Another lie another day


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Dec 13, 2011
Kingston on Thames Surrey
That man who calls himself a tanzanite expert is now at this precise moment trying to tell us that they just got a consignement of clearance tanzanite. Now if tanzanite is so rare as all jewellers and shopping channels keep on telling us how come you have a clearance consignment? If they got it from bankrupt stock as he is trying to tell us they would not sell it for rediculous prices I am totally confused. Never in my life and I am on the shady side of 60s have I heard that something that is so valuable and rare be on clearance.
And he has not once mentioned what metal they have used to set this AA premium grade stone.
I phoned customer services to complain about the program they did not have an explanation, they put me on hold and cut me off.
Please is there no law in this country that deals with clowns such as these? Most horrific is that I know a guy who worked for one of these channels and they get paid extremely well as a matter of fact too well, they are like politicians.
They make me sick! How there day abuse our intelligence:puke:
LOL I've noticed that NEVER stipulate what the base material is in their plated (or "finished") jewellery.

It's probably papier mache :tongue:

And yes: tanzanite is so rare that Bid can continually get hold of it and flog it at "silly" prices. Hmmmm... :thinking:
Wouldn't surprise me if Bid's Tanzanite is of low quality. The ring the Tanzanite is set in is probably an out of date hula hoop in gold 'finish'. Going off the quote below, the Tanzanite piece that Peter Simon has got on at this very moment looks very pale.

very pale, transparent, light-violet or light-lavender in shade... AVOID THEM! They are cheap and low quality. In other words, they're not worth the purchase. Tanzanites are only good when they're Deep, Dark Blues and Purples in colour.

AAA grade Tanzanite is the best you can get.
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I'm sorry, but you should be grateful that Bid are bestowing us with such bargains as inevitably they 'paid an absolute fortune' for it and are having to sell it to us for less than they paid for it. At least that is what Peter Simon is always saying, and as you know, he would never lie.
It is all rather a load of bs that these presenters are spouting, isn't it? Unfortunately there are thousands of people out there without the benefit of access to the internet to compare prices or this forum who are being hoodwinked by the dubious claims by these presenters. It's appalling to be quite honest.


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Peter Simon and James Russell have gained access to a rare Tanzanite Mine in the deepest darkest hills of Pontefract which produces Clearance Tanzanite!!

This is a rare form of the rare precious stone Tanzanite, this clearance Tanzanite is so rare only Peter Simon and James Russell have ever managed to get their hands on it, everyday they send 7 dwarves down this mine to fetch this rare clearance Tanzanite.

In order for Bid tv viewers to get there hands on this clearance Tanzanite at such a low price the dwarves are not paid not in money but in kind by a visit to the bid shopping mattress that is Lisa Brash.

All you people moaning and groaning about the Clearance Tanzanite should realise the sacrifices Peter, James and the dwarves put themsleves through to ensure the loyal bid viewers are given the rarest of rare gems.

If the dwarves don't mine fast enough or hard enough they are subject to a torrent of Paul Evers singing and if that doesn't work recordings of Sally Jaxx are piped into the mines until the dwarves are working at 100% productivity.

Next time you are passing Pontefract think of those poor dwarves banging away at all hours just to keep the bid viewers happy!

A personal thank you to the Clearance Tanzanite Dwarves without whom Clearance Tanzanite would not exist.
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Tanzanite is set in is probably an out of date hula hoop in gold 'finish'. Going off the quote below, the Tanzanite piece that Peter Simon has got on at this very moment looks very pale.

AAA grade Tanzanite is the best you can get.

I have an AAA grade tanzanite ring. Three stones, not bought from any shopping channel. It looks nothing like the things situps are selling as triple A. As, of course, certain people on this forum keep spouting, situps are a good honest company we must assume that their triple A grades are not a bit like seconds ie badly cut, or are chips and they are flogging them 'cheap' out of the goodness of their heart and my ring is obviously a fake... Hang your head in shame Hatton Garden jewellers
This is a rare form of the rare precious stone Tanzanite, this clearance Tanzanite is so rare only Peter Simon and James Russell have ever managed to get their hands on it, everyday they send 7 dwarves down this mine to fetch this rare clearance Tanzanite.

Mark Ryes?
I think it means that he is an absolutely vile nasty bitter little **** who excels at being an absolutely vile nasty bitter bigoted ****!!

But that's just my completely biased opinion!!

And Stumpy; don't be so vague in future: say what you mean! :wink:
James Russell and other presenters also say that Tanzanite is so precious that the mine occasionally buys back gems they have sold, and because Sit-up's Tanzanite is so desirable and such good value why hasn't the mine given Sit-up a good offer for their clearance Tanzanite in the first place?

That's what I want to know! :wink2:
James Russell and other presenters also say that Tanzanite is so precious that the mine occasionally buys back gems they have sold, and because Sit-up's Tanzanite is so desirable and such good value why hasn't the mine given Sit-up a good offer for their clearance Tanzanite in the first place?

That's what I want to know! :wink2:

That's a VERY good point! I wonder if our resident Bid expert would be able to explain?
if you own this ring you will be the courier of the light of the tanzanite.... the custodian of the jem.... truly magnificent... hand designed????
not only the classification of the 7 clusters... it is a covenant of joy!!!!!
Not only the price point of the tanzanite; not only the iridescent cut finish; not only the rarity of the exquisite stones; not only the hand-finished elegance; not only the made-up cobblers of a shopping channel that pretends to be selling premium goods but instead sells tat to gullible viewers as if it's about to go bankrupt...

(All of the above was made up rubbish but so is the real sales pitch.)

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