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Aug 17, 2010
Why do you lot even bother to watch the Bid Shopping channels? All you seem to ever do on here is criticise everybody and everything from the sexuality of the presenters to how dodgy you think the products are. People are doing the job that they are paid to do, would you like everyone to criticise you on the internet for the way you do your job?

Because I used to love until they changed the formula and went to falling price auctions effectively fiddled the price brought on clocks, charge £8 for p&p etc. All the fun bid-up used to be has been taken away by pressure selling, items that are now cheap and mostly found in cheap discount stores. When they make it fun again I will stop criticising, when they stop making out that Tanzanite is so rare they are still selling it 2 years later, when they stop saying things that are untrue then I will stop criticising.
Because there are some presenters who are entertaining like Lisa Brash. Why support a channel and defend a channel who do the things I have listed do you think it is right that Bid Shopping do the things I have listed is it fair they shout about a product being a £1 when it costs the buyer £10?
Also Price Dropper & Stephanie the tactics used to sell the fire blankets particularly by Andy Hodgson were shocking, getting a list of the fire regulations telling people "to fight a chip pan fire by themselves and saying what if it's your elderly mother who is stuck in a kitchen and can't get out well this fire blanket will save her" and even suggesting people by fire extinguishers is appalling. This is why we think Bid have gone downhill.
Why do you lot even bother to watch the Bid Shopping channels? All you seem to ever do on here is criticise everybody and everything from the sexuality of the presenters to how dodgy you think the products are. People are doing the job that they are paid to do, would you like everyone to criticise you on the internet for the way you do your job?


What other channel offers Del Boy sales tactics, talking drivel, deceiving the general public, making wild claims about products, selling shoddy goods made in sweat shops, Tanzanite which is so rare they can sell the stuff all week, charging postage PER item which means if you multi-buy you end up with a shipping cost which could send 5 gold rings round the world twice over - with tracking, insurance and more insurance on top. Premium rate phone charge in small lettering, Smary James Russell, Sally Flapjack who thinks she can sing but can't (she just shouts instead), Peter Simon with his endless comedy which died in the 1970's, silver rings which promote gangrene, comparing prices with the highest mark up cost they can find on the internet, fire blankets with stupid ways of trying to sell them (See above), how many ASA complaints?, food prepared by chefs who burn food and flip the lids on the halogen oven, Stephen Gayford who no one has ever heard of apart from the animals in the Jungle (I'm surprised he hasn't been mauled by a tiger yet), scaremongering, preying on the vunerable....

want me to go on? Why Sit-up hasn't been closed down I do not know but it'll happen some day!
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Stephen Gayford who no one has ever heard of apart from the animals in the Jungle (I'm surprised he hasn't been mauled by a tiger yet)
I can just imagine some lions thinking "Oh no, here comes that Gayford again"

Gayford's art is an acquired taste of course, but the worst part often relates to mass-produced canvas prints sometimes being sold almost as if the artist had hand-painted each and every one.

More deceptions: presenters routinely claiming that an item is at "the lowest possible price" when it's actually selling for MORE than it was the previous day on the same channel in a similar timeslot; the routine misselling of watches and jewellery as being 'gold' when it's either gold plated or (worse still) gold tone; really cheap watches being sold as precision-made quality timepieces when they're most certainly not; an Ingersoll watch being sold as a "strictly limited edition" (a claim repeated several times) one day, followed the next day by EXACTLY the same watch being sold without such claim(s) being made. (So who was right?!?)

Also, a presenter claiming that the Samsung Wave is an Android phone (no it isn't) - though that might have been a one-off mistake, and, finally for now, presenters claiming that celebrities are actually wearing exactly the same item(s) as those being sold as opposed to the items in question just being cheap knock-off imitations, with no hint of a disclaimer. ("London Treasures" in this case, but also see "Padua".)
Why do you lot even bother to watch the Bid Shopping channels? All you seem to ever do on here is criticise everybody and everything from the sexuality of the presenters to how dodgy you think the products are. People are doing the job that they are paid to do, would you like everyone to criticise you on the internet for the way you do your job?


Erasure's song 'I love to hate you' springs to mind ;-)


Sent from my Nokia 3210 using Snake.
Why do you lot even bother to watch the Bid Shopping channels? All you seem to ever do on here is criticise everybody and everything from the sexuality of the presenters to how dodgy you think the products are.
"It's car crash TV, innit?"

You could ask the same question of people who watch TOWIE. Or, for that matter, that depressingly suicidal torture ritual known as EastEnders...

People are doing the job that they are paid to do, would you like everyone to criticise you on the internet for the way you do your job?
You are Fearne Cotton and I claim my £10 :wink:
i keep asking myself why i still watch it, but i find it good viewing in a strange way, all the blatent dishonesty and how people still fall for it, i think its amazing how people like james russell can keep a strait face while presenting, some of their quotes are quite un-believeable, my favourite one from St Peter Simon while bullshitting about tanzanite was 'if you own this ring you will be the courier of the light of the tanzanite, the custodian of the gem, truly magnificent hand designed, not only the classification of the seven clusters, it is a covenent of joy!!!!!!) now that was funny.... and said like he believed it... and im gonna carry on watching it until the sad day comes when they get closed down by the trading standards or eventually go bust cos we all know how honest they are when they say 'you are getting this for a lot less than we paid for it'. i dont know what their excuse will be when they arrive at the 'pearly gates' (imperial freshwater pearls probably)...

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