I agree, I've just watched one of her shows (the
lola rose one) and she was terrible! she seem
s kinda common if you ask me, a bit like Jill Franks and Jilly Halliday!
I dont and never have liked her but what a snob you are.
I agree, I've just watched one of her shows (the
lola rose one) and she was terrible! she seem
s kinda common if you ask me, a bit like Jill Franks and Jilly Halliday!
I agree, I've just watched one of her shows (the lola rose one) and she was terrible! she seems kinda common if you ask me, a bit like Jill Franks and Jilly Halliday!
I agree, I've just watched one of her shows (the lola rose one) and she was terrible! she seems kinda common if you ask me, a bit like Jill Franks and Jilly Halliday!
One of the reasons the presenters in the 'good old days' are held in such high esteem is because they were the first of a kind on British TV. They had to contend with wobbling, uninspiring, and collapsing scenery and there were fewer items with consequently longer presentations which meant that the presenters had to be able to hold our interest for much longer.
Debbie was consistently herself, whether you like that self or not and, as mentioned before, the product was the star, not Debbie. Julia was always a bit too full of herself. Another reason for the affection for the 'old' presenters was that they worked together as a team and helped us to feel part of the experience. These days,of necessity, because things change, the presenters have to be slick sales men and women which triggers the longing in some of us for the 'good' old days.:nod:
Was she really that good then? So many posts have referred to the 'good old days' with Debbie, Paul and Steve(?) etc, that I assumed that those presenters were the bees knees. I just felt a bit disappointed today to be honest! Debbie was better in the Lola Rose shows, but I couldn't see anything remarkable about her. And if she used to have holes or ladders in her tights, well that was really careless of her.
I dont and never have liked her but what a snob you are.
I'm not a snob, just voicing my opinion, which I had understood a forum like this was all about. QVC always comes across as a more up market shopping channel (compared with bid tv) however some presenters come across as quite scruffy when describing products! I'm not saying everyone should have a cut glass english accent (I certainly dont) but come on sometimes its just cring worthy!
Obviously you haven't watched Jill Franks or Kathy Tayler then i presume?:thinking2:
There's nothing wrong with having an accent, the reporter on Sky News Neil Patterson (don't know if that's the correct spelling, sorry) manages just fine with his strong Glasgow accent. Anne Dawson to me is unwatchable for many reasons but not her accent.
Bless her, she hasn't worn very well. I don't think any of the lady presenters have got anything to worry about , they shouldn't feel threatened in any way.:54:
I couldn't possibly comment on the 'good old days' (I've been watching QVC for the past 3 1/2 yrs) and I can see the point behind some of the posts. However, these very posts had created an expectation in me of seeing a professional of some calibre and imo she is not. Far from it. Surely, Debbie could not possibly appeal to everyone and I wish her best of luck with her new career move.
I doubt that any of us can honestly say we've worn well but the one thing that doesn't seem to have changed is her down to earth personality and that's exactly what the 'lady presenters' should be worried about. At least Debbie makes you feel that she's one of us, would mind going out & getting p***ed off her a**e with you. With most of the others I always feel as if I'm being patronised and it's sometimes hard to hear what they're saying from high on the pedestals they put themselves on. Nah, give me girl like Debs to pry open me wallet and nick me dosh everytime. I think if Debbie reads these posts, she'll be honest enough with herself to agree that she's not everyone's 'cup of tea', but then I don't suppose all of us would be hers either. That's what makes the world go around. The amount of adoration shown in these posts are (I suspect, mine included), simply a reflection of how much we appreciate having her back. I can appreciate that in a few years time, these will be 'the good old days' for some, just as the 60's & 70's were a television golden age for those of us (me) who are old enough to remember them. I'm sure Debbie would agree with a wink in her eye that 'there's nothing like an old pro to shows us how it's done' and that has been sorely missing from shopping telly recently.
I can see by your post how Debbie would be your cup of tea!!Everyone will make up their own minds as to what they expect from a proficient presenter.I am amazed at all the newbies that seem to have joined us for the second coming of Debbie Flint LOL LOL