You know you are old when....


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Talking of C&A my son and I were watching only fools and horses a few months ago and del said this time next year they'd be millionaires and have their clothes made by man at C&A, to which my son asked who that was... He will be 26 in two weeks and he cannot even remember C&A... That makes me feel old, along with the fact it's been 26 years since he was born... Looking at him living his life makes me feel incredibly old I must admit, where has the time gone?!

I was born in 73 and must admit I cannot remember the poloroid camera either, but I know we had one as a lot of the family photos with me as a child are poloroids.

Thinking back to when I was a child and realising how affordable things were then also makes me feel old, I used to have 20p and felt I could buy the world... With my nephew now (9) you wouldn't even get a bar of chocolate and a drink less than £2 in most places

Aw yeah Q I agree, time flies by so quick. Looking back it seems like a whole different world. I remember when Pot Noodles used to have flavour and the noodles went soft, Lord Tofinghams ice lolly had loads of toffee in the middle and the delicious Crusha lemonade that went frothy and had a polar bear with glasses and a scarf on the front, ah yes those were the days, the kiddies of today will never the old days without technology, it all seemed so much simpler then.
My sister married in 1969 and I remember going with her to C & A to buy her going away outfit as it was called back then. It was a short sleeveless dress with a matching coat.
Clock House was part of C&A and "It's frothy Man" was Cresta (Crusha is a milkshake mix, still available)
Sigh! groan ! I see some on here were born in 73 and later - my year was 1948, so for me the height of technology in the early 70's was a calculator, cassette player and the advent of colour television !! The phone was in a box at the end of the street, and there were TWO deliveries of post every day (early morning and lunchtime).

Just watching old detective shows makes me think how far we've come - no computers on the desks, just Olympia typewriters. We still played vinyl records and Dad's and boyfriends smelled of Old Spice or Hai Karate. Boyfriends wore suits to go out on a Saturday night, - no binge drinking then, just a Pony, Cherry B or Babycham, certainly no wine - apart from Blue Nun or Mateus Rose in the 'continental' bottle.

I could go on, but I do MISS the old and original version of Black Magic chocolates, and Weekend selection. Some things in this modern world just aren't the same.
I remember Chelsea Girl opening in our town in the late 60s. They had a sort of cage affair in the ceiling, 2 members of staff would sit in there watching for shoplifters !!
It was THE place to shop though for us teenagers.
Right, here's a tricky one, does anyone remember when Milk Tray did a block of chocolate? it was actual chocolates joined together in a slab of chocolate. My grandad used to get me and my sister one every Sunday, wow that's going back a bit.
Right, here's a tricky one, does anyone remember when Milk Tray did a block of chocolate? it was actual chocolates joined together in a slab of chocolate. My grandad used to get me and my sister one every Sunday, wow that's going back a bit.

Crikey Shopper I only mentioned this chocolate when I was chatting to my hubby last night. I loved it. We were also talking about wooden vending machines they had in railway stations which dispensed Nestle chocolate bars. You put your money in, then pulled the drawer at the bottom.
Right, here's a tricky one, does anyone remember when Milk Tray did a block of chocolate? it was actual chocolates joined together in a slab of chocolate. My grandad used to get me and my sister one every Sunday, wow that's going back a bit.

I'd forgotten about that!
I don't think any of the chocolate is as good as the old recipes were & they've all shrunk in size.
I used to love Chelsea Girl, bought loads there. I had a Saturday job ( remember them) in Woolworths with my friend & blew everything I earned on clothes & makeup. I worked on the glass & China counter, you stood in the middle of a high wooden affair surrounded by all the stock. Now the things we sold are on Bargain Hunt etc going for more than we sold them for...Whitefriars vases, those black & white tea sets etc.
Crikey Shopper I only mentioned this chocolate when I was chatting to my hubby last night. I loved it. We were also talking about wooden vending machines they had in railway stations which dispensed Nestle chocolate bars. You put your money in, then pulled the drawer at the bottom.

Great minds eh? Yeah I remember the Nestle machines too.
I'd forgotten about that!
I don't think any of the chocolate is as good as the old recipes were & they've all shrunk in size.
I used to love Chelsea Girl, bought loads there. I had a Saturday job ( remember them) in Woolworths with my friend & blew everything I earned on clothes & makeup. I worked on the glass & China counter, you stood in the middle of a high wooden affair surrounded by all the stock. Now the things we sold are on Bargain Hunt etc going for more than we sold them for...Whitefriars vases, those black & white tea sets etc.

I had a Saturday job at Woolies too and I loved it. I was on the counter selling hair accessories and plastic jewellery, lots of hairnets, rollers, bobbles, plastic necklaces, hair grips, brushes, combs , clip on neon coloured plastic earrings, hairbands and so on. I was gutted when I left school and had to find a full time job. Working for the MOD was nowhere near as much fun as Woolies lol.
And Cadbury's chocolate tastes awful these days......bring back the original recipe!

and the size of them! I thought I'd treat myself yesterday to a Twix from the vending machine at work... i thought someone had eaten half! If I joined the two fingers together I would have gotten what 1 finger used to be... I rarely buy Cadbury's anymore as its not the same, If I buy chocolate now I'd rather pay a little extra and make it a real treat and get either Lindt or Hotel Chocolat.
When you didn't have to buy a large tin foil overpriced bag of crisps to get more than 3 crisps in a packet.

As you can see I'm a savoury rather than sweet girl!
Sigh! groan ! I see some on here were born in 73 and later - my year was 1948, so for me the height of technology in the early 70's was a calculator, cassette player and the advent of colour television !! The phone was in a box at the end of the street, and there were TWO deliveries of post every day (early morning and lunchtime).

Just watching old detective shows makes me think how far we've come - no computers on the desks, just Olympia typewriters. We still played vinyl records and Dad's and boyfriends smelled of Old Spice or Hai Karate. Boyfriends wore suits to go out on a Saturday night, - no binge drinking then, just a Pony, Cherry B or Babycham, certainly no wine - apart from Blue Nun or Mateus Rose in the 'continental' bottle.

I could go on, but I do MISS the old and original version of Black Magic chocolates, and Weekend selection. Some things in this modern world just aren't the same.

I'm the year after you Brissles so the same memories came flooding back! My technology stretched to a Kodak Brownie 44A Box Camera which I was given one Christmas and it was fab. Also had a two-tone green Dansette Record Player and my parents became the proud owners of a Stereogram Music System which was the size of a sideboard....enormous compared to today's offerings!

Fashion consisted of several brilliant Crimplene dresses (remember the static?!) and my Dad was proud of his drip-dry nylon shirts, none of which needed ironing so it reduced Mum's workload.

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