.

Maybe easy for me to say as wouldn’t be buying it as I have short hair.
If you need that many payments which will warrant a credit check perhaps you should rethink how necessary the debt is.

Maybe easy for me to say as wouldn’t be buying it as I have short hair.

I agree, particularly in regards to a hairdryer. Still, I suppose if people want to....it's their money. I'm personally not keen on Iphones - I think they are something of a lifestyle product. I like Android! But then I drive a Smart car which is arguably a premium product. Some people just prefer to allocate money to certain things. I've never owned a hairdryer - never needed one. My hair dries on its own within a few minutes. Someone with long, Claire Sutton tresses might benefit from the Dyson - if it really is all that time-saving. I have my doubts about cost-to-benefit ratio on that particular item.
As they've now put the hairdryer on to 6 EPs, one can only assume that it's a ploy to shift their stock because, considering the amount of times they ram it down our throats, they must have wall to wall hairdryers in their warehouse.

I personally would never spend that ridiculous amount on a hairdryer (I think all Dyson products are overpriced) when my £10 one does a good job, but I'm sure that a few more customers will decide to get it on EPs. Hopefully they won't end up getting themselves into financial difficulty.
I don't care if it is 1p per week for all eternity I am not buying it. My first car cost less than that (£300 not 1p).

I don't care if it is 1p per week for all eternity I am not buying it. My first car cost less than that (£300 not 1p).


My first car cost £800. Those were the days! Can't see myself really needing a hairdryer. I've managed this long without one.
Actually caught part of this last night. First thought was 6 months you are locked to pay for the forking thing for 6 bloody months.

Now, on their Facebook page, the other day when someone mentioned the hairdryer would be on 6 easy pay a number of people said QVC actually do random credit checks this has come up before a number of times on the Facebook page over the years. So no matter what they bang on about no interest you can bet they will be doing credit checks for the hairdryer. Someone thought it was an underhand way of doing credit checks on customers.

It would be like walking into a phone store saying, "Yes, I will have that brand new whatever phone." And the store just gives it to you there and then paying over X amount of months without credit checking you!

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