Missing cat


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I know just what you're going through. TC is semi feral too. He went missing for over a week once, but turned up one afternoon when I was almost certain we'd never see him again. I think he had been locked in somewhere. He was dirty, tired and very hungry when he came home.
I hope you find lovely Misty soon.
I am so sorry dear Misty is missing and I shall send this to you "May the Universal white light of protection surround Misty and guide her way home to her mum". Perhaps because of the bad weather someone has temporarily taken her indoors to keep her safe till it get better.

Love and light to you MM

Mary x
I am clinging on to the fact that you might be right Mary and some kind sole has taken her in and is feeding her.
I HATE to think of her out in this awful weather, we have had non stop rain and gales for about a week now and thinking of her laying hurt of even worse some where is making me cry. It is the not knowing that is so hard.
oh, mad max, my heart is breaking for you. i know - the not knowing and your mind running riot is just terrible. i'm so sorry this is happening to you. i know it's hard but we have to remind ourselves that animals don't think like we do - we are all guilty of giving them human characteristics. i do this too. when louis went missing we had some of our very rare snow in the south and i was trailing round in the snow crying and calling him. in reality he was thinking only of survival just like he did when he was a stray, before i had him. misty will find shelter and a few mice.

i'm not a religious person but i believe someone said a prayer for louis to st anthony, patron saint of lost animals.

keep your chin up (((big hugs)))
Like Piper, I'm hoping that someone has at least given her a warm bed somewhere, and she'll be back very soon.
These people are around - my mother's opened her garden shed to allow their local feral cat to shelter somewhere dry while the weather's so awful. She also leaves dishes of food for it, although there's absolutely no hope of it ever becoming as tame as Misty.

Keeping everything crossed for you that she saunters home very soon.
My brother's youngest cat disappears - sometimes for three weeks at a time - then reappears as if nothing is amiss. During that time my bro, but especially his wife and the two other cats, are frantic with worry. They search the woodland behind their house but they can never trace her - she just turns up, unharmed, well groomed and not undernourished. sis-in-law is threatening her with a "cat cam"!

She wasn't even a feral cat - so they must all have an in-built sense of self preservation. We forget, of course, that in the wild they would be fending for themselves at a very early age.

Still keeping fingers crossed for you and Misty and hope she's home soon, safe and well.
Just popped in before going to bed MM just to see if there was any news, I will add Misty to my prayer list and perhaps you could say this wee verse which I use " St Anthony St Anthony please bring back those things that are lost to me" it works for me in the oddest of ways.

Love and Light MM
Mary x
if only they could put some sort of tracking device in the darn microchip! presumably they'll invent that eventually.
Another day has passed and still Misty isn't at home in her nice warm bed. It has stopped raining here today but it has also got very cold and we are forecast a heavy frost tonight.
Thank you for all of your kind words they mean so much at a time like this.
I have just had coffee with a friend who"talks" to animals and she is going to "tune in" to her and see if she can "find"her.
Her sister Sky is very out of sorts and is off her food and is wandering around meowing looking sad and lonely.(I know you shouldn't give animals feelings but I can't help it!!)
Hope Misty turns up soon, I do so agree with you Madmax in that it is the knowing that hurts the most! xx

if you haven't already done so (though I hope & will continue to hope that she is absolutely fine & as I say, just holed up somewhere, out of the weather!), it might be an idea to 'phone round/call in at the various vets surgeries in the area, not just to check that she hasn't been brought in but to leave a poster.
Start local & expand the radius as you go on, many people involved (for example only, don't panic!) in an RTA with an animal don't always (even in this day & age of mobiles, sat navs etc.) go to the nearest vet, they go to their own vet, which can sometimes be a fair distance away.

Try the local branch of Cats' Protection as well, they can be tricksy to get hold of but don't be put off by a branch contact number a fair distance away, they nearly always have local contact numbers as well. Google any/all smalll local charities & if not convenient to visit in person, ask if you may email them a copy of your poster for reference.
Any local livery stables might also be worth taking a poster round to & asking to put it up in their tack room, riders hacking out notice quite a lot of things, even kitties they've never seen before & it just might jog someone's memory.

Ask supermarkets etc. as well if you can put a poster up, or a smaller version of it but always include a picture, people always stop to look at a picture rather than just writing; make the picture as clear as possible & as large as practicable.
(I dislike including the local council in any contact list but in worse case scenarios, most do keep a log of RTAs.)
Lastly, make a note of everywhere you left a poster & when Misty returns, try & go round & remove each one (apart from vet surgeries or where you've emailed info., where a 'phone call will suffice), it makes people much more repsonsive next time if they get thanked & told of the outcome, rather than leaving a tatty poster up for months afterwards, or an unresolved note in a diary somewhere.

Hopefully the little miss will come strolling back however, acting as though nothing had happened! xx
Years ago I had a cat go missing for six weeks. I'd actually said to myself that's it she's gone. Then about 6am one morning I heard a cat crying ... we had three at the time ... and rushed out of bed when I realised it was her. And there she was bold as bloody brass sitting a the bottom of the stairs yelling for her breakfast, like she'd only popped out the night before. She was fit, healthy and well and still wearing her name tag with my phone number on it!!

I know you must be so worried but keep hoping. Much love Tinks
Madmax if Misty is an inquisitive cat check it would be worth checking if any of your neighbours have had any van deliveries just in case she's got in the back whilst the doors were open
Madmax if Misty is an inquisitive cat check it would be worth checking if any of your neighbours have had any van deliveries just in case she's got in the back whilst the doors were open

Or have moved recently.....it's not unheard of for people to turn up at their new home with a little 'extra' in the van, I've known it happen quite a few times over the years!
There is still no news about Misty ,but it is dry again here this morning so I am hoping that maybe it will encourage her to come home.
I have called the local vets but will ring round further afield this morning, and will have a look on the catchat forum and maybe post on there.
I hadn't thought about the cat charities as I just assumed they would automatically scan her microchip.
But I am willing to do anything if it gets me some information, even bad news would be better than this just not knowing.
MM - there are quite a few organisations like this one around as well.


i just googled 'lost pet detectives'. i had no idea they existed until there was a tv show about them a few years ago. they had a very high success rate.

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