The pot and the kettle.


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only been watching a few months as most no

have heard the email address mentioned probably ten times tbf (mostly on price drop)

no idea if that is less often than before though
Kat was perfectly entitled to state her opinion, as are we all, but when she (assuming she is a she) descended into out and out personal abuse and disrespect towards other posters she lost all credibility. Hope she doesn't visit here again
Just a thought: Do you think bid might realise the quality of their products has declined? They seem to have stopped advertising their email address, and they never read any out these days. Maybe there were just tumbleweeds in that inbox?
They still use that address as a generic contact address and I have seen them read out positive feedback (naturally) for products like bedding, but nowadays they sell so much jewellery, perfumes and cheap electrical products like near-useless alarm systems that they have relatively little use for this anymore.

They've also stopped showing their "97% of customers were satisfied or very satisfied with their purchase" style of promotion. Don't know when they stopped doing this but it was probably more than two years ago when they were last shown.

And as for people on forums, you always have to beware those people persistently making positive comments about something when the overall feedback tends to be negative; reviews on Amazon can be especially notorious for so-called 'sock-puppetry' depending on the category. I'm definitely not saying that all people with positive things to say are lying/trolls/people with 'issues'/people who work for Bid TV, etc., but all comments should be viewed in their overall context not just in isolation.
You are obviously connected with some one at sit fact im almost sure you are..why would you other wise get so steamed up defending them....are you a secret wife sent to see what people are saying...are you a LADY/GODESS?? :taphead:
You are obviously connected with some one at sit fact im almost sure you are..why would you other wise get so steamed up defending them....are you a secret wife sent to see what people are saying...are you a LADY/GODESS?? :taphead:[/QUOTE

Hopefully "s/he's" left this forum! What a thoroughly embarassing backfire for them lol! Hurling insults based on their own prejudices is not the way to behave & no one has respect or time for a bully, even with the odd "Dear" & God bless" & cringy line of kisses thrown in.
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Can you imagine giving that bag as a gift? I wouldn't even give it to my worst enemy :giggle:[/QUOTE]

I'd give it to Kat Baker. LOL!
I can't believe a Bid presenter visiting a vunerable member of the public in their home... come to think of it they do it every day through the television.

If Mike Mason came to my door he'd get a bucket of cold water on his head and a restraining order.
'The Pot and the Kettle', a riveting book that was previously sold only in Harrods, but is now exclusively available from Bid. Printed on 24 carat gold leaf, this book can be yours for the bargain price of 1p (plus 7.99 delivery and 1.53 phone call charge). :happy:
Hahaha!! PMSL!! :rock::clapping:
Not even for an AAAAA tanzanite encrusted Dr Cringles sandal and a Saworfski shamballa worry angel?

It's almost worth having having a station as sh*% as Bid for a comment like this. The only trouble is you'll be giving them ideas for their spring/summer stock.
Not even Tommy & Kate?

Now I do have a soft spot for Kate. She floats my boat but if she's like Thomas Earnshaw in the fact she was born in 1788 and died in 1845... bought the rights to the name and then pay lip service to the highly regard original T&K then I will have to pass :smirk:

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