what percentage are male viewers versus female


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This has got me thinking, of late there are so many fashion hours which are just so boring not to mention hours and hours of beauty. Obviosuly qvc must have the figures, just wondering what the percentages are? Im a viewer and a shopper but being male, the fashion hours hold little interest, wish sometimes there was more variety, but then Im not a techie, so not in to those hours, and at the weekend its always bloody computers and camereas. I like the homeware houres, being into my home, some jewellery plus some beauty but not all the time.

Also what percentage of viewers are children? maybe a small percentage. I know I was a teen when qvc started and I used to watch even back then. so I think maybe 60% female, 30%male 10% kids. I know as a kid/teen you cant buy but you can badger your parents, so wonder why we dont see some toy hours.
I'd go for
70% women
20% gay men
9% men
1% kids (by association with mums!)

I like to watch home stuff, kitchen, tech. Ill watch fashion if its a guest I like and/or models who I like.

Jewellery, gardening, DIY - meh.
I'm in the 9% of male viewers and i watch technology hours, DIY and Gardening and some of the Christmas Gift hours.
To be honest i have not shopped with them the whole of 2012 nor have i been tempted this year.
I'd say its over 90% women, i can't see children wanting to watch it, my DD and DS hate to look at it , and laugh OL when i have it on@)
Can i just add i rather like the fact that men watch QVC, because if it was all women it wouldn't be as much fun, to be honest :)
Im the only one who watches it in our house, my kids make fun of me watching it too lol
I was in hospital this week & had a tv in my room in which i was able to get Q on, needless to say i had it on constantly & a few of the nurses commented on it & said they watched it too.
Im the only one who watches it in our house, my kids make fun of me watching it too lol
I was in hospital this week & had a tv in my room in which i was able to get Q on, needless to say i had it on constantly & a few of the nurses commented on it & said they watched it too.

Hope you'r e better Latchii . I did the same last year, in fact i ordered the LE .tsv from hospital. One of the nurses came in as i was watching and said she was going to order it too.

Back to the original point I would imagine its mainly women, a few men and no children,out off choice anyway. They maybe forced to watch with mum, but if they had their way i would tthink the Disney channel would win hand down.
This is interesting as I was intending to start a new thread this morning entitled something like: "Oh how embarassing my 15 week old daughter loves to watch QVC"! She'll tolerate CBeebies if her brother has it on but far prefers a bit of Q. Last night she was a bit grizzly, rare for her as she fantastically chilled, but we popped the Eek hour on and as soon as she saw Debs Flint she started grinning! She settled in her bouncy chair for some relaxing viewing whilst we tidied up...

Wonder how long it'll be before I get nagged for a Charlie Bear? Will she prefer Liz Earle or Decleor? Perhaps I should ring/text in about this, it's is just the kind of story QVC love!
don't know about percentages but i am an ordinary guy who watches diy technology and gardening although there seems to be less and less now and as for putting diy on on a saturday afternoon when most guys are at football or having a bet or whatever who's stupid idea was that?
This is interesting as I was intending to start a new thread this morning entitled something like: "Oh how embarassing my 15 week old daughter loves to watch QVC"! She'll tolerate CBeebies if her brother has it on but far prefers a bit of Q. Last night she was a bit grizzly, rare for her as she fantastically chilled, but we popped the Eek hour on and as soon as she saw Debs Flint she started grinning! She settled in her bouncy chair for some relaxing viewing whilst we tidied up...

Wonder how long it'll be before I get nagged for a Charlie Bear? Will she prefer Liz Earle or Decleor? Perhaps I should ring/text in about this, it's is just the kind of story QVC love!

Lol AD
I read that first as my 15 year old daughter
It's when her first words are ' jump to the phone......best use QCut........limited stock and ....use the app .....are her first words that you will know for sure she is hooked
Depends how you define children - under 16? My daughter has been watching Q with me for years, it's where a lot of her interest in beauty has come from. She's learned a lot from the demos and taken that knowledge into college. OH occasionally watches the DIY shows on a Sunday morning although they look to be mucking about with the regular Sunday slot so .....

If you're specifically measuring who switches on Id probably go with 85% woman, 15% men counting children with the parents as although they may watch, it probably wouldn't be something they'd switch on on their own.
My post below was in reply to mossie, but other posts have come in between.

He said - - - don't know about percentages but i am an ordinary guy who watches diy technology and gardening although there seems to be less and less now and as for putting diy on on a saturday afternoon when most guys are at football or having a bet or whatever who's stupid idea was that?

I didn't know it was on then, I still check on Sunday mornings and it never seems to be on, so I hardly watch QVC now, only tech.
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This is interesting as I was intending to start a new thread this morning entitled something like: "Oh how embarassing my 15 week old daughter loves to watch QVC"! She'll tolerate CBeebies if her brother has it on but far prefers a bit of Q. Last night she was a bit grizzly, rare for her as she fantastically chilled, but we popped the Eek hour on and as soon as she saw Debs Flint she started grinning! She settled in her bouncy chair for some relaxing viewing whilst we tidied up...

Wonder how long it'll be before I get nagged for a Charlie Bear? Will she prefer Liz Earle or Decleor? Perhaps I should ring/text in about this, it's is just the kind of story QVC love!

Sounds like expensive times ahead AD! Better keep your computer/phone/credit card out view once she's toddling!!
I hate techie hours and I'd like to see more "home" stuff....lamps,curtains,rugs,pictures,decorative items.

I imagine that the female following on QVC is absolutely huge.

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