Witter, witter, witter!


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Oct 20, 2009
Umbria, Italy
I have had a look through the last two days posts and haven't read anything about Anne Dawson. Not her appearance in the red dress (which was shocking) but about her constant talking. She was on for three or four hours and never shut up. It was unbearable. She talked over the guests, didn't bother giving the sizes and said nothing that was helpful or of interest. She just kept wittering on and on and on. The Ronni Nicole lady couldn't get a word in and Basso was clearly frustated with her.
Did anyone see the little episode where Sharon was sitting on a chair, clad in fake fur and DB said that he was going to walk over and stand behind her because they looked like a fabulous couple?? Well Anne trotted over too and pushed herself in making an already slightly embarassing situation even more awkward. Basso implied that he and Sharon were the glam couple whilst Anne was merely the nanny and should trot off and look after the children. Then he said that in the US people always picked plain nannies to avoid the hubby running off with the help. Clearly implying that Anne was very plain.
I can't stand Dennis Basso but I did get a certain amount of pleasure because Ann Dawson was just awful. She also implied that the powers that be had kept her and Basso apart for five years because they caused too much trouble; as if they had too much fun together. I suspect that he prefers to have a presenter who shuts up now and then.
I don't normally mind AD but she was terrible yesterday and should have been reined in, shut up and sent home.
Then we had Charlie. A man presenting fashion is acceptable and could actually be productive because a man would give you the sizes, ask about or point out the cut and design of the outfit without gabbling on about how they love this dress and how they are wearing the small blah blah blah. BUT Charlie was almost as awful as Anne with that false "Play School" like amazement at everything. Also, he askes how tall Tanya/Goody/Jo/Amica is and then says "on the rest of us this dress will come to the knee". Why don't they just give us the length of the dress!!! If it is under 40 inches I won't be buying it. Simple!
Then we had Glenn who was really quite rude to Joy. Not intentionally I feel, but rude none the less. He said that the dress covered her lumps and bumps implying that she had them rather than saying, as they usually do, the garment will skim over any lumps and bumps that soem ladies may have. Joy actually reeled in amazement. What he said may well have just come out badly but he didn't try to correct himself by saying that Joys lumps and bumps were all in the right places. Which they are!
All in all an entertaining weekend - for all the wrong reasons.
I have had a look through the last two days posts and haven't read anything about Anne Dawson. Not her appearance in the red dress (which was shocking) but about her constant talking. She was on for three or four hours and never shut up. It was unbearable. She talked over the guests, didn't bother giving the sizes and said nothing that was helpful or of interest. She just kept wittering on and on and on. The Ronni Nicole lady couldn't get a word in and Basso was clearly frustated with her.
Did anyone see the little episode where Sharon was sitting on a chair, clad in fake fur and DB said that he was going to walk over and stand behind her because they looked like a fabulous couple?? Well Anne trotted over too and pushed herself in making an already slightly embarassing situation even more awkward. Basso implied that he and Sharon were the glam couple whilst Anne was merely the nanny and should trot off and look after the children. Then he said that in the US people always picked plain nannies to avoid the hubby running off with the help. Clearly implying that Anne was very plain.
I can't stand Dennis Basso but I did get a certain amount of pleasure because Ann Dawson was just awful. She also implied that the powers that be had kept her and Basso apart for five years because they caused too much trouble; as if they had too much fun together. I suspect that he prefers to have a presenter who shuts up now and then.
I don't normally mind AD but she was terrible yesterday and should have been reined in, shut up and sent home.
Then we had Charlie. A man presenting fashion is acceptable and could actually be productive because a man would give you the sizes, ask about or point out the cut and design of the outfit without gabbling on about how they love this dress and how they are wearing the small blah blah blah. BUT Charlie was almost as awful as Anne with that false "Play School" like amazement at everything. Also, he askes how tall Tanya/Goody/Jo/Amica is and then says "on the rest of us this dress will come to the knee". Why don't they just give us the length of the dress!!! If it is under 40 inches I won't be buying it. Simple!
Then we had Glenn who was really quite rude to Joy. Not intentionally I feel, but rude none the less. He said that the dress covered her lumps and bumps implying that she had them rather than saying, as they usually do, the garment will skim over any lumps and bumps that soem ladies may have. Joy actually reeled in amazement. What he said may well have just come out badly but he didn't try to correct himself by saying that Joys lumps and bumps were all in the right places. Which they are!
All in all an entertaining weekend - for all the wrong reasons.

I thought that she looked the best model in that TSV dress. She really does go 'in and out' in the right places and certainly doesn't have any 'lumps and bumps,' Glenn really should go, he really doesn't tell us anything that us wise girls know already, I wish he would get back to singing again, rather liked that song Rhinestone Cowboy!.....hey, that's what he is, a fashion cowboy! [unskilled and dodgy]
Then we had Glenn who was really quite rude to Joy. Not intentionally I feel, but rude none the less. He said that the dress covered her lumps and bumps implying that she had them rather than saying, as they usually do, the garment will skim over any lumps and bumps that soem ladies may have. Joy actually reeled in amazement. What he said may well have just come out badly but he didn't try to correct himself by saying that Joys lumps and bumps were all in the right places. Which they are!

I saw the Glen bit. It really was so rude. I thought Joy managed to react beautifully. Joy has one of the best figures of anyone on QVC and amazing legs. Glen was out of order but then he speaks at around 500 mph so I doubt he has time to engage his brain before opening his mouth. But it's not the first time. A couple of weeks ago he was manhandling some of the fabric on an outfit and lifted it up very nearly revealing rather more of the model than would have been polite! And don't get me started on his fashion advice - on yesterday's TSV "Just go with the colour you like". Thanks for that, Glen ...
.... She was on for three or four hours and never shut up. It was unbearable. She talked over the guests, didn't bother giving the sizes and said nothing that was helpful or of interest. She just kept wittering on and on and on. The Ronni Nicole lady couldn't get a word in and Basso was clearly frustated with her.


And you stayed and watched for all that time :cheeky:
I would rather look at Joy than Amika who puckers her lips constantly like she is sucking on a lemon.
Her and Tania seem to be on QVC modelling all the time lately, sick of seeing them.
(mum writes)

It's funny how we all see different things in any given situation. I thought AD was actually rather good with Basso. They were having a lot of fun together and it made the shows interesting to watch. Basso does actually ask for AD when he has his shows because he does enjoy her company. AD does have a sharp sense of humour but few people seem to see it. I thought the show was a lot of fun, with some great moments and it was one of the few highlights of a very dull weekend. The incident with Sharon was tongue in cheek, and they banter like that often. I can't help but feel that a lot of opinion here is clouded by the forum's apparent blanket dislike for Basso. I'd rather watch these two on screen together than JR and Simon Wilson, who seem to think they're God's gift to TV audiences. And Glen? Least said, soonest mended. He just gets switched off. His appearances insult the viewers and the guests (and the models on occasion!). He probably just likes to have a good grope and get paid for it. I guess it's all things to all people but it's what makes this forum interesting :)
(mum writes)

It's funny how we all see different things in any given situation. I thought AD was actually rather good with Basso. They were having a lot of fun together and it made the shows interesting to watch. Basso does actually ask for AD when he has his shows because he does enjoy her company. AD does have a sharp sense of humour but few people seem to see it. I thought the show was a lot of fun, with some great moments and it was one of the few highlights of a very dull weekend. The incident with Sharon was tongue in cheek, and they banter like that often. I can't help but feel that a lot of opinion here is clouded by the forum's apparent blanket dislike for Basso. I'd rather watch these two on screen together than JR and Simon Wilson, who seem to think they're God's gift to TV audiences. And Glen? Least said, soonest mended. He just gets switched off. His appearances insult the viewers and the guests (and the models on occasion!). He probably just likes to have a good grope and get paid for it. I guess it's all things to all people but it's what makes this forum interesting :)

I am not averse to a bit of fun and of course the incident with Sharon was tongue in cheek but I felt it was forced and rather uncomfortable. My main point was that Anne Dawson was in hyperactive mode which I found highly irritating and frankly counter productive. My tolerance level must have been low over the weekend OR yours is high!
I saw the Glen bit. It really was so rude. I thought Joy managed to react beautifully. Joy has one of the best figures of anyone on QVC and amazing legs. Glen was out of order but then he speaks at around 500 mph so I doubt he has time to engage his brain before opening his mouth. But it's not the first time. A couple of weeks ago he was manhandling some of the fabric on an outfit and lifted it up very nearly revealing rather more of the model than would have been polite! And don't get me started on his fashion advice - on yesterday's TSV "Just go with the colour you like". Thanks for that, Glen ...

He tripped himself up the other day talking so fast about the dress that was called oh so slim (the TSV i think) he said oh so simple ,! must have been thinking of his breakfast. !
I have had a look through the last two days posts and haven't read anything about Anne Dawson. Not her appearance in the red dress (which was shocking) but about her constant talking. She was on for three or four hours and never shut up. It was unbearable. She talked over the guests, didn't bother giving the sizes and said nothing that was helpful or of interest. She just kept wittering on and on and on. The Ronni Nicole lady couldn't get a word in and Basso was clearly frustated with her.
Did anyone see the little episode where Sharon was sitting on a chair, clad in fake fur and DB said that he was going to walk over and stand behind her because they looked like a fabulous couple?? Well Anne trotted over too and pushed herself in making an already slightly embarassing situation even more awkward. Basso implied that he and Sharon were the glam couple whilst Anne was merely the nanny and should trot off and look after the children. Then he said that in the US people always picked plain nannies to avoid the hubby running off with the help. Clearly implying that Anne was very plain.
I can't stand Dennis Basso but I did get a certain amount of pleasure because Ann Dawson was just awful. She also implied that the powers that be had kept her and Basso apart for five years because they caused too much trouble; as if they had too much fun together. I suspect that he prefers to have a presenter who shuts up now and then.
I don't normally mind AD but she was terrible yesterday and should have been reined in, shut up and sent home.
Then we had Charlie. A man presenting fashion is acceptable and could actually be productive because a man would give you the sizes, ask about or point out the cut and design of the outfit without gabbling on about how they love this dress and how they are wearing the small blah blah blah. BUT Charlie was almost as awful as Anne with that false "Play School" like amazement at everything. Also, he askes how tall Tanya/Goody/Jo/Amica is and then says "on the rest of us this dress will come to the knee". Why don't they just give us the length of the dress!!! If it is under 40 inches I won't be buying it. Simple!
Then we had Glenn who was really quite rude to Joy. Not intentionally I feel, but rude none the less. He said that the dress covered her lumps and bumps implying that she had them rather than saying, as they usually do, the garment will skim over any lumps and bumps that soem ladies may have. Joy actually reeled in amazement. What he said may well have just come out badly but he didn't try to correct himself by saying that Joys lumps and bumps were all in the right places. Which they are!
All in all an entertaining weekend - for all the wrong reasons.
Agree! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Shocking, like the lady said, please give us information and stop wittering on!

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